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Part 7 of Star Trek: First Duty

Reserved for Those Willing

Chapter 5


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Two weeks after Leo's arrival, Lieutenant Guilla Vazen walked alongside Lieutenant (jg) Timm on Musashi's flight deck. Every day for the past five weeks, both pilots happily worked long hours ferrying parts, equipment, and personnel from various locations back to the ship. The pair were among the first to request transfers to the pre-commissioning unit upon Timm hearing that Leo Verde would command the ship.

Before then, along with most the survivors from Repulse, they were pressed into service as shuttle pilots on Spacedock, in orbit of Earth. Adding to the general malaise of an uncertain future, they suffered through nearly four months of the most agonizingly boring flights to and from Earth and Luna before all of them were cleared by Starfleet to seek other berths. At that point, they understood that both the Keller and T'Rel courts-martial found their respective conclusions.

Having become friends in the pilots' ready room on Repulse, and working together as a team to survive a harrowing escape from the ship with refugees aboard, Vazen and Timm resolved to find a new home where they could continue their professional relationship. This narrowed down the list of suitable billets to only a handful in dire need of skilled officers with a significant number of flight hours under their belts.

One morning while browsing the latest openings, an announcement caught Timm's attention:

Urgent Need for Auxiliary Craft Pilots

The Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Musashi, NCC-3347, is currently seeking qualified Auxiliary Craft Pilots for immediate assignment to the newly formed Flight Department. Musashi is a Matsumoto-class multimission command cruiser in the final phase of construction at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, with an expected commissioning in the near future. This billet represents a critical need as the Musashi prepares for its first deployment under the command of Captain R. E. Verde, expected to depart on or around Stardate 4125.

Ideal candidates must possess experience in auxiliary craft operations and flight coordination in both routine and high-tempo environments. Applicants should be fully qualified and hold the appropriate certifications for small craft piloting, including shuttlecraft and combat-ready auxiliary craft for marine operations.

This is an exceptional opportunity to serve aboard a state-of-the-art vessel and play an essential role in its operational readiness.

Interested officers are encouraged to submit their applications immediately through the Bureau of Personnel for expedited consideration.

Within an hour of reading, both sent in their applications to the Bureau of Personnel.

They received their transfer orders twenty-four hours later.

Twenty minutes after that, they boarded a shuttle for Mars.

"Morning, Captain," greeted Major Teme Sh'vaares, Musashi's Andorian marine detachment commander. She straightened slightly in her seat within the wardroom on deck three, her posture as sharp as the insignia of a proper major gleaming on her 'monster midnight' uniform.

"Morning, Major," Leo responded with a grin, making his way toward the bank of replicators. Just as he approached, a steward deftly stepped into his path.

"Excuse me, sir. If you'll allow, my staff and I can take your order," said Master Chief Steward Brodd, his sky blue departmental tabs contrasting against the black-and-white steward’s uniform. "How about a coffee to start?"

Momentarily thrown by the sudden attention—service that hadn’t existed just yesterday—Leo paused before responding, "Hot cocoa, please."

"Coming right up, Captain," Brodd replied smoothly, already moving to fulfill the request.

Leo took a seat across from Sh'vaares, his gaze following the Bolian steward as he busily prepared the drink. "Is he new?" he asked, eyeing Brodd with mild curiosity as another steward slid a PADD displaying the breakfast menu in front of him.

Teme lifted her mug of strong raktajino, smirking as she took a sip. "A whole crew of stewards arrived on this morning's flight. Brodd's our new chief steward." She raised her voice just slightly as Brodd approached once more, grinning ear to ear.

"Indeed, I am, Major," Brodd confirmed as he set the cocoa down in front of Leo with a practiced grace. "Very pleased to make your acquaintance."

Leo leaned in, inhaling the rich aroma wafting from the mug. His eyes briefly fluttered shut in appreciation. "That's incredible, Master Chief. Delighted to make yours, as well." He took a careful sip of the hot liquid and smiled. "Tastes as good as it smells."

The Bolian offered a humble bow. "Please call me Brodd, sir. I'm glad you like it. Consider it a small gift… from a mutual friend."

"Mutual friend?" Leo raised a brow.

"Yes, sir. I come by way of the flagship Farragut. Spent the last three years on Admiral Essa's staff."

Leo’s eyes widened at the revelation. "Ah, well, in that case… welcome aboard, Brodd. I will let Neema know you arrived safely."

Brodd’s grin widened. "Much appreciated, sir. Now, may I offer you some breakfast to go with that cocoa?"

After ordering eggs benedict, Leo found himself alone with Major Sh'vaares once again. The Andorian marine chuckled, her antennae twitching in amusement. "You're on a first-name basis with the commanding admiral of Task Force Seventeen?"

Leo blushed slightly and let out a soft chuckle. "Uh... it's a long story."

Sh'vaares raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued, but she recognized her captain’s subtle reluctance. "Fair enough," she replied, noting that he wasn’t inclined to elaborate — at least, not in this setting. She was just about to change the subject when the wardroom doors parted, admitting a new face, this one wearing the insignia of a full commander on his bomber jacket.

"Captain Leo Verde," came a familiar Irish-lilted voice, thick with amusement. "How the hell are you, sir?"

Leo shot up from his seat, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Callum! You made it!"

Callum O'Brien let out a sharp, staccato laugh. "You called, I ran. All right?"

"I'm all right," Leo said, giving him a hearty pat on the back. "Let me introduce you. Major Sh'vaares, this is Commander Callum O'Brien, our new chief engineer. And Major Sh'vaares is the CO of our marine detachment — also known as the Bushido Battalion."

