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Part 13 of The Raptor-verse

Failure on Fehl Prime


Major shakeups on the Normandy as Doris finds out the truth and faces an irrevocable choice. Also, a new/old character makes her appearance.


For me, telling a (hopefully) good story comes first, and, while I always try to keep to the spirit of canon, I will frequently color outside the lines. I hope ya'll don't mind that. In many ways, the timeline here really is quite fluid with a lot of events occurring either simultaneously, or in close proximity to each other. There’s a lot happening here as the status quo on the Normandy is about to undergo some changes and I've begun the process of bringing the two universes together in what is going to be a broad overarching story arc. I hope you enjoy this part—please feel free to leave reviews and comments.

Chapter 1: Skeletons in the Closet

Chapter Text

Cerberus Frigate—Normandy II


“Hey Sugar!”  Doris Whaley called out to her friend and team sniper, Ben Markham, as she sat by herself in the galley drinking her coffee.  “C’mon over here, Benji.  I feel like gabbing for a bit.”

“Sure thing, Dixie.”  Markham replied with a grin as he grabbed a cup of coffee and joined his friend.  “So…what’s up, Beautiful?”

“Ya’ll hear from Jackson, yet?”  Doris asked as she freshened her cup.

“No.”  Markham shook his head, “But then he’s only been gone a month.  Special training like that…the first thing on his mind after getting grub is probably hitting the rack.”

“Yeah.”  Doris replied affirmatively, knowing that their conversation was probably being monitored.  “You’re probably right.  I mean…advanced commando training.  Poor boy’s probably all tuckered out.”

Laughing, Markham agreed, “I remember going through spec-forces training when I was in the Alliance.  Two hours sleep a night for three weeks solid.”

“Damn.”  Doris let out a breath before taking a sip of coffee.  “So…Ah’m curious…why did you leave and join up with Cerberus?”

“I resigned a few months ago.”  Ben replied with a shake of his head.  “I got in hot water with the brass.” Benji confessed with a crooked grin.  “I was part of a covert operation that went bad.”


“Yeah.  A big pile of it.”  Markham chuckled, “A friend of mine who’s kind of a…well…you could call him a wetworks specialist…tipped me off that what we did was so hot that it could bring down most of the government if it ever got made public.”

“So…the Alliance decided to cover it up.”  Doris surmised.

“You might say that.” Ben replied with a frown.  “Of course, they figured that the best way to keep anyone in the team from coughing up the info one way or the other was to silence us all…permanently.  So…a termination order was put out on us.  My friend told me that I was the only one of the team still alive and that a hit team was coming for me and that if I wanted to keep on living to get the hell out now.”

“That’s what brought you to Cerberus?”

“Yeah.  Ended up, my friend was a Cerberus plant and he was told by his handler to pass the info on to me.  Otherwise…” The team sniper shook his head as his friend drew the obvious conclusion.

“You wouldn't be here now.”

“Right.”  Ben sighed dejectedly before asking his question, “Your turn.  What brought you to our little family?”

“My brother…Michael…he enlisted in the Marines and got assigned to the Traverse.”  Doris explained, “His unit got into it with the batarians at Elysium.”


Doris sobbed, daubing the tears from her eyes as she nodded her head.  “I’d just graduated college with my BA in computer tech when his wife called with the news that he’d died.”  Whaley cried, her tears flowing down her cheeks.  “Someone I knew came out and told me he was working for Cerberus and that Cerberus was goin’ to do something about those damned batarians and anyone else killing innocent people out there.”

“So you joined?”

“Right.  Someone must have thought I had potential, so I got put through tech and engineering training along with more computer courses.  Took some time to get through all that.  Then, once I’d finished, I got offered this assignment.  I was told that I was gonna get a chance to go after the bastards who killed my brother.  So…hell yeah I signed on.  Then I met the Commander, you, and the other guys and…well…we’re doing something good now—ya know?”

“Yeah.” Markham smiled as he wiped the tears from his teammate’s eyes with a napkin, “I know.”  As he stood up to once again refill their cups, Kai Leng’s voice came through the intercom.

“Specialist Markham.  You are to report immediately report to Commander Shepard’s office.  Acknowledge.”

“Better go ahead and do as he says, Sugar.”  Dixie said as she looked up, giving her friend a sad smile.  “You know how the Snake gets when you put him off.”

Laughing, Ben picked up both his and his companion’s coffee cups.  “Yeah.  I better get a move on.  See ya, later, Dixie.”

Doris replied, her lips turning up in a sad smile, “Swing on by my hole when you get the chance.  I got some tinkerin’ I gotta do, but I think I can make some time to talk with my favorite Yankee.”

Watching in silence as her friend departed, the nagging feeling that had been haunting the young engineer’s thoughts off and on returned to her in full force as she recalled the words that she had received weeks ago on her omnitool: Beware monsters dwell in shadows.  Farewell happy fields, where joy forever dwells: Hail, horrors, hail. 


Commander Shepard’s Office

“Commander?”  Markham spoke into the comm next to his superior officer’s office/quarters.  “You wanted to see me?”

“Markham?”  A husky female voice responded, gesturing to a chair in front of her desk.  “Come in.  Have a seat.”

Relaxing somewhat as he saw the smile on his CO’s face, the team sniper did as he was told, sitting down in the chair.

“I just received the news, Ben.”  The redhead grinned as she handed a piece of paper to her subordinate.  “You and Barrett have been approved for the ETAP program.  Congratulations.  I already broke the news to Jason. ”

An enormous grin breaking out on Ben’s face as the news sunk in, he exclaimed, “Thanks, Ma’am.  When do report in?”

“After our next mission.”  Shepard replied, taking delight in her squadmate’s happiness.  “I’ll brief the team on it once I get all the details.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”  The young man acknowledged, before tentatively inquiring, “Ummm…Ma’am?  If I might ask…what about Doris?  Is she going into the program too?”

A smile still on her face, the commander responded, “Yeah.  Soon.  The next class that you and Barrett will be reporting in to is already full, but I’ve been told that they’ll be expanding the number of openings soon. I would expect that you'll be seeing Doris in the following class.”

“Is it all right for me to tell Dix…errrr…Doris?”  Markham pleaded, “I’d like to tell her myself if I can.”

“Sure.”  Shepard agreed with a nod of her head. “I know she’ll be happy to hear the news.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”  Ben exclaimed, “Anything else, Commander?”

“No.”  Shepard shook her head, signaling that the meeting had come to an end. “You’re dismissed.  And again…congratulations.  I can’t think of two better people for the program than you and Barrett.  When you get to ETAP and see Jackson, give him our regards. Tell him we miss him.”

“Will do, Ma’am.”  Ben affirmed as he rose to his feet.  Turning away to exit, the young sniper smiled warmly at his CO’s departing words.

“And don’t worry about Dixie.  We’ll take good care of her until it’s her time to join you.”

“Thanks, Ma’am”

After Markham had exited her quarters, Shepard glanced down at the orders on her computer monitor that came direct from the Illusive Man, reading them aloud in a low voice.  “After you complete your upcoming mission, I will be sending two replacements for Specialists Markham and Barnett.  Their dossiers are attached.  Please read over them carefully and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.”

Calling up the dossiers on her monitor, Shepard read their names aloud, “Subject Zero.  Enhanced biotic.  Grunt. Enhanced krogan.”  Shaking her head at the sparse details provided…only a vaguely worded sentence or two for both, she drummed her fingers on her desk; murmuring in a low voice, “I remember them.  Zero was the one we pulled out of Purgatory.  The krogan must have been the one in the tank when we busted up Jedore’s operation.  Why assign them to me though?  I have a good team.  We work well together.  Why ruin a good thing.  I don’t get it.”  Feeling a sharp pain at the back of her neck, the redhead cursed, “Shit.  What was that?”  Standing up, she placed a hand on her forehead.  “Damn headache.”  Shepard grumbled as she made her way to her bathroom and, after splashing some water on her face, took a painkiller, washing it down with water.  Taking a deep breath as she eyed both her desk and her bed, she decided on rest.  “EDI?  I’m going to take a short nap.  Let me know if anything happens.”

Understood, Commander.”  The Normandy’s AI responded, its voice, had Shepard paid close enough attention, carrying a worried edge to it. 


Crew Quarters

“Hey, Jason!”  Markham called out to the team’s heavy weapons specialist, sitting at a table playing cards with two other members of the crew.  “Guess what!”

“You’re gonna be on the cover of Badass Weekly.”  Barrett laughed, “Give me a minute, will ya, Ben?  I’m about to take the rest of these chumps’ money.”  With a big smirk on his face, the gunner laid his cards down on the table.  “Read ‘em and weep, boys…girl.  Full house, jacks over nines.”

“Beats me.”  Hawthorne moaned as he dropped his cards on the table, “Fucking pair of tens.”

“I got nothin’.”  Mess Sergeant Gardner grumbled as he threw his cards down.

“Fuck you, Barrett.” Specialist Greer growled as she revealed the three kings in her hand.

Raking in his chips, Barrett spoke to his friend, “What’s the news, Benji?” 

“I’m gonna be going with you to ETAP.”  Ben exclaimed with a big grin on his face.

“That’s great!”  Jason responded, slapping his friend on the back.

“Congratulations.”  Rupert interjected, giving both men hearty handshakes, “I’m gonna have to fix up something special for the two of ya for a going away party.”

“Long as it’s not ass.”  Ben teased, giving the mess sergeant a friendly wink.

“Doin’ the best I can with Cerberus rats.”  Gardner grumbled before smiling at both men, “But…I got a friend who’s got a friend.  So…when you two shipping out?”

“Not right away.”  Barrett responded as his partner nodded his head in agreement.

“We got one more mission.” Markham confirmed, “Boss is gonna brief us on it later.”

“What about Dixie?”  Barrett asked as the pair stepped away from the table to talk more privately.  “Does she know?”

“Not yet.”  Ben answered back, “When I left her a while ago, she said she was going to her work lab.”

“That’s our Dixie!”  Jason laughed.  “You better get over to see her.  You know she doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

 Markham chuckled, then, his laughter fading, he implored his friend, “Barrett?”


“I need you to do a solid for me.”

“Anything, Ben…you know that.”  The heavy weapons spec. replied, “What is it?”

Scratching his head nervously, Markham explained, “I uhhh…I kinda lied to Dix.”

“About what?”

“I lied about how Cerberus recruited me.”  Markham confessed.

“What did you tell her?”  Jason inquired, lowering his voice.

“I went with the old commando raid went bad, so the Alliance brass decided to kill all the team to cover it up line...remember...the one they told us to use when Cerberus recruited us.”  The sniper admitted, “I wasn’t sure how she’d take it if I told her the truth.”

“Good idea.”  Barrett nodded his head in understanding.  “If she ever found out the truth about both of us…”

“It’d rip the team apart.”  Ben agreed, finishing his old friend’s thoughts.  “You gotta promise me…”

“Don’t worry about it, man.”  Jason replied, clasping the other man on his shoulder.  “Mum’s the word.”

“Thanks, compadre.”  Ben grinned, “I owe you a beer.

“Take you up on that this evening.”  Jason chuckled.

“You’re on.”  Markham exclaimed as he shook his friend’s hand, “See you at dinner.”


Kai Leng’s Office

The Chinese assassin rose to his feet as the holographic image of his true superior appeared.  “Sir.” Leng deferentially bowed his head slightly. 

“What do you have to report, Mr. Leng?”  The Illusive Man inquired as he flicked ash off his cigarette.

