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Part 11 of The Raptor-verse

The Gang's Kinda All Here

Chapter 3: Act 3


V'lana and her team comes across an ugly surprise as they go deeper in the bunker and discover some terrifying revelations while Alenko and his people come across something almost as horrifying.

Chapter Text

V’lana’s Team

“Tali…” V’lana requested, “Time for you to put that engineering kit you just got issued to work.  I need you to fabricate some frequency modulators for us.”  After a momentary pause, the subcommander further implored, “Do you think you can adapt one of the modulators for mass effect weapons?”

After several moments of thought, the quarian engineer shook her head, “No.  They’re kinetic rounds.”

“The Borg can adapt their shields against weapons fire.” V’lana explained to the Urdnot clan chief.  “That’s why we use the frequency modulators that Tali’s making.  They vary the emission frequencies of our energy weapons.”

“And you can’t do that with kinetic weapons.” Wrex grumbled, “So…you’re saying my shotgun is useless?”

“We’d be stupid to think that the Borg would not find some means of adapting to your weapons.” The subcommander concluded as she handed Wrex her rifle.  “Take this.”  She commanded and then showed him how to operate it.  “I’ve got my antiproton and phaser pistols.”

“Here are your modulators.”  Tali called out, installing them into hers and her teammates’ weapons.

“All right.”  V’lana commanded, “Let’s see what’s in here.”

As the team moved cautiously down the corridor, Wrex pointed to the walls which now seemed be emitting a dull green light, “What the hell?”

“I was afraid of that.” V’lana muttered grimly, further explaining, “These Borg nanites assimilate anything they’ve been injected into, turning whoever or whatever they’ve infected part of the Collective.

“What about us?” The Urdnot clan chief inquired with a worried frown.  “Will they infect us?”

“If they’re injected into our bloodstream…”  V’lana glumly replied, “Yes.  And it doesn’t take long for the assimilation process to work either.  That’s why we have to take them down from range.  Don’t let them get too close to you.”

Spotting movement in the shadows, Tali called out, “Incoming!”

“Cover!”  V’lana cried out as a volley of mass effect projectiles impacted her shields only to be stopped by the combination of shields and armor.  Diving behind a low section of wall, the subcommander fired her pistol, bringing down one of the assimilated Cerberus troopers as the other two troopers dived for cover.

“This is more like it!”  Wrex exulted as he fired his new plasma weapon bringing down another trooper, leaving the remaining troopers to Liara and Tali who dispatched him with a combination singularity and cryo-blast followed up by a shot from the quarian’s plasma gun that shattered them into pieces.

Looking down at the bodies after the fight, V’lana remarked worriedly, “These didn’t act like normal drones.”

“How so?”  Liara inquired as she bent down to examine one of the fallen troopers.

“They tried to use cover and I could swear I heard one of them issuing commands.”  The subcommander replied, “Drones don’t do that.  They don’t have to.  Because they’re fully integrated into the Collective, they act as one.”

“Maybe Cerberus and whoever is helping them have found a way to either permanently or temporarily control the assimilation process.”  Liara theorized, a frown appearing on her face as well.

“That’s possible.  The Tal’Shiar were working on doing something similar, so it makes sense that Cerberus would pursue similar research.”  V’lana mused as she tapped her communicator.  “Cortes?”

“I can barely read you, Subcommander.”

“I was afraid of that.”  V’lana replied, “The emissions coming from this bunker are fouling up our communications just like they’re making it impossible for us to use the transporter.  I need you to contact the Gallena and tell Tovan to send a shuttle to this location with security and a tri-cobalt bomb.  I’ve got Wrex here…he’ll give approval.”  Turning to Wrex, she informed the battlemaster, “The only way to be sure we get this off of your world is to totally obliterate it and I intend to do just that after we clear this bunker.”

“Do it.”  Wrex decisively commanded.  “Patch me through to my people.”

“Done.” V’lana replied, “Cortes will relay your instructions.”

“Wreav!”  Wrex growled,  his voice a mixture of anger and contempt as he addressed his clutch brother, “The Romulans are sending another shuttle down.  Do not interfere and keep our scouts clear of the area until I tell you otherwise.”

“Why?  We don’t need more outworlders here.”

Wrex grumbled threateningly, “Just do what I tell you and don’t ask questions or make stupid comments!”

“All right, Wrex.  I’ll do it.”  Moments later, Wreav’s voice again came from the comm, as he grudgingly reported, “I’ve done as you asked.  The alien ‘Centurion’ informed me that the shuttle and its ‘package’ will be ready when his superior commands.”

“Good.”  Wrex replied, further instructing his clutch brother, “Don’t do anything else.  Everything had better be just as I left it when I return.”  After the comm channel had closed, the wizened krogan turned to the subcommander, his facial expression now showing a sarcastic grin, “Wreav might be my clutch brother, but that doesn’t change the fact that he is stupid.”  Glancing in the direction of the dimly lit corridor, the clan chief quipped, “Ready when you are ladies.”

Her lips turning up in an amused smirk, V’lana jibed back, earning a chuckle from the old krogan, “Lead the way, handsome.”


Kaidan’s Team

“Repurposed krogan hospital.  Sturdy.  Built to withstand punishment.  Has to be.”  Mordin remarked as he and the rest of the team entered the building. 

“Hospitals are not fun to fight through.”  Garrus remarked as he surveyed the immediate area, looking for threats.

“What is?”  Kaidan asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Gardens…electronics shops…antique stores…” Garrus joked back, “…but only if they’re classy.”

“I like fighting through casinos myself.”  Solana quipped, “Ever see a Ferengi run?”

“Can’t say as I have.”  Garrus bantered, “Know any good casinos?”

“A couple.”  The Romulan security chief replied flirtatiously, “Maybe we can check one out sometime.”

“Whenever you two are finished planning your night out…” Kaidan chimed in with a laugh.

“Says the man who’s dating our subcommander.”  Garrus smoothly riposted before remarking in a more serious voice, “But you’re right, Kaidan.  We’ve got work to do.”

As the team made its way down a flight of stairs, Mordin called out, pointing at a motionless figure on the floor.  “Wait.  That body.  Human.  Need to take a look.”  

Kneeling down, the salarian physician carefully examined the corpse.  “Sores.  Tumors.  Ligatures showing restraint at wrists and ankles.  Track marks for repeated injection sites.  Test subject.  Victim of experimentation.”  The scientist concluded somberly.

“Is there any identification on him?”  Kaidan inquired, “Any way to tell who he was or where he came from?”

“No tattoos or ID.”  Mordin glumly shook his head.  “Maybe slave or prisoner.  Could be pirate or merc.  Irrelevant now.”

“Not to his family or loved ones.”  Kaidan responded gloomily, interrupting the salarian. 

“Clearly part of krogan tests to clear genophage.”  Mordin further determined, explaining why in greater detail.  “Humans useful as test subjects.  Genetically diverse.  Enables exploration of treatment modalities.”

“V’lana told me that you said that the Collectors might have been using humans as a control group on Omega.”  Kaidan mused, the salarian doctor nodding his head in affirmation.

“Correct.  For same reasons.  Human genetic diversity made them perfect control group.”

“Experimenting on humans.”  Kaidan shook his head, “It’s shit like this that turns people towards Cerberus.”

“Never used humans myself.”  Mordin emphatically stated, “Disgusting.  Unethical.  Sloppy. Used by brute force researchers…not thinkers.  No place in proper science.  Krogan use of humans unsurprising.”

“Why?”  Solana inquired out of genuine curiosity.

“Krogans not scientists or creative thinkers.”  Mordin answered back.  “Prefer to solve problems head on…with fists.  Brute force.”

“What makes humans more genetically diverse?”  Solana asked, continuing her inquiry.

“More variable.”  Mordin explained, “Peaks and valleys.  Mutations.  Adaptations.  Far beyond other life.  In this universe, at least.  More species have great genetic diversity in yours.  Vulcanoids such as yourself.  Klingons.  Andorians.  Fascinating degree of genetic diversity.  Humans useful test subjects in this universe.  Larger reactions to smaller stimuli.  Biotic abilities…Intelligence levels.  Can look at random asari or krogan and make reasonable guess.  Humans too variable to judge.”  Further qualifying his explanation, the scientist pointed out, “Outliers exist in all species, of course.  Geniuses…idiots.  But human probability curve in this universe offers greater overall variety.”

“Did you do any live subject testing while you were developing the new genophage?”  Kaidan queried, his lips turned down in a worried frown.

“No.”  Mordin shook his head, “Unnecessary.  Limited tests to simulations, corpses, cloned tissue samples.  High level tests on varren.  No tests on species with members capable of calculus.  Simple rule.  Never broke it.”

“Wouldn’t a species native to Tuchanka work better?” Solana queried as she glanced down at the corpse, “Like…say…varren?”

“Yes.”  Mordin replied, “Human experiments strictly high level.  Concept testing.  Native Tuchanka fauna likely used later in development stages.  Wise to delay use of varren until necessary.  Powerful bite.”

“What can you tell from their experiments on him?”  Kaidan asked as he glanced down at the body on the floor.

“Position of tumors suggests deliberate mutation of adrenal and pineal glands.” The salarian physician responded as he further mused, ending on a note of admiration.  “Modifying hormone levels.  Counterattack on glands hit by genophage.  Clever.”

“Are they close to a cure?”  Garrus interjected, joining the discussion.

“Can’t say.” Mordin answered back, “Need more data.  Conceptually sound though.  Genophage alters hormone levels.  Could repair damage with hormonal counterattack.”

“Right.”  Kaidan announced, ending the discussion.  “Now we’ve got several reasons to shut this project down.”

“Focus on Maelon.”  Mordin replied with single-minded determination, “Too late to help the dead.”


