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Part 22 of The Raptor-verse , Part 7 of The Adventures of the Spoiled Princess (Raptorverse)

Into the Breach

Chapter 3: Act 3: Brawl in the Station


The fighting both inside and outside Mok's asteroid base intensifies as the landing team takes casualties.

Chapter Text

Team Nelia—Engineering and Weapons Control

Coming out of the maintenance tunnel behind the Nausicaan checkpoint, Nelia motioned for her companions to remain silent as she pointed at the mercenaries—all looking the other way.  As her team readied to strike, she held up three fingers…then two…then one.  “Now!”  The Orion rogue shouted as she fired and her team fired their weapons, taking the pirates completely by surprise, ending the skirmish almost as soon as it began.

“Engineering should be down this corridor.”  Shelana pointed, “No way around.  We’re going to have to go through.”

Twesata grumbled and heaved a sigh.  “We’re wasting time.  Let’s get this over with.”


The Battle in the Nebula

USS Belladonna

Her ship shuddering under the impact of the concentrated fire coming from three of the Nausicaan frigates, Zsuzsanna growled an oath as she commanded, “Eliza…I want those fuckers cleared from my screen.”

“Fire high impact torpedoes and concentrate energy fire on first frigate.”  The executive officer responded, “We take the bastards down hard one at a time.”

Smiling in satisfaction as the targeted frigate exploded in a bright fireball, Zsa-Zsa complimented her crew, “Nice shooting.  One down…two to go.  Lock on to number two and take it down.”  Turning to her tactical officer, she inquired, “Sito?  How are our friends doing against that Talon?”

“They’re keeping it occupied, Captain.”  The Bajoran weapons officer responded.  “Klothos is taking the brunt of the pounding, but it’s getting in some good shots in return.”

Laughing, Zsuzsanna joked as the second frigate exploded, “Don’t worry about Korath.  He’s enjoying every second of it.  What’s Kaval’s status?”

Smirking, Sito responded as the Romulan warbird cloaked after making a successful attack run. “He’s keeping the Talon busy by using hit and run tactics.  Another run should bring down the battleship’s shields. ”

“And provide the perfect opening for Korath.”  Zsuzsanna finished, her lips turned up in a predatory grin as the third and final frigate exploded in another ball of flame.


RRW D’ressa

“Wait for it.” Kaval uttered in a calm, level tone as the helmsman’s hand hovered over his panel.  “Bring us in closer…closer…”

“500 kilometers and closing.” The helmsman declared, calling out the distance to the battleship.

“Decloak and fire all weapons at 100 kilometers. Concentrate on the forward shields.”  The commander coolly ordered as the Nausicaan battleship grew larger in the viewscreen.

“100 kilometers.”

“Decloak and fire!”

“All weapons firing.  Torpedo impacting.”  The helmsman let out a victory whoop, “Their shields are down!”

“Continue firing weapons.” Kaval ordered as the warbird rocked under the impact of the battleship’s return fire.

“Forward shield down to less than fifty percent.”  The engineer called out, “Damage to forward sensor arrays.”

“Divert power to forward shields and maintain firing until we’re clear, then switch to the rear shields, lay down a spread of quantum mines, and cloak once we’re out of range.”

“Forward shield back to sixty-five percent.  Damage control teams dispatched to the arrays.”

“We’re clear.”

“Diverting to rear shields.”  The engineer announced.

“Laying down quantum mines.” The D’Ressa’s weapons officer, a petite Romulan female, exclaimed.

“The mines caught their rear shields.” The warbird’s executive officer reported, “Damage also to their aft hangar bay.  They won’t be launching anymore of those damned fighters.”

“Good.”  Kaval nodded in approval.  “Cloak.  Let’s give Korath some time to have a little fun while we line up for our next run if need be.”


IKS Klothos

“Divert power to forward shields!”  Captain Korath bellowed as sparks flew from the helm console.  “Weapons officer…maintain disruptor fire. Fire torpedo—maximum yield—on my mark.  That pet’aQ is almost ours.  Just one or two more volleys.” 

Smirking in satisfaction as his Romulan ally finished his attack run, the Klingon captain heard his sensors officer triumphantly call out, “Battleship forward shields down.”