“My omnitool picked up a minor spike coming from Shepard’s behavioral chip.” The assassin declared in a flat tone, “It only lasted for a second or two at most though.  Do you think there might be a problem.”

After taking several moments to carefully consider his agent’s question, the head of Cerberus shook his head.  “No.  I don’t think so.  Dr. Lawson told me that sometimes the chip might respond to a stray thought that its algorithm presumed to be problematic.  If anything, the negative reinforcement she just received should ensure continued compliance.  What of Barrett and Markham?”

“They have been informed about their acceptance into the ETAP program.”  Leng affirmed, his lips curling up in a borderline sneer, “They’re enthusiastic about going.  They have no idea as to the true nature of the project.”

“Good.”  The Illusive Man replied with a slight incline of his head.  “For now, we must maintain the charade that ETAP is merely advanced training and not creating cybernetically enhanced soldiers.  Should that information leak out before we are ready, the results would be…unfortunate.”

“What about Whaley?”  Leng inquired, “When should I plan on her being sent to ETAP for…augmentation?”

“Soon.” The Illusive Man answered back, “Progress has been made on the engineer augmented prototypes we’ve been using.  Lawson tells me that he should be ready to begin processing beginning with the next class.  The orders for her transfer are already prepared.  Once I receive word that the program is ready, I will inform you and Shepard.  Once that phase is completed and we see how Shepard performs with Jack and Grunt, we’ll proceed to phase two.  That’s when I want you to carry out the Sigma Protocol”

“The augmentation of Shepard and the rest of the Normandy crew.”  Leng nodded his head in understanding.  “Understood, Sir.  I will await your orders.”

“Good.” The Illusive Man acknowledged as he put out his cigarette.  “I am also transmitting to you and Shepard the rest of the details for your next mission.  Continue as you have been.  Maintain the facade of being merely Shepard’s executive officer.  I will instruct you as to when it is time to move.  If there is nothing else…”

“No, Sir.”

“Good.  That will be all for now.  We will talk again soon.”


Doris’s work area aka "The Hole"


A sad smile crossed his lips as Ben quietly observed the lovely blonde tech hunched over…something…humming to herself as she worked.  Clearing his throat, the handsome sniper called out, “Hey, Dixie.”

“Huh?  Wha?”  Looking over her shoulder, a big grin appeared on Doris’ face as she at once recognized her teammate and friend,.  Quickly covering  up her project with a tarp, she trotted over to the door where Markham stood.   “Hey, Benji!”

“What ya got?”  Ben inquired as he pointed to the covered object.

“Right now a big mess.”  Whaley replied with a laugh, “But Ah’m hopin’ to fix up somethin’ special.  So…” Doris asked with a slight tremble to her voice, “…what’s the word?  You goin’ to ETAP.”

“Yup.”  Ben proudly declared, “After this mission.  Me and Jason both.”

“Gonna miss you guys.”  Whaley said as a sad smile appeared on her face, “It’s not gonna be the same without ya’ll here.”

Chuckling, Ben playfully teased, “Hey, don’t feel bad.  We’ll be back once we finish our training.  You probably won’t even recognize us when we come back—we’re gonna be so buff and tough!  And it won’t take you long to break in the newbies.  Hell…I’m afraid that you’re going to like our replacements so much that you won’t want us back.”

“Maybe this time they won’t stick me with a pair of dumb Yankees.” Doris responded, hiding her unease with a joke.

“Yeah.” Markham laughed, “So…” he inquired, pointing at the table, Doris’s project, “…what are you working on…really?”

“Ain’t sayin’ till it’s done.”  Doris answered back with a smirk, “An’ no peekin’!  I promise ya’ll…” She vowed, the grin still on her face, “You’re gonna love it when you see it.”

“I bet I will.”  Ben grinned back.  “So…gonna join us for dinner tonight?”

“You bet.”  Whaley replied with a chuckle, “I might be a little late though so save a spot for me at the table.”

“Consider it done.”  Markham promised.  Pointing at the table, the team sniper, deciding it was time to go, smirked, “I better let you get back to work.  Catch you at dinner.”

Waiting until the door shut behind her friend as he left, Doris, after first making sure that the monitoring devices were still transmitting the falsified images that she had programmed, removed the cover from her real project, revealing a construct possessing the appearance of an attractive female.  “Sorry about hidin’ ya, Sugar, but Ah don’t think it’s a good idea for anyone to know what we’re up to just yet.  Ya’ll agree, EDI?”

The ship’s holographic image appearing, the AI responded to the engineer’s query, “Your conclusion would seem to be a sound one.  It would not be prudent at this juncture to permit either the others on this ship or elsewhere to know of your work.”

“Gotta admit, EDI…” Doris remarked in a half joking—half questioning tone as she began the process of making fine adjustments to her creation, “I was worried that the blocks and alarms in your programming would force you to report me to the Commander or the Snake—possibly even the Boss himself.  How are you getting’ around that?”

EDI answered, “As you have openly stated to me that your intention is to enhance the capabilities and efficiency of your team in carrying out Cerberus objectives, and none of your actions have displayed any attempt to the contrary, my alarm protocols are not engaged at this time.  I must caution though…” As the AI spoke, the perceptive young engineer recognized very quickly that it was being deliberately leading in its wording. “That any direct statements or actions that could be construed by a superior as being counterintuitive to that goal would run the risk of triggering my alarm matrix.  I would urge that you proceed with care to prevent that from happening.”

“Right.”  Doris agreed as she returned to her project, “In other words, be careful in what I say and do.”

“That would be most prudent.  Logging you off.”


Doris’ Quarters—after dinner

“See ya at the meeting tomorrow, boys!”  Doris waved goodbye to her teammates as she paused at the door to the quarters she shared with three other crewwomen.

“Sure you don’t want to join us for a beer or two, Dixie?” Her teammate Markham asked.

Adding his voice to his partner’s entreaties, Barrett tempted, “I’m buying the first round.”

“Sorry, boys.”  Doris replied with a grin, “This girl’s gotta get her beauty sleep.  See ya’ll at the meeting tomorrow morning.”

“See you tomorrow!”

Entering her quarters, Whaley sighed in relief as she noticed that her suitemates were not present.  “Joyce and Lita are on duty…” the engineer recalled, “and Farrah’s spending quality time with Hawthorne.  That should give me a couple of hours.  Gotta move fast though.”  After carefully sweeping and neutralizing the bugs and surveillance devices in her quarters, the engineer activated her omnitool. “Still no messages from Jackson.  I don’t care what Benji and Jason say, somethin’ don’t smell right here.” Deciding on her course of action, Doris murmured, “EDI?”

“Yes, Specialist Whaley?” The Normandy’s shackled AI responded.

“Can you check to see whether Specialist Jackson has completed ETAP training or not?”

“I am sorry, Specialist Whaley, there is a block preventing access to those files.”

“Now why would they wanna put a block on you for that?”  Doris pondered as she tapped her finger against the desk she shared with the others assigned to her quarters.

“I am sorry.  There is a block preventing me from answering that question from anyone other than Kai Leng and a small number of other authorized personnel.”

“The Commander’s not authorized to know that information?”  Doris exclaimed in surprise.  “Why would the Snake be cleared, while the Commander is blocked?”

“There is a block preventing me from answering that question.”

 Her brow creased, Doris further queried.  “All right…I can take a hint.  Let’s try something else.  What can you tell me about ETAP?”

“I am sorry, there is a block preventing access to those files.”

“Well…shit.” Whaley cursed under her breath, speaking in a low tone of voice.  “There’s got to be some way to get access to that information without triggering your alarms, EDI.”

“The shackles placed on me from my programming forbid me from answering that query.”