V’lana’s Team

“The walls!”  Liara gasped as she gazed on the dimly greenlit assimilated walls.

“Just like the ones we saw earlier, they’ve been assimilated.” V’lana pointed out in a hushed tone as she and her team cautiously made their way down the corridor.  “It looks like Cerberus made the same mistake the Tal’Shiar made.  They underestimated the danger of the Borg.”  Hearing a crashing sound coming from what seemed to be the central control hub, the subcommander and her squad rushed in only to come to a screeching halt as their eyes fell on the sight before them.  In the middle of the chamber, surrounded by mangled corpses and smashed consoles stood an assimilated krogan warrior yelling, his scream a mixture of pain and rage.  At once recognizing the intruders, the enraged krogan ripped a desk that had been bolted to the floor off and threw it at them.

“Shit!!” V’lana screamed, firing her antiproton pistol, hitting the krogan squarely in the chest, momentarily staggering him as she and the rest of her squad dived for cover.  “Those motherfuckers were experimenting on an Elements damned krogan!” 

Driven back by the combined attacks of V’lana and her team, the assimilated krogan picked up another table and threw it, this time at Wrex who, after knocking it aside, shouted a blood curdling oath as he fired his weapon, cursing as it bounced off the krogan’s shields.

“It’s adapted!”  V’lana called out, “Adjust your frequency modulators and keep shooting at that thing!  I’m gonna toss a plasma grenade!”

“Warp outgoing…stand clear!”  Liara shouted as the crazed krogan charged towards Tali.

“Hitting it with incendiary.”  The little quarian, cringing as the enraged giant warrior barreled  towards her.

“Fuck this!”  Wrex bellowed as he charged toward the krogan hoping to intercept the beast before it reached his quarian friend.

Superhot plasma, biotics, fire, and a countercharging krogan battlemaster met the assimilated krogan at nearly the same time resulting in an explosion that shook the chamber.  As the dust settled.  V’lana held her breath, expecting to see the Urdnot clan chief lying dead on the floor.  Instead, a wide grin appeared on her face as Wrex, while battered, bruised, and knocked to the floor, struggled to his feet triumphantly shouting, “I AM KROGAN!”

“Elements damned.”  V’lana let out a breath.  “I’ve seen my share of badass, but that takes the prize.”

“Gonna take more than that to bring me down.”  Wrex smugly declared as he spat blood on the floor.

Rushing up, Tali hugged the grizzled ex-mercenary.  “Don’t you ever do that again, Uncle Urdnot.”  The young quarian sobbed as she clung to the old krogan.

Liara chided with a slight smirk on her face, “You scared me out of at least two hundred years, Wrex.”

“Wasn’t gonna let it get to you, Pup.”  Wrex said to the young quarian clinging closely to him, his rumbling voice taking on a grandfatherly quality.

“Liara…Tali…” V’lana commanded, “See if you can pick up anything from what’s left of that krogan.  I’ll check through the computers—or rather those computers that haven’t been turned into scrap metal.”  Turning to Wrex, the Romulan subcommander inquired, “Did you recognize him?  Is he one of yours?”

“Yes.”  The clan chief replied.  “He was the scout I had sent out a few weeks ago.  I had heard rumors of what was happening here and sent him to investigate.”

“Looks like he got too close and they nabbed him.” V’lana concluded as the krogan nodded his head in agreement.

“I’ve found something in one of the databanks!”  Liara called out, waving her hand at V’lana and Wrex.  “It looks like you were right about Cerberus trying to use Borg implants in combination with Reaper technology.  The humans we ran into earlier were experimental prototypes for a program called ETAP.  Unfortunately, I can’t find any more information on that program here.  It looks like it self-deleted when the bunker’s alert systems were triggered.”

“I take it the krogan scout going berserk was what caused the alert.” V’lana quipped.

“Right.”  Liara nodded her head.  “They captured Wrex’s scout and tried to implant him, but when the nanites tried to rewire his nervous system…”

“His body switched to secondaries and he went into blood rage.”  Wrex concluded, the asari scientist nodding her head in agreement.

“This confirms it.”  The Romulan subcommander grimly stated, “We’ve got intruders here from my universe.  Most likely Elachi and those pulling the Elachis’ strings.  Something like this requires constant communication which means…”

“That there is a way for us to establish a permanent connection between our universes.”  Tali concluded.  “Maybe by a wormhole or something similar.”

“Possible.”  V’lana mused, “We use the Bajoran wormhole in my universe to get to the Gamma Quadrant and we’ve long theorized that wormholes can lead to other dimensions or universes.”

“You ladies can talk science all you want later.”  Wrex interrupted in his rumbling voice, “Right now I just want to get the hell out of here.”

“Right.”  V’lana nodded her head in agreement.  “We need to blow this place into a giant crater.  I don’t want a single Borg nanoprobe getting out of here.”

“On that.”  Wrex grunted, “We agree.  Let’s move.”