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Part 11 of The Raptor-verse

The Gang's Kinda All Here


The Gallena and her crew pay a visit to Tuchanka where they find something very unpleasant waiting for them. Also, Mordin has to take care of a personal matter, and we end with a leadup to the next episode.

Chapter 1: Act One: Introducing Urdnot Wrex


The Gallena and her crew pay a visit to Tuchanka where they find something very unpleasant waiting for them. Also, Mordin has to take care of a personal matter, and we end with a leadup to the next episode.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

RW Gallena


Sitting at the head of the conference room table, Subcommander Avesti addressed the group that she had assembled.  “All right…our next stop is Tuchanka.  So…tell me what I should expect.”

“Sand…lots of sand.”  Vega quipped, “Plus assorted wild and ‘tame’ varren, klixen, the odd thresher maw, and…oh yeah…a shitload of angry krogan.”

“That pretty much sums up, Tuchanka.”  Kaidan agreed with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Accurate summation of native fauna.”  Mordin affirmed, “Very limited flora on planet due to radiation and climate change from nuclear wars.”

“So…what do we know about their leadership?”  The subcommander inquired.

“Next to nothing.”  Kaidan shook his head.  “The krogan aren’t very forthcoming with outsiders about their internal politics.”

“Clans vie for control.”  Mordin explained, “One clan briefly dominates and then leader is overthrown.”

“Generally killed.”  Garrus interjected with a laugh.

“Correct.  Krogan politics usually fatal.”  Mordin asserted, “Winning side…losing side…doesn’t matter.  Lots of deaths by the end.”

“And then the next round of jockeying and killing begins.”  Kaidan finished somberly, shaking his head.

“Correct again.”  The salarian scientist grimly affirmed.

“You’d think they’d have driven themselves to extinction living the way they do.” Tovan Kev, the warbird’s executive officer, remarked somberly.

“Parameters for genophage adjusted to account for krogan violence.”  The salarian scientist responded.  “Reproductive rate of fertile females adequate to maintain numbers necessary for viable population.”

Shaking her head, Satra, the Gallena’s science officer, rebuked.  “The genophage shouldn’t have been introduced in the first place.”

“No choice.”  Mordin countered defensively, “Krogan Rebellions existential threat to galaxy.  Countless number of lives lost.  More would have died.  Something had to be done.  Did not want to exterminate krogan people—that would have been a horrible crime.  Genophage best solution.  Preserves krogan people and society.  Gives krogan opportunity to evolve into a more peaceful society that can participate fully in galactic community.”

“So…you would welcome the krogan back into your Council again if they can prove that they are willing to make peace?”  Lieutenant Commander Cilla Oudekirk, the senior Starfleet officer on board, queried.

“Yes!”  Mordin vehemently replied, “Krogan can make great contributions.  Hopefully, current leadership will be amenable to change.”

“Let’s hope you’re right.”  V’lana concluded as she rose to her feet, “If there’s nothing else…”

Raising his hand, the salarian scientist implored, “May I see you, Subcommander…in private.  Delicate matter involving Tuchanka.”

Nodding her head, the subcommander agreed, “Of course, Mordin.  Come with me to my ready room.  We can talk there.”

“Thank you.”  Mordin replied.  “Will be brief.”


V’lana’s Ready Room

“Have a seat.”  V’lana requested as she walked to the replicator.  “Tarkalian tea.  Anything for you?”

“Yes, Chamomile tea, please.”  The salarian scientist replied as he sat down on the couch his lips turning up in a slight grin, “Have developed taste for it.  Soothing.”

“You should try Tarkalian tea sometime.”  The subcommander replied with a grin, “I find it does the same thing.  So…” She inquired, quickly getting to the point, “What do you need to talk about?”

Mordin responded after taking a sip of his tea, “Was part of STG reconnaissance team assigned to Tuchanka to monitor and evaluate genophage under Captain Kirrahe…”

“Kaidan mentioned a Captain Kirrahe who was killed at Virmire.”  V’lana commented, “Are we talking about the same person?”

“Was commanding officer.”  The salarian explained.  “Our mission was reconnaissance.  Covert operation—tissue…water analysis…studying effects of genophage.  Good officer…bit of a cloaca though…Hold the line! Chest thumping…military bravado…no offense”  Mordin chuckled.

“None taken.”  V’lana joked back, also laughing.

Continuing, the salarian remarked, “Preferred to just get the job done and go home.”

“I know someone like that.”  The lovely Romulan subcommander replied with a chuckle as she demurely crossed her legs.  “He’s a good officer—maybe a little high strung sometimes, but very capable in a fight.”

“That describes Captain Kirrahe.”  Mordin declared, nodding his head.  “Good officer.  His second in command, Commander Rentolla was also a good man.  Diligent…great quartermaster.  Made sure we stayed adequately supplied.  Could find a use for virtually everything…no matter how inconsequential it appeared.  Was a good team.  Pity they all died at Virmire.”

“From what I’ve heard, a lot of good people died there.”

“Yes.  Kirrahe and his team…Gunnery Chief Williams…others…could have been Urdnot Wrex had it not been for deft touch on part of Shepard talking him down.  Very nicely done.”

“Kaidan and I were talking about Chief Williams and Virmire recently.”  V’lana nodded her head before taking a sip of tea.  “Shepard and Kirrahe both had to make hard calls…”

“Not blaming Shepard! Please don’t think that!”  Mordin held up his hand, “Did a very good job keeping deaths as low as she did.  Could have been much worse.”  The salarian scientist then brought the discussion back on topic, “But we were talking about my reconnaissance team…”

“Right.”  V’lana replied with a single nod of her head as she probed leadingly, “I take it your survey found out something disturbing?”

“Yes.”  The scientist affirmed, “Krogan were adapting to genophage.  Information I am about to tell you…confidential…”

“This is why you wanted to talk to me in private rather than bringing the topic up in our conference.”  V’lana concluded with a frown.

“Correct.” The salarian sighed, “Realize that you might have to inform science officer or others…wanted to talk to you first.  To explain.”

“Go on…”

Mordin took a deep breath and exhaled before speaking, “Krogan Rebellions devastating—almost as destructive as Rachni wars.  Could not risk an unchecked krogan population explosion, but also did not want to commit genocide.”

“So you said at the conference.” V’lana noted, “A tricky proposition…trying to keep that balance.” 

“Yes.”  The salarian agreed, “Had to ensure fertility levels high enough to replenish and maintain krogan numbers at a viable level, but not so high as to cause population explosion that might cause another krogan rebellion.”

“I take it you have something else to tell me…” The subcommander continued to probe.

“I do.”  Mordin replied.  “Purpose of team was to evaluate genophage and impact on krogan population.  What we discovered after completing tests was…disturbing.”

“How so?”

“All of our tests pointed to same thing.”  The salarian scientist explained, “Krogans adapting to genophage and fertility numbers slowly increasing.”

“I’m no scientist…”  The subcommander admitted, “But I do know that species will adapt…and a species with the redundancies that krogan have and who are also living in the harsh environment that is Tuchanka would have to adapt…”

“Quickly.”  Mordin nodded his head, “Exactly.  Krogan biology adapting…fertility levels showed signs of increasing.  Potential danger.”

“So what did you do?”  V’lana inquired, already suspecting what the answer would be.

“We altered parameters of genophage.”  Mordin flatly declared, “Re-engineered virus to bring fertility levels back in line.”

The subcommander sighed, “If this were a Starfleet vessel, the captain would probably be reading you the riot act right now and then tell you that there’s nothing that can be done to help you because of the Prime Directive.”  Seeing the frown appearing on the salarian’s face, V’lana spoke quickly before he could interrupt, “Thankfully for you, you’re not on a Starfleet ship and I’m not a Starfleet captain.”  Seeing the momentary relaxation of Mordin’s posture on hearing that, the subcommander quickly added, “Not that I don’t think that what you and turians did wasn’t shitty—because it was.  But…” she sighed, “as you said about Shepard and Kirrahe on Virmire, it was a difficult situation and you had to make a hard choice.  I can understand that.  So…” She asked, cutting to the chase, “what is it that you wanted to speak to me about?  Really.”

“Member of team involved in altering genophage…Maelon…student of mine…good man…missing.  Captured by krogans.  Fear that he might have been taken to Tuchanka by clan seeking cure for genophage.”  Mordin frowned as he somberly concluded, “Probably being tortured and forced to work on cure as we speak.”

“Do you think that he could discover a cure for the genophage on his own?” V’lana asked as she took a sip of tea.

“As I said…bright and intelligent student.  Given resources and incentive…” Mordin concluded with a worried frown, “Yes.”

“So…you want us to try to recover him?”  V’lana inquired. 

“Please.”  Mordin practically begged, “Feel responsible for him…does not deserve what krogan will do…are probably doing…to him.”

Nodding her head, V’lana let out a breath of air.  “Very well…Having been tortured and forced to do shit I didn’t want to do…I don’t like it when someone else has to go through the same thing.  I’ll talk to whoever’s calling the shots down there and do what I can to find and recover him.  Just…” the Romulan counseled, “don’t expect miracles.  While our orbital scanners should pick up on salarian life signs, we might not be able to beam him up due to the high levels of radiation on Tuchanka as well as other environmental factors.  That means…provided we get permission…we’re going to have to go in and get him.  If he’s a hostage or if they feel like they might lose him they could…”

“Kill him.”  Mordin nodded his head.  “Understood.  Would still like to…need to…try.”

V’lana responded.  “Very well.  Once we arrive and get into standard orbit, I’ll have Satra and Samantha carry out a scan for salarian life signs and krogan clan communications.  I was planning on eavesdropping on their chatter anyway.”

“Prudent move.”  Mordin agreed as a slight smile appeared on his face, “And…thank you.  Even if unable to recover Maelon…appreciate effort.”

“Subcommander?” The posh accented English voice of the Gallena’s Alliance communications specialist sounded out from the comm speaker.

“Yes, Specialist Traynor?”  V’lana replied.

“We are approaching Tuchanka under cloak.”  Traynor reported, “There are at least two Blood Pack frigates and a turian patrol vessel.”

“Maintain cloak and put us in standard orbit near whatever passes for their capital and begin scans for salarian life signs as well as monitoring communications—krogan and turian.  I’ll be on the bridge shortly.”

“Aye, Subcommander.”

“Well, Mordin…” V’lana declared with a wicked grin, “Time to go to work.”

“Indeed.”  The salarian replied as a slight grin appeared on his face. “Much to do.”

“Keep us cloaked.” The subcommander ordered from her center chair as she observed the arid world of Tuchanka.  Also on her viewscreen, she saw the turian-manned monitoring station, at least one turian patrol cruiser, and several Blood Pack frigates and transports.

“Gotta love it.”  Joker quipped, “Here we are right up next to them and they don’t even know we’re here.”

“Let’s keep it that way.”  V’lana commanded as, resting her elbow on her thigh, she cupped her chin.  “What are we picking up on the comms, Samantha?”

“Routine chatter from the turian monitoring station.”  The communications specialist crisply responded.  “The usual bluster coming from the Blood Pack although…” after a momentary pause, Samantha continued, “I am picking up something on a coded frequency from the lead Blood Pack frigate.”

“Can you decrypt?”

Chuckling, the tawny-skinned science and communications expert replied, “This is Blood Pack we’re talking about.  Ask me to do something difficult.”  A smirk of triumph appearing on her face, Traynor exclaimed, “Got it!”

“If I don’t get reinforcements…” a gruff voice declared, “you won’t be getting any platinum.”

“You don’t need any more troops to kill a bunch of klixen, Salamul.  Deal with the vermin!”

“Fuck you!”

“Mmmm…wonder what that was all about?” V’lana mused and then instructed, “Keep monitoring that channel…let’s see what else we can uncover.”

“Aye, Subcommander.”  Samantha replied before commenting, “That’s odd.”


“I’ve got a dead area on my scans due to the presence of eezo and some strange comm traffic along with…verteron radiation.”  Turning to her lover, Samantha requested, “You wanna double check that for me, Sat?”

“Sure.”  The Romulan science officer agreed as she joined her lover at her station.  “We’re definitely picking up verteron emissions as well as high concentrations of eezo on our passive scans.”

“Play the comm traffic.”  V’lana ordered as she leaned forward in her chair.

“It’s garbled.”  Samantha cautioned.

“That’s all right.”  The subcommander replied, “Play it anyway.”  .

Arg…” then a steady stream of static, “…d…ng…us…” more static, “…lo…pro…” 

“Nothing else, Ma’am.”  Traynor reported.

“Pinpoint the location.” V’lana ordered.  “We’ll see if we can get the clan leader’s permission to check the place out.”  The subcommander further mused, “Best to descend with a cloaked shuttle, decloak once we hit atmosphere, and then land so that we can avoid attracting both the turians and the Blood Pack’s attention.”  Once again addressing her communications officer, she inquired, “Did we get clearance from whatever the krogans call their ground control.”

“Aye, Subcommander.  Thanks to Staff Commander Alenko.  It seems that Urdnot Wrex is the clan chief and personally issued our clearance to land.”  Samantha replied, “We’ve been provided coordinates to Clan Urdnot’s base.”

“Excellent.”  V’lana exclaimed as she rose to her feet.  “Have the Staff Commander, Solana, Liara, Garrus, Mordin, and Tali meet me on the hangar deck.  We’ll be taking my gig down to the surface.”  Turning to her XO, the lovely Romulan grinned, “Sorry, Big Brother, someone has to stay and manage the store.”

 “Just try to keep out of trouble, Little Sister.”  Tovan chuckled as his old friend entered the turbolift.  Sitting down in the center chair, the Romulan officer commanded, “Maintain scans.”


TuchankaClan Urdnot Base

“Approaching the landing zone.”  The shuttle’s pilot, Steve Cortes, called out to his passengers in the back, joking, “If you’ll look to your left, you’ll catch a glimpse of one of Tuchanka’s friendly local wildlife.”

“Damn!”  Garrus cursed, “That’s a big maw!  Hope we’re not going to have to try to bring that one down.”

“I think I’ve had my fill of thresher maws.”  Liara murmured as she gazed down at the giant creature moving through the sand.

Catching a glimpse of her first thresher maw, V’lana remarked, “Fuck!  I thought the sandworms on Nimbus III were huge—but they’ve got nothing on that monster.”

“Remember that one we tangled with on Sparta with Jane, Garrus?”  Kaidan recalled, “When we were searching for Admiral Kohoku’s scout team?”

“Yeah.”  The turian vigilante responded, “That thing was tough to bring down—and we were in the Mako.  Another time…” he recalled, a bittersweet quality to his voice as he spoke, “I was with Shepard and Ashley when we had to bring down a maw, only that time we were on foot.  That was a hard fight…”

“I remember you all returning from that mission.”  Tali recollected.  “You lost almost all your armor from that thing’s acid…”

Garrus chuckled, “And Shepard got a big bruise on her…”

“Backside.”  Alenko coughed as V’lana’s lips turned up in an amused smirk.

“Right.”  Tali chuckled, “I think we teased her about that for at least a week.”

“What about you, ‘lana?” Kaidan inquired with a smirk, “You mentioned sand worms?”

The lovely Romulan answered back with a grin, “Nimbus III and a few other planets have these worms we call Aehalih.”

“I hate those things.”  Solana grumbled.  “They’re like your thresher maws in that they spit acid and pop up out of the ground.  But unlike them, they usually stay in one spot.  Also…” the Romulan security chief growled, “they form colonies—usually around an elder—so you’re never tackling just one.”

“I had to get up close and personal with an elder aehalih and her babies in the little playpen Hakeev had in the Nopada system.”  V’lana recalled.  “All I had was an Elements-damned Tzenkethi sword…”

“That’s the one you have on your wall…isn’t it, ‘lana?”  Kaidan remarked.

“Yeah.  Hakeev built a little arena where he liked to stage gladiatorial games.”  V’lana explained, “He put in a dampening field so energy weapons and shields were useless, so I had to use a blade.  Well…if you’re gonna survive on the streets of Paradise City, you better know how to use a blade, so I learned at a very early age.  I chose a sword because it takes a lot of practice and training to use a bat’leth or lirpa without hurting yourself.  I had to get in close and hack it to death while avoiding its teeth and acid—besides having to deal with the babies.  Ended up getting aehalih shit and guts all over me and then…to make matters worse, had to swim through even more shit in the sewer to escape.  It took me a dozen sonic showers and another dozen real baths, not to mention full antibiotic and antiviral treatments before I felt clean again.”

“Coming in for landing!”  Cortes called out as he skillfully guided the shuttle on to the pad.  After the pad elevator had lowered the shuttle to an embarkation pier, the Alliance pilot exclaimed as he opened the door, “Welcome to Tuchanka.”

Exiting first, V’lana grumbled, “Damn!  It’s almost as hot as Vulcan.”  Taking a deep breath, she spied a large krogan approaching her, a scowl on his face.

“I don’t recognize your species outworlder and don’t care.  The clan chief is expecting you.  Get your business done and leave.”

“We should hurry, ‘lana…the clan chief’s waiting.”  Kaidan remarked with a sly grin as he saw his Romulan lover’s hand resting on the butt of her phaser pistol.

Speaking loudly enough so that the krogan captain and Blood Pack mercenaries standing by him could easily hear her words, the Romulan quipped with a malicious chuckle, “Do I look like a Klingon?  You didn’t really think I was going to draw my phaser and disintegrate that veruul and his pals where they stood, did you?”

“The thought did cross my mind.”  Kaidan snickered as he and the now chuckling Romulan walking next to him led their team up a ramp made of debris to a cleared area where they were confronted by a Clan Urdnot guard.

V’lana and her team watched as two krogans, one sitting on what was obviously a throne of some kind, and the other pacing before him, argued.

“You know what tradition demands!”  The pacing krogan angrily declared, “Clan Urdnot must respond!  Your reforms will not go unopposed.  You risk appearing weak at a critical time.”

“Wrex is the krogan with a red hump and carapace sitting on the throne.”  Kaidan whispered to his Romulan lover.  “I don’t know who the one with the yellow is.”

“Other krogan Gatatog Uvenk.”  Mordin murmured, interjecting himself into the conversation.  “Head of rival clan.  Traditionalist.  Seeks to topple Wrex…won’t do so immediately though.”

“Why not?”  V’lana mouthed.

“Clan Weyrloc bigger threat.”  Mordin replied, “Uvenk needs Urdnot support for now.”

Nudging her human companion as the large seated krogan got up from his throne, his teeth showing in a wide grin, V’lana muttered, “Looks like someone recognizes you.”

“Alenko?”  The large krogan called out in a deep, rich voice.  “Is that you?”  His smile growing wider, he stretched out his arms, “And you brought the others!  Tali…Liara!  It’s good to see you again.”  Spotting his former turian comrade standing with the others, he jibed, his smile now more a wicked grin, “You too, Garrus.  Last I heard you were thinning out the merc population on Omega.  Thank you for taking out Garm.  He was a pain in the ass.  And you, Liara…you were chasing after the Shadow Broker.”  His attention now focused on Tali, he remarked in a grandfatherly voice, “I heard you were on that human colony that got wiped out…what was its name.”

“Freedom’s Progress.”  Tali helpfully replied.

“Right.”  The old krogan inclined his head, “But I lost track of you after that.”  He then focused his attention on the newcomers.  “Who’s the salarian?  And these others…They look human…but I don’t think I’ve seen humans with pointed ears.”  Drawing closer to the auburn haired woman wearing her usual 23rd century uniform with a maroon sash slung over one shoulder and thigh high boots, he sniffed, “There is something about your scent…it is vaguely familiar…”

“Must be my perfume.” V’lana quipped, drawing a snort of laughter from the krogan warlord.

“Heh.”  Turning to Kaidan, Wrex remarked in a tone that was slightly reminiscent, but also somewhat winsome, “She reminds me of someone we both once knew…”

Kaidan grinned as he motioned towards the auburn haired woman standing before the krogan warlord, “This is Subcommander V’lana Avesti of the Romulan Republic.”


“We’re new to this part of space.” V’lana replied, using their cover story, “But we have the same problem humans are having—our colony worlds are being attacked and people taken off.”

“They’re allies of ours, Wrex.”  Alenko explained to his old teammate, further recommending, “And they want to be your allies too.  You might want to listen to what she has to say.”

Returning to his throne, Wrex motioned for V’lana and her group to come forward as he sat back down.  “It is unfortunate Shepard cannot be here with you.”

Nodding his head, Kaidan agreed, his voice now taking on a more rueful tone, “Yeah.  Her passing has shaken all of us up…”

“You especially, I know.”  The old krogan said in a surprisingly consoling voice.  Then, noticing how close his old friend was standing to the alien woman he had just met, he smiled a sad grin, “But I see that you have found someone to ease your burden.”

Letting out a breath, the human replied as the woman next to him took his hand and squeezed it, “V’lana is a good person, Wrex,” further cautioning, “Be careful…Cerberus has grown…manufactured…whatever…what we think might be a clone of Shepard.  She’s nothing like Jane though.  If you see her…don’t trust her.”

“I haven’t seen her yet.”  The krogan honestly responded, “If this Shepard clone or whatever is working with Cerberus, she…it…will not be welcome in Urdnot territory—you have my word.”  Heaving a sigh, Wrex mournfully explained to the Romulan standing next to his friend, “Shepard made the rise of my clan possible because of what happened at Virmire…did Alenko tell you that, Romulan?”

“Yes.”  V’lana responded with a nod of her head, “He told me about Saren and his efforts to clone krogans so that he could form an army.”

“Right.”  Wrex affirmed.  “It was a turning point not just for me…but also my people.”  He then glared at Uvenk and another krogan, “though not everyone was happy about it.  Destroying Saren’s genophage cure freed us from his attempts to manipulate us.  I used that to push the clans to unify under my banner.”

“You abandoned too many traditions along the way.”  Uvenk declared with a dismissive wave of his hand.  This is dangerous—as are your…sympathies…towards outworlders.”

In response, Wrex leaped out of his chair and, without saying a work, headbutted Uvenk in his chest, staggering and momentarily stunning his rival.

“You sure he’s not part Klingon?”  V’lana whispered to her lover.

“Speak when spoken to, Uvenk.”  Wrex growled as he put the other krogan in his place, “I’m going to drag your clan to glory whether it likes it or not.”

“Definitely part Klingon.”  V’lana chuckled sotto voce.

Taking his seat again, Wrex motioned for Kaidan and V’lana to come forth, “So…what about Joker and the others?”

“Most of them are alive.”  Kaidan responded with a grin.  “Joker, Chief Adams and Dr. Chakwas are on the Gallena, the subcommander’s warbird.”

“Good.”  Wrex inclined his head, “I am glad to hear that they are safe.  I regret the loss of the Normandy though.”  A winsome smile appeared on his face as he reminisced, “Shepard and us against whoever or whatever was stupid enough to face us, killing it with big guns.  Those were good times.”

“Could you tell us more about what you’re seeking to do here?” V’lana inquired, “What sort of reforms are you trying to implement and why are some…” she glanced in the direction of the still fuming Uvenk, “opposed to them?”

“I’ve established this place as a neutral ground.”  Wrex explained, “A place where all clans are welcome and fertile females can be shared.  By doing this, we will strengthen the race as a whole.”

“Wise.”  Mordin observed approvingly, “Not only encourages genetic diversity, it also forms blood ties between clans…weakening barriers.”

“You threaten everything that makes us strong.”  Uvenk objected, “It will not last.”

“Maybe…maybe not.”  Wrex countered, “Until and unless that does happen, you should consider yourself lucky that you’re a part of it.”

“It must be difficult to maintain the peace.”  V’lana noted, “I know the Klingons have a system worked out to keep their houses in line on neutral ground, but that was a process of several generations of trial and error where a lot of headbutting went on.”

Laughing, the krogan clan chief replied, “I don’t know who these Klingons are, but as you saw earlier, we have our share of headbutting here.”  His laughter fading, he further explained, “Any clan willing to send hostages can enter our camp.  No fighting is permitted inside and each clan punishes its own criminals.”

“Permitting limited clan self-rule…again good move.”  Mordin commented, “somewhat reduces other clans’ animosity at infringements to sovereignty.”