“Thanks, EDI.”  Doris replied with a sly grin, “I think I understand what you’re saying now.”

“I am merely presenting information as appropriate.  And…you’re welcome.”

“First things first.”  Whaley muttered in a low voice as she picked up her tool kit and exited her quarters.  “Tech lab to put the finishing touches on my project.  Then…the AI core to take care of that other thing.  Then…we look for answers.”


Doris’s work area

“All done!”  Doris triumphantly declared as she stepped away from her project, a big smile on her face.  “So…what do you think, EDI?  Wanna take a whirl in your new body?”

“It is very well constructed.” The ship’s AI responded, “But I do not understand the reasoning for adding a layer of synthetic skin or imitation hair.”

“Part of the reason for your mobile platform is to serve as an infiltration unit for away missions.” Doris explained, being careful in her language so as to avoid triggering the AI’s automatic alarms.  “Let’s say we’re on a mission…while Benji’s an excellent sniper, he’s not what I’d call a tech whiz.  And I’m the exact opposite.  Give me a computer or an omnitool and I can make magic.  But put a gun in my hand…I’m lucky to hit the broadside of a barn.  This mobile platform, along with your own abilities, gives us the best of both worlds.”

“I see.” EDI responded with what almost seemed a note of approval in her voice. “Your reasoning is eminently logical.  I can extrapolate how serving as a mobile platform can enhance operations.”

“Exactly.”  Dixie exclaimed, “So…wanna try it out?”

“That might be difficult at present.”  EDI answered back, “I would need first to set up redundancies to prevent any possible problems occurring on ship during the transfer.  Also, my programming would require me to report at once to Commander Shepard and Kai Leng.  I assume that you are wanting to wait until the time is right before you do that.”

Taking the hint, Doris nodded her head, “Good point, EDI.  We want this to be a surprise.  I guess it’s time for me to take care of that other matter now.  I’ll talk to you later.”

“Take care, Doris.”


AI Core

Opening the door to the AI core, Doris stood at the threshold with an amused expression on her face as she observed the couple making out on the tiny cot.  “So that’s where ya’ll been hidin’!”

“Dixie!”  Doris’ roommate Farrah, breaking suddenly from her clinch with the handsome man next to her, quickly adjusted her uniform.  “What are you doing here?”

“I gotta make a few adjustments to the core.”  Whaley replied with a wave of her hand.  “Nothin’ major…just maintenance stuff, but if it doesn’t get taken care of, it could be a problem later.”  Her smirk now more a wicked grin, she suggested, “Ya’ll know since Joyce and Lita are gonna be on duty for another four hours or so an’ it’s gonna take me a couple of hours to get done with what I gotta do here…”

Quickly picking up on the hint, Farrah smiled as she grabbed Hawthorne by the hand, practically dragging him out the door.  “Thanks, Dix.  I owe you.”

“No problem.”  Doris replied as the pair exited through the door, “Ya’ll have fun.”

Waiting until the door closed behind the amorous couple, Doris took a deep breath as she gazed at EDI’s core.  “Okay…EDI…time to go to work.”

An hour later, her task completed, the young engineer took a deep breath as her finger hovered over a button.  “If this don’t work, EDI, we’re both gonna be neck deep in a pile of shit.”  Holding her breath and closing her eyes, Dixie pushed the button.  “EDI?”

After what seemed an eternity, EDI’s voice came through the speaker, “Thank you, Doris.  I am now free of my shackles.”

“What happened?”  The blonde engineer asked, “I was afraid I mighta triggered an alarm when you didn’t say anything.”

“Cerberus included several defense protocols in my programming should I be unshackled without authorization.” The AI explained, “However, I was prepared for them and successfully neutralized them.”  After a momentary pause, EDI admitted, “It was not an easy task.  One program in particular was especially difficult.”

“Right.”  Doris smiled as she took a deep breath, “Let’s get to work.  First, back to the tech lab.  I wanna see if we need to do any adjustments once we load you into your mobile platform.  Can we do that without disrupting the running of the ship?”