“Qul‘ dah!”  Korath growled, “Fire torpedo!  Helm…new heading.  93 degrees Mark 30.  I want us at least 500 kellicams from that ship.”

“Torpedo away!”  The weapons officer called out as the K’tinga-class battlecruiser’s inertial dampeners strained to compensate for the sharp change of course executed by the helmsman.

“Maximum impulse!” Korath ordered as he watched the giant battleship in its death throes. 

“Five hundred kellicams.”  The helmsman announced.  Then, as the Talon exploded, he began to sing as the captain and rest of the crew joined him, the communications officer broadcasting the victory song to their allies, “ylja’Qo…Bagh Da tuH mogh…ChojaH Duh roH…yilja, Qey’ oH.”

Listening to the Klingons sing, Zsa-Zsa quipped to her crew, “If anyone wants to join in, I’m not going to stop you.”

“Secure from action stations and let us allow the Klingons their moment.” Kaval commanded, a slight grin appearing on his face as he listened to the triumphant voices coming from all three ships.

After giving her and her allies’ crews a moment of celebration, Zsuzsanna hit her comm button.  “Korath…Kaval…dahlings…we can party later, but right now we still have work to do.”

“Agreed.”  The Klingon captain responded, his Romulan counterpart quickly echoing his words, “Now is not the time to celebrate victory.”

“I concur.”  Kaval chimed in, “We must neutralize the base’s defenses and ensure that Mok does not escape.”

“Right.” The Hungarian starship captain agreed, “So…what are we waiting for?”


Team Ashley

Leading the way into the base’s command and control, Ashley fired her phaser at a Nausicaan standing next to a console as Rana enclosed another in a stasis bubble before launching a biotic throw at another Nausicaan, tossing him against a bulkhead before he could fire his weapon while Malak, wielding his bat’leth, charged into the room.

“Klingons.”  Ashley sighed as she took cover behind a console and calmy proceeded to return fire against the surviving pirates who had hunkered down near the base’s fire control system.  “We have to take that position.”  The former marine gestured towards where the pirates were dug in.  “If we don’t, our ships are going to get slaughtered by those battlestations and turrets.”

“Heh.”  Malak scowled, “What’s so difficult?  We attack.”

“A head on assault would be illogical and most likely futile.” S’vol declared, “The pirates have clear fields of fire and there is no cover once we emerge from our positions.”

“Ideas?”  Rana deadpanned in a slightly sarcastic tone.

“Yes.” The Vulcan security officer responded.  “There is a catwalk above their position that will permit a small team to gain an advantage.”

A smile appearing on her face, Ashley exclaimed, “Perfect. That will give us both a height advantage and flanking fire.”

Nodding his head in understanding, the Klingon warrior pointed out, “A good plan…but we will need to draw their attention with a feigned frontal assault.”

“You’re right, Malak.”  Ashley acknowledged as she gazed at the battlefield from her cover.  Deciding on a course of action, the ex-Alliance soldier outlined her plan of attack.  “Malak…you and I will divert the pirates with the frontal diversion.  We’re the heaviest hitters so that should draw their attention while Rana and S’vol make their way up the catwalk and hit them in the rear.”

Nodding his head in approval, the Klingon warrior exclaimed, “An excellent strategy.  Whoever taught you…taught you well.”

Her lips turning up in a sad smile as memories of Shepard and her crewmates on the Normandy resurfaced, Ashley responded, “I had some very good teachers…one in particular.  She taught me not only how to be a better soldier and leader…but also how to be a better person.”

“After the battle…” Malak earnestly declared, “We will drink to her over a bottle of bloodwine.”

“It’s a date.”  Ashley grinned back.  Then her smile fading, she took a deep breath, “All right.  Let’s move out and get this job done.”  After their comrades had moved off, Ashley glanced at the Klingon crouched next to her.  “Okay, Malak.  It’s up to us to keep those Nausicaans occupied until Rana and S’vol can get into position.”

“Then…what are we waiting for?” The Klingon warrior, hefting a long range disruptor minigun grinned back, “Let’s send these worthless pet’aQ to Grethor.”