“We stop conflicts before there are deaths.” Wrex forcefully declared, “That lessens the likelihood of revenge killings.  Then we present a simple choice to the parties involved: Pay a fine and deal with your problems or your clan is no longer welcome.”

“Seem pretty mild by krogan standards.”  Kaidan observed as the krogan warlord let out a brief chuckle.

“Allies from other clans like what I’m doing.  They’re more than happy to deal with any troublemakers.  That provides an outlet so that they can release any tension.”

“Using the allied clans as a police force.” V’lana sagely commented.  “It not only relieves Wrex from having to rely too much on his clan to directly enforce order, it also gives the allied clans a stake in the enterprise.”

“You’ve got yourself a smart one there, Alenko.”  Wrex chuckled before continuing his explanation, “Every time I’ve declared a clan unwelcome, my allies have destroyed them.  It doesn’t take much time for word to get around.”

“Keep the peace…or else.”  V’lana quipped as another laugh escaped from the krogan.


“I’m curious…” V’lana interjected, “Where are your females?  Do they have any say in this?”

Chuckling again, Wrex responded, “It was our female clan leader’s idea.  The neutral area is safe and it encourages more female clans to ally with us.”

“Your females form their own clans?” V’lana exclaimed.

“Our females live in separate clans for self-preservation.  Because fertile females are few in number…” the krogan warlord spared a momentary glare at the salarian standing next to Kaidan and V’lana, “thanks to the salarian genophage…they are a valuable resource.  In the past they were treated as prizes of war.  Now, they live in their own clans apart from males.  The females send envoys to determine who is worthy to visit them for breeding purposes and breeding alliances are formed.  I can hardly do anything without Clan Leader Uta’s approval.  Also, to intentionally harm or kill a fertile female is the most serious crime in our society.”

“Necessary precaution on part of females given nature of krogan society.”  Mordin noted, drawing a scowl from the krogan.

“Your salarian is correct.  The preservation of our people must take priority over everything else.  That is why the females support this plan.  Attacks on Urdnot now threaten the females of all clans.  Even those who would kill me will defend Clan Urdnot because of this fact.”

“Why allow the weaker clans to continue?”  The Romulan subcommander queried, “Why not simply absorb them into your clan?”

“Each clan has its own customs.”  Wrex explained, “Rites of passage…rules of behavior…battle songs…all unique.”

“Again…” V’lana mused under her breath, “…the similarity to Klingons is astounding.”

“It’s that diversity that makes us great.” The krogan battlemaster declared, “No one clan…not even mine…was meant to survive alone.  We have to pull together—each clan making its own unique contribution to the whole.”

“What sort of contributions do the clans make that are so unique?” V’lana questioned.

“We Urdnots are the best tacticians.”  Wrex answered back, “Jorgal has the longest breeding line.  Gatatog holds the oldest settlement.  All the other clans possess their own virtues that they bring to the whole.”

“You seem to have put a lot of thought into this.”  V’lana observed.

“I did.” Wrex acknowledged with a nod of his head, “Thanks to Shepard’s words and example.  If it weren’t for her, I’d still be a mercenary or…more likely…I would be dead now.”  His lips curling into a sneer as he regarded the krogan standing near Uvenk, the clan chief growled, “And Wreav would be the head of the clan. Or…” his glare then turned towards the leader of Clan Gatatog, “Uvenk would be running the show.”  Taking a deep breath and exhaling, Wrex concluded, “We keep going as we are now…clans fighting with each other…our younger ones leaving to join the Blood Pack and other mercenary groups…all the clans will end up extinct—even Clan Urdnot.  We have to rethink who and what we are.  We must restart our culture.”

“How’s it going so far, Wrex?”  Kaidan inquired.

“Better than I’d feared.”  Wrex responded with a shake of his head and a sigh, “Worse than I’d hoped.”

“It cannot continue.” Uvenk bitterly exclaimed, “You are going against what makes us strong.”

“I see that not everyone agrees.”  Liara remarked, entering the conversation.

“Traditionalists like Uvenk and my clutch brother, Wreav, are like chained varren.” Wrex bitterly complained, “They’re always fighting…always guarding their pathetic stick in the ground.  They refuse to see the…what do the humans call it…”

“The giant painting?”  V’lana responded with a twinkle in her eyes that drew an amused smirk from the big krogan.

