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The Weeds


Odo tries to do a weed bust.


Trektober Day 5
Prompt: "Too Many Weeds"

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"Go away, Odo, I'm busy!" Quark protested, gesturing to all the customers packed around his bar.

Odo ignored him. "I know you have something to do with this, Quark!"

Quark rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll bite. But you'd better buy something. What is it you're accusing me of this time?"

"The weed, Quark!"

"What weed?"

"All of it! There's too many weeds on this station!"

"Too many weeds?"

"Too... too much weed," Odo corrected.

Quark squinted at him. "Odo, are you feeling alright? It's not bucket time, is it?"

Odo hrrumped. "No, it's not 'bucket time,'" he scowled. "Don't try and change the subject, Quark. I know its you. It reeks of weed in here!"

Quark sniffed the air, then frowned. He leaned forward over the counter towards Odo.

"Get out of my face," Odo said after a few seconds of being sniffed. He pushed Quark back across the bar.

"Well, it's not my bar that reeks, it's you!" Quark said. "Odo are you high?" He asked in astonishment.

"No!" Odo said forcefully, then blinked. "Maybe," he amended. "But not on purpose!"

"Maybe you should come back when you're sober," Quark said, patting Odo on the shoulder. "We can talk about the weed then."

"I'm perfectly capable of—"

"Ah ah, Odo," Quark said, waving a scolding finger at him. "You wouldn't want me to have to report to Sisko that you were... working under the influence."

Odo narrowed his eyes at Quark and hrrumped. He turned and strode out of the bar.

Quark sighed with relief, and shook his head. Then he went to the back room where he knew he would find his brother.

"Rom, what exactly did you do with the weed?"

Rom looked up from where he was tinkering with a malfunctioning part of a dabo table. "I hid it," he answered. "Like you told me."

"Where did you hide it?" Quark demanded.

"I put it in the air duct!" Rom said. "Where nobody would ever find it!" He pulled a station blueprint out of his pocket and pointed. "Right here, in this dead end!"

Quark snatched the map away and peered at the paper. "Rom, you fool! This 'dead end' pipes right into Odo's office!"

Rom raised a triumphant finger. "It's the last place he'd look!"

Quark rolled up the map and swatted Rom on the head with it. "Go get it out of there and hide it somewhere else!" He ordered. "And for the love of latinum don't put it in another air duct!"