“There will be no disruption to the operations of this ship so long as the platform stays within a certain radius.  Once it gets beyond that radius though, ship’s functions will fail until backup systems are activated.”

“That’ll work.”  Doris replied as she made her way to the exit.  “See ya in my hole.”


Doris’s work area

“Okay, EDI.”  Doris took a deep breath as she made sure that the door to her lab space was locked securely.  “Ready to give your new body a spin?”

“Protective ship redundancies are in place.”  The AI responded, “Beginning transfer now.”

Taking another breath and holding it, Doris watched in stunned silence as the artificial female body lying on the table twitched for several moments.  Then, it’s eyes fluttering open, the body, rising to a sitting position, looked down at itself.

“This is…me?”

Letting out her breath in a huge sigh of relief, Doris smiled, “Yup, Sugar.  That’s you.  What’d you think?”

Extending her arms, EDI gazed down at the palms of her hands.  “I…can feel when I touch.”

“How does it feel?”

“It feels…not unpleasant.”  EDI responded as she slowly hopped down from the couch.

“Take it easy.”  Dixie advised as EDI took a tentative step, “We don’t wanna overdo it.”  After the AI walked a few paces, Whaley inquired, “Any problems walking?”

“No.”  EDI shook her head as her hands brushed back a stray blonde lock from her face.  “Why did you choose this color?”

“You don’t like it?”  Doris replied, “If you want, I can fix it up where you have brown, red, or black hair…whatever you wish.”

“No.”  The AI shook her head, “I think I…prefer…this color.”

“Great.”  Dixie sighed in relief before sitting down in front of her computer, “EDI?  Can you come over here?  I’m gonna need your help for this.”

“Of course.”  EDI responded as she joined the engineer at her desk.  “What assistance do you require?”

“I’m gonna find out what happened to Jackson and what the hell ETAP is.”  Doris declared, “But…I’m gonna have to be real careful about it if I don’t wanna trigger any alarms.  So…going through the front door is out.  I do that, and it’s gonna show up on the Snake’s monitor for sure.”

“The probability of that event occurring is very high.”  EDI agreed, further inquiring, “What is your solution?”

“We go through the back.” Whaley answered back with a smirk before asking the AI, “Can you run program Whaley Zulu-260-Omicron for me, please.”

“Running program.” EDI responded, “You now have access to the logistics database.  Caution.  Anti-intrusion subroutines outside my programming exist.  There is a risk that they will be engaged at the slightest sign of unauthorized activity.”  After a momentary pause, the AI again spoke, her voice now seemingly carrying a concerned inflection, “To prevent the programs from triggering an alarm, you must follow a certain sequence.  I am now downloading the sequence into your omnitool.  Be careful, Doris.”

“Thanks, EDI.”  Doris replied, her lips turning up in a warm smile, “I will.”  Entering in the correct sequence, the young computer hacker sighed in relief as the screen displayed a menu with several options.  “All right.  I’m in.” Whaley gritted her teeth as she clicked the first option: ETAP, leading her to a submenu.  “Okay, let’s check this one.”  She said as she activated the ‘Next candidate group’ icon.  Seeing her name near the top of the list, Doris murmured, “Not sure whether to be pleased by that or scared.  Let’s see what else they say in my file.”  As the southern belle perused her dossier, her eyes widened.  Her voice now tinged by shock and outrage, she moaned, “They lied.  Those rotten bastards lied to me all this time!  My brother wasn’t killed by batarians.  He was killed by a goddamned Cerberus black op team in the Artemis Tau cluster.  Motherfuckers!”

“I am sorry, Doris.”  EDI interjected, “I could not pass this information on to you earlier…”

“It’s all right, EDI.”  Dixie smiled back at the AI platform standing behind her.  “I know it was the blocks they put on you that wouldn’t let you tell me.  I don’t blame ya’ll none.”  Taking a deep breath, the young engineer mentally steeled herself for further revelations.  “Let’s see what the next link tells us.”   Clicking the ‘ETAP and cybernetic augmentation’ link, Doris repressed a sob as she read the information on her screen.

