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Part 5 of Natasha's 31 days of star trek fics



All Emily wants is for the captain to show some respect to her girlfriend

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Emily smiles as she pulls seven into her arms, holding her as close as she could as she nuzzles her face into the crook of Emily’s neck. The commander smiles into Emily’s neck as her arms wrap around Emily’s delicate waist.


Emily and seven had not been dating long but they decided to keep it a secret from the entire crew, Including Captain Shaw. If Shaw found out that one of his ensigns and his commander were dating.


Honestly, Emily did not even want to think about what he would do if he found out…


Seven could sense that her girlfriend’s mind was starting to wonder, if anything her mind wanders a lot and seven knew the signs for when it did. She pulled away from Emily’s neck, Delicately Seven cupped Emily’s cheek with her hand.


“Hey,” she says in a sweet voice that is only reserved for Emily’s ears, she rubs her thumb over the scar on her cheek. “What’s going on in your mind?”


Emily chuckles as she blushes, her normally pale cheeks turning a little bit pink. “I was just thinking about how I wish we could stay like this for a little while longer.


It was not an exact lie; Emily wants to stay like this for a little while longer. Unfortunately, the pair had to get to work; especially when Admiral Picard was going to board the ship. Obviously, Emily knew about Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and Captain William Riker. Who does not? But with Emily and seven dating, she told her about the adventures she went on with the admiral as well as other stories from her past.


Seven kisses Emily on the cheek. “I definitely wouldn’t mind that one bit.” Seven reluctantly pulled away from her comfortable spot in Emily’s arms. “We should get ready Emily; Admiral Picard will arrive soon.”


With a soft sigh Emily sits up before she speaks.


“You got it, Commander.”


Seven chuckles at Emily’s antics and she shakes her head. Seven leans in and she gives Emily a gentle kiss on the cheek before leaving Emily’s quarters.

When everyone was on the bridge of the titan, Emily heard Captain Shaw calling seven by a name she did not prefer and all it did was piss Emily off to no end. Emily was about to say something to the captain but a very harsh look from her girlfriend made her stand down. Honestly, it warmed Seven’s heart that Emily would have stood up for her, but she really did not want Emily to get into trouble for defending her.

After that incident Emily went back to work. For a good chunk of time nothing eventful happened. That was until Captain Shaw came out of the briefing room with Seven, Admiral Picard and Captain Riker right behind him. Suddenly Captain Shaw yelled at seven, yet again not calling the commander by her preferred name.


This Time Emily could not stand back and let the captain treat her girlfriend with disrespect. Emily quickly walks to the group.


“Captain Shaw, with all due respect- “Emily began to speak. As she tried to talk to the captain, he turned his gaze and unfortunately his anger on to her.


“Not Now, Ensign Carter!” He yelled at Emily.


When the captain yelled at Emily, seven almost snapped. How dare Shaw raise his voice at the person she loved so dearly?




Emily spoke as she clenched her hands into fists, it took all her energy not to walk up to the captain and punch him in the face. Emily’s pale blue eyes shone with defiance and anger.


Quickly Captain Shaw turned to Emily, he was dumbfounded that an Ensign talked back to him. “Excuse me?” he spoke as he glared at Emily.


By now every member of the bridge crew was looking at Emily and the conflict that was about to brew. Admiral Picard and Captain Riker looked at Emily in shock, the shock mostly came from Admiral Picard though. Captain Riker was trying to hide a smirk, he knew he had a good feeling about Emily, given how she was with Seven.


“You should show Commander Seven some respect.” Emily spoke as she glared right back at him. “Start calling her by her preferred name. Everyone else does.”


“You are out of line, Ensign Carter. Know your place.” Shaw spoke as he looked at her, daring the young ensign to try something.


Emily was ready to walk up to the captain and she wanted to punch him square in the jaw, but she wanted to say something else to really piss off the captain. Emily stopped herself when she felt a gentle hand on her lower back.


Emily looked to her side and saw seven…


Seven gives Emily a look, Emily thought she was going to be in trouble, but Emily could see in her eyes how much she appreciates her for standing up to the captain. Finally, Emily had calmed down and seven guided her to the turbolift.


Once Emily and Seven had left the bridge Captain Riker leaned over to Admiral Picard and whispered, “I knew Ensign Carter was a firecracker.” He chuckled.
Once Emily and Seven Arrive at her Quarters and the door closes, the commander pushes Emily against the wall, and she kisses her. At first Emily was a little shocked to do anything. Eventually, Emily’s eyes flutter shut, and she begins kissing her back, Emily just wraps her arms around Seven’s neck. When the pair broke away Seven just rested her forehead against Emily’s.


“Emily, what you did was very sweet but you could have gotten into a lot of trouble.” Seven pulled back and sighed “I do not want you to get into trouble because of me.” When seven looked away, Emily gently hooked her finger under her chin. Emily guides her to look back at her own face. Emily gives her a loving smile.


“Sweetheart, I will gladly get into trouble to have people show you the respect that you deserve.” Emily confessed


Emily… I do not know what to say.” Seven spoke.


Emily smiles and she gives her a small kiss. “You do not have to say anything.”

Seven pulled Emily towards her bed so the pair could cuddle. Seven snuggles into Emily’s arms and she lets out a content sigh. Seven has never felt this way about anyone before.


The way Emily was willing to get into trouble for her has her heart beating like crazy...