O'Brien extended his hand to Sh'vaares, his Irish lilt warm and friendly. "A pleasure, Major. I think this is my first time serving with a proper marine unit."

Sh'vaares clasped his hand firmly, her grin sharpening at the edges. "Well, I promise not to piss in your sacred potted plants, Commander."

Her tone turned noticeably cooler, and Leo quickly stepped in, casting a glance at his engineer. "I don’t think Callum meant anything by that, Major. He’s got a healthy respect for the Corps. Don’t you, Callum?"

O'Brien nodded quickly, his grin fading. "Of course, Major. I meant no disrespect. Sometimes the accent makes me sound more trite than I mean to."

She eased her posture, though her eyes still held a wary edge. "Perhaps. But I take protecting my marines seriously."

Leo stepped in smoothly, his tone warm but firm. "Our marines, Major."

Sh'vaares dipped her head, conceding. "Yes, sir." She knew well that her captain had a history of working alongside marines, and that respect had to be mutual.

Sensing the tension, Leo shifted his weight. "Well, I should head upstairs and get the daily report from Skansh."

O'Brien perked up, clearly eager to move past the awkwardness. "The SupShip? Mind if I tag along? Got a few questions for him."

Leo smiled, nodding. "I’m sure he'd be delighted to meet you, Callum. Major, until next time."

Once inside the lift, O'Brien quipped dryly, "She’s a bundle of warmth, isn’t she?"

Leo smirked. "It's her first fleet detachment. She’s spent her entire career in the comfortable confines of marine barracks. The few times she’s worked with fleet officers haven’t been exactly... ideal. So, she’s got her guard up. Sometimes overdoes it on the defense, but don’t take it personally."

O'Brien nodded, thoughtful. "Got it. Funny, my dealings with marines have been the opposite. Always cheery, couldn’t shake them off."

The lift doors slid open, revealing the unfinished bridge. Leo stepped out and replied, "Lucky you. My first year on Decker was all about proving I wasn’t some candy-assed lieutenant."

O'Brien’s brow furrowed. "What brought that on?"

"I was assistant Ops but wanted to join in on hot boardings. I had to train with the marines until I got my quals. They didn’t make it easy."

As they walked across the bridge, heading toward the ready room, Leo added with a grin, "Morning, Skansh. I’ve brought you a special guest today."

Already on his feet, the diminutive Skansh glanced up from his PADD with a grin. "Ah, I see that, Leo. Well, hello, Callum."

Leo’s brow lifted as he looked between the two. "Wait— you two know each other?"

"Callum worked under me almost nine years ago," Skansh replied, stepping forward to shake O'Brien's hand. "Good to see you again, Commander."

O'Brien flashed a wide grin. "I was on his team for a year when we built Fearless," he explained to Leo. "Didn’t realize Skansh was SupShip until you mentioned it earlier. Had to come say hello."

Skansh tilted his head slightly. "You just got in?"

O'Brien nodded. "Yeah, Vazen ferried me over not more than thirty minutes ago."

Leo slid into the open chair behind the desk, content to let Skansh and O'Brien catch up. He leaned back slightly, enjoying the easy flow of conversation between two officers who had clearly developed a solid rapport over their shared time working together. Their banter brought back memories of his own service with close colleagues: the years spent alongside R'raia on Decker, long conversations with Grax aboard Hansen, and the countless shared missions with Keena Val on both ships.

Now, his friends were scattered across the fleet. Commander R'raia had earned her own starship, Airam. Lieutenant Commander Grax was still holding the XO post on Decker. And Keena Val, now a captain, had taken the helm of Helios, an Excelsior-class vessel assigned to the Galaxy Exploration Command. The thought of serving with any of them again was tempting, but duty had pulled them in different directions.

As the two engineers eventually took their seats in front of him, the conversation shifted to business. Skansh efficiently ran through the latest updates, briefing both Leo and O'Brien. By the time he wrapped up, most of their scheduled hour had already slipped away.

"You’ve got everything under control, as usual," O'Brien remarked, a satisfied grin on his face. "Not that I expected anything less."

Skansh chuckled, the sound gruff but good-natured. "Always nice to hear my work is appreciated." He rose from his seat, heading for the exit, but stopped just short of the door. "Oh, I nearly forgot." He turned back, his hoof-like fingers tapping at his PADD. "A friend of mine in Starfleet Heraldry mentioned they finalized the design for the commissioning plaque. Figured you might want to take a look at what they came up with for the ship’s plaque and motto."

Leo's terminal chimed with an incoming message. He scanned the screen quickly, his smile widening. "Looks like they got it right. Given the Musashi's legacy, I’d say it’s a perfect fit." With a flick of his wrist, Leo spun the terminal around to give O'Brien a view of the display:

"Spot on," O'Brien remarked with a grin. "I prefer 'em short and to the point. No need for an epic saga."

Skansh snorted, amused. "Figured you'd appreciate that."

Leo, almost to himself, muttered, "My father would like it, too." Then louder, he added, "Pass along my thanks, would you?"

"Consider it done." Skansh nodded, turning on his heel and heading for the exit. "Catch you both later," the Tellarite called over his shoulder as he stepped through the door and back onto the bridge.


Click on the plaque for a larger version. The names on the plaque are mostly Star Trek Online technical staff and producers I've had the pleasure of meeting over the years, along with those who contributed to the amazing artwork for the shows themselves.

Series this work belongs to: