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Part 10 of The Unreliable's Light - The Main Adventures

1701-Back From The Dead

Chapter 5: Seacole Scrapes the Star.

Chapter Text

The Type 7 shuttle Seacole is launched from the Unreliable, modified to collect solar radiation with Gary & Wally in the cockpit. As the shuttle flies away from the 2 ships, the Enterprise-B contacts them.
“Alright, Enterprise. Seacole is heading to the star to prepare for collection.” Gary says.
“That’s good, don’t get any closer than Mercury is to our sun. That should allow for a good amount to be collected without much damage to the shuttle.” Commander Linojj replies.
A bit of time goes by, before Wally speaks up “So, did you hear about the unknown fleet that flew by the galaxy recently?”
“Oh, that? Yeah, I heard the Odyssey came across it.” Gary replied as he prepared the shuttle to collect the radiation.
Wally remenices before saying “I saw the pictures and it was very strange… The Mothership had a white and black design, and seemingly was sentient.”
“Is that so? Captain Keogh didn’t mention that in the interview I watched.” Gary states as the shuttle gets as close as it could to the star. “Should be ready to collect radiation now, but do explain how it was seemingly alive.” Gary says, sitting back in his chair after setting off the equipment to collect the radiation.
“It had eyes,” Wally states.
“I could put eyes on a PADD, a phaser, a tricorder, this shuttle… Would those be alive?” Gary asks, not convinced.
“The footage showed it glanced at the Odyssey before looking a bit shocked and speeding up a bit, the other ships following in suit.” Wally pulls out a PADD, and looks through the files. “See, here it is.” he states as he shows footage shot through one of the windows of the Odyssey.
Gary stares at the PADD in confusion. “Hm… Not sure what to say. I’ll believe it when I see it myself. Kinda looks like some of those machines we have in the Tranquillity Lounge.” Gary says, handing the PADD back to Wally.
As they talked, the shuttle collected radiation to power the torpedoes. The radiation was sent into small, tightly sealed tanks, each about the size of a soda can. They make their way out of orbit, getting all the energy they need to make some new torpedoes.

Once they get back to the Unreliable, they put their previously theoretical plan into motion, making the torpedoes with care and precision. Johannah seems to be talking to someone nobody can see, definitely on eye level and even enjoying the conversation.
“Hey, Jo. Could you help with assembly? We’ve only got 2 pairs of hands here.” Gary asks, looking over at the ewe.
Johannah nods, getting up and walking to Wally & Gary, who were soon joined by the arrival of the EMH & Sally.
“I assume you have acquired the radiation?” The EMH says, his hands clasped tight in front of him.
“Yep. Enough for 30 torpedoes between the 2 ships.” Gary says, opening a photon torpedo up and plugging in the canister.
“Only 30? Are you sure that’ll be enough?” Sally asks, concerned.
“If what they said is correct, 30 is more than enough. Plus once they’re weakened, we can use our regular weapons.” Wally explains, doing what Gary did before to another torpedo.
“Plus afterward, we can stock up anywhere. There’s like, what, a billion stars?” Gary says.
“Supposedly about 100 billion.” Wally answers, remembering what he heard in a documentary once.
“Eh, close enough.” Gary states, shrugging as he converts another torpedo.
“So… What are we calling these things?” Sally asks, leaning on a regular photon torpedo.
“Y’know, despite our planning, I don’t think we’ve come up with one.” The EMH says, sitting on a chair next to Sally.
Whilst the crew were thinking of names, Captain Demora Sulu walks in, looking around. “So… How are those new torpedoes coming along?” Demora asks, looking at the crew.
“Oh, they’re going along quite fine… We’re just thinking of names.” Wally says.
“Well, their power comes from solar radiation, so why don’t we name them after old earth sun gods?” Demora says, walking to Wally.
“It’s certainly some place to start.” Johannah says, helping put together a torpedo as she speaks, continuing to do so.
The group theorised for a while as the 60 torpedoes were put together… Before eventually, the EMH was the one who came up with the name.
“Sol Torpedoes. How about that?” The EMH says, looking at the group.
“I like the sound of that. What about you people?” Demora replies, looking amongst the others for any disagreement.
“I think it sounds good.” Sally says.
“I second that.” Johannah states. Sounds of general agreement echoed amongst the group as the name was decided upon.

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