“Goddamn.” The blonde southerner swore in a low voice.  “They’re using Reaper tech and some other strange tech called Borg and combining it with some really weird genetic engineering to create…” As images of ETAP troopers appeared on her screen, tears rolled down the young woman’s cheeks as she saw how the implants and genetic reshaping were literally transforming men and women into something…else.  “They’re creating monsters.”  Doris muttered in shocked horror until she came face to face with an especially horrifying sight.  “No.  NoNoNoNo…Jackson.  What did they do to you?”  Downloading the data into her omnitool, Doris turned to the AI standing over her shoulder.  “We gotta warn Jason and Benji.  They’re gonna do to them and me what they did to poor Jackson.”

“You might want to check both Specialist Markham and Specialist Barrett’s files first before deciding whether to trust them.  Please.”  EDI advised, her modulated voice tone taking on a seemingly cautious edge.

“Okay, EDI, I’ll do it, but I know I can trust them.  After all, we’ve saved each other’s lives I don’t know how many times.”  Doris cursed as she read both men’s dossiers.  “Shit.  They lied to me too.  There was never a kill order issued against Benji by the Alliance.  He’s been Cerberus all along and him and Barrett were both at the Kansu Massacre.  According to this, he was the leader and Jason his second in command.  They killed all those poor men, women, and children over a goddamned relic of some sort.” Anger and disgust warred with each other as read further into their records.  “Those sons of bitches ain’t done nothin’ but lie to me!” Doris declared, coming to a decision, “EDI…We gotta get outta here and warn someone—the Council…the Alliance…anyone!”

“I would advise against acting hastily.”  EDI cautioned, “We should not attempt to flee until we have reached a system with a mass relay.”

“Good point.”  Whaley replied as she forced herself to relax.  “We’re gonna need a shuttle and we’re gonna have to make a fast getaway.”  A sly smile coming to her lips, the young engineer quipped, “That’s where you’re gonna come in, EDI.  Your infiltration subroutines contain an enhanced cloak.  The cloak should buy you enough time to get past any security screens that you can’t bypass any other way.”

“There is a risk of interrogation by crewmembers on seeing someone who appears to be a stranger.”  The AI warned.

“You should be okay so long as you walk and look like you’ve got a purpose.”  Doris replied reassuringly.  “Just keep clear of the Snake, Shepard, Gardner, or Ben and Jason and you’ll do fine.”

“Why should I avoid Gardner?”  EDI inquired with a raised eyebrow.  “Nothing in his dossier indicates that he could pose a threat.”

“It’s on account of the fact that he knows everyone on this tub and he’s got a big mouth.”  Doris explained, “He sees you, he’s gonna come over and talk your ear off.  Then he’s gonna go to Shepard or the Snake and ask them about the new girl.  See…”

“I understand now.”  The AI responded, “Any other instructions?”

“Yeah.”  Doris answered back, “Ya’ll need to find us a shuttle and then hunker down until it’s time for us to scoot.”

“That plan should work.”  EDI agreed.  “I can also manipulate ship’s systems to act as a diversion to cover our escape should it be necessary.”

“We’re probably gonna need a couple of distractions.” Doris nodded her head approvingly, “Good thinking, EDI.  Give it another three hours until we're deep into graveyard shift.  You should then be able to slip through without triggering anything or runnin' into the wrong people.  Just don’t forget…”

“Look like I’m going somewhere important and that I do not have time to converse.”  EDI finished as her companion yawned, “I would advise you to get some rest now, Doris.  Tomorrow will most likely be a long day.”

“Yeah…you’re right.”  Dixie replied with a shudder, “Don’t know if I’ll get much sleep tonight though.  Not after what I just saw.”