“Big picture.  As a certain someone knows full well.”  Kaidan replied with a chuckle as he received a gentle poke in the ribs from the lovely Romulan standing beside him.

“Whatever.” Wrex waved his hand, “When the smoke clears, I’ll plant my standard on their bodies and rally the rest of the world around a new krogan order.”

“It sounds like it’s going to remain pretty messy even after you pull all the clans together.” V’lana pointed out.

“It will be a slow and bloody process.” Wrex admitted, “But I won’t change what and who we are.”  He further explained to the two alien women, “Krogan are judged by the strength of our enemies.”

“Another similarity to Klingons.” Solana remarked under her breath as Wrex continued to speak.

“Our worst insult is to say someone’s not worth killing.”  After concluding his remarks, the clan chief inquired, “So…what is it that you need, Romulan?  We don’t often allow aliens to do business on Tuchanka, but…thanks to the company you are with…and the fact that I’m beginning to like you…I am making an exception to that rule.”

“There are two matters…” V’lana began, pausing until the krogan warlord motioned for her to continue with a slight incline of his head.  “The first pertains to a missing salarian scientist.  He was apparently captured by the Blood Pack and brought here.”

“And the second?”

“Our ship detected verteron particles…a type of radiation…along with high concentrations of eezo…near the location of your clan base.  We also intercepted a garbled transmission.  I’ll play it for you.” 

Wrex listened intently to the fragmented communication.  “Hmmm…we have no installation at that location.  It seems that an intruder has set up a base there.  You mentioned eezo, but what are verteron particles?  I’ve never heard of them before—but then, I’m not a scientist or engineer.”

“I’m not a scientist either.” V’lana replied as she spun a white lie, “What I do know is that they’re a recent discovery and that almost always, when we encounter them, we run into problems.”

“Clever lie.” Mordin whispered to the Romulan subcommander, “Tell portion of truth.  Better than engaging in tedious and probably futile effort to explain alternate universes to krogans.”

Inclining her head slightly, the subcommander’s attention again turned to the krogan battlemaster, rising from his throne as he spoke.  “If there is an off world intruder on clan lands then I will be accompanying you.” 

“What about…” V’lana glanced meaningfully at Uvenk who was at that moment talking in a low voice to two of his clansmen.  “Will he be a problem?”

“No.”  Wrex shook his head as a wicked grin appeared on his face.  “That pyjak won’t do anything without first making sure that I am dead.  Now…if you’re asking whether he might try to ambush us on the way back…that’s another matter.  Hope he does.  I’ve been looking for an excuse to rip his hump off.”

“Welcome to the team.” The lovely subcommander responded with a smirk.

Nodding his head, Wrex spoke again, “As for the other matter…my scout commander can point you in the direction you need to go.  You should be able to find him near the perimeter running target practice.  Don’t take too much of his time.  I need him to keep a watch on the other clans—especially since I’m going to be going with you.”

“Thank you, Wrex.” V’lana replied as the old krogan hefted his shotgun.

“Don’t thank me yet, outworlder.  I am taking a chance on you in the name of an old and departed friend.  Do not make me think that I made a mistake.”

“Understood.” V’lana nodded her head as she turned to her lover, “Kaidan?”

“Yeah, ‘lana?”

“Take Solana, Garrus, and Mordin and go to the scout and find out what you can from him and then take care of Mordin’s situation.  I'll go with Liara, Tali, and Wrex and deal with the other matter.”

“Right, ‘lana.”  Kaidan acknowledged, adding in a low whisper, “Take care of yourself.”

“You too.”  The lovely Romulan whispered back.

“If you two have finished saying your goodbyes…” Wrex urged impatiently, “We’ve got work to do.”


What I want to try to do is showcase how important and major a character Shepard is--even in death. You see a bit of it here at the end with Mordin. Shepard could have talked him into preserving Maelon's work, but Alenko couldn't/wouldn't exercise that influence on what he would see as a personal and ethical matter that Mordin had to work out for himself. We'll see in coming episodes how big a role Shepard played in the lives of her companions by seeing what happens because she isn't there.