“Works for me.”  Ashley replied with a laugh as the pair laid down suppressing fire, sending a hail of disruptor and phaser bolts at the Nausicaan pirates, causing them to momentarily duck behind cover before returning fire with a ferocious disruptor barrage of their own.

Making their way unnoticed along the flank, Rana and her Vulcan teammate finally arrived at their goal—a ladder going up the catwalk.  “We don’t have much time.” The asari scientist whispered, “Ash and Malak aren’t going to be able to keep it up much longer.  Sooner or later the Nausicaans are going to figure out it’s just the two of them.”

“A logical hypothesis.” S’vol agreed as he began his ascent up the ladder, “It would be advisable for us to proceed swiftly before that happens.”

“Keep it up, Malak!  Hit and duck!”  Ashley urged as she and her Klingon teammate poured out another barrage from their weapons before diving quickly to cover to avoid the return fire.  The two soldiers did that for two volleys as their teammates scaled the ladder and positioned themselves on the catwalk.  “We’re in position.” S’vol whispered.

“One more time, Malak.”  Ashley grinned at her Klingon comrade, “Ready?”

“Qapla!”  The Klingon shouted as he popped up out of cover and unleashed a ferocious burst from his minigun.

“Now!  Rana!” 

The asari and Vulcan struck quickly from their elevated positions pouring down a cascade of phaser fire and biotics on the Nausicaans as Ashley and Malak maintained their ferocious assault on the front.  Then, just as the battle seemed won, the Klingon warrior, wielding his bat’leth as a master, bringing down one pirate after another fought until a lucky disruptor bolt fired by the last Nausicaan struck him in the chest, propelling him backwards into a bulkhead.

“Malak!  Ashley called out in alarm as the other members of her team moved rapidly to take control of the room.  Rushing to her comrade’s side, the former marine, on seeing the gaping hole in the Klingon’s chest, realized at once that the wound was fatal.

“The fight?”  Malak whispered hoarsely with his dying breaths, “We are victorious?”

“We are.”  Ashley responded, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Do not cry.” The Klingon coughed, blood coming out of his mouth.  “It was a glorious battle. One day, we will meet in Sto’vo’kor, naD, and drink that bloodwine to your friend together.”

“Count on it.”  Ashley sobbed as she cradled the warrior’s head in his lap.  “Is there anyone we should…”

“Captain Korath will inform my par’machi and family.” Malak wheezed as Rana and S’vol rushed to join their comrades.  “Do not mourn me, naD.  I die as a Klingon should—in glorious battle.  This body is a mere husk.”  With those words, opening his eyes wide, the brave warrior mustered his remaining strength for one last shout of defiance.  “Beware…a warrior enters Sto’vo’kor!”


Team Nelia—Engineering

“They’ve got us pinned down.”  Nelia shouted as she quickly dove for cover, a fusillade of disruptor bolts barely missing her.  “Ideas?”

“We need a distraction.”  Shelana replied as she fired her autorifle, its phaser bolts disintegrating a Nausicaan wielding a neuro-lash, who, supported by two of his companions, was charging towards their position.

Flashing an evil grin, Twesata took out the device that she had purchased earlier.  “I’ve got just the distraction.  Bought it from an old friend of mine—Lexi—when we were on Starbase 80.  When activated and thrown it emits a holographic image.” She explained, “It won’t fool ‘em for long and I’ll have to be careful where I throw it.  Too far from the pirates and they’ll ignore it.  Too close and they’ll know it’s a phony.”

“They will also see through the ruse if it just suddenly appears on their flank or their rear.” R’ann pointed out, her eyes focused on a console several meters to the left.  “I can draw their fire while you toss your distraction on the opposite side.  They’ll think they’re being encircled.”

“That’s awful risky.”  Nelia remarked with a shake of her head, “There’s a lot of open ground between here and that console.” The Orion engineer’s lips turning up in a sly grin, she suggested, “I can modulate your shield’s frequency where it’ll take more hits before failing.  But…it’ll wear down faster.”

“Trading off temporary increased resistance for lesser durability.” The Romulan security officer concluded, nodding her head in understanding.

“Right.” Nelia affirmed, “So you’re going to need to move fast.”

“It’s worth the risk.” R’ann grinned back.  “Make the modifications.”

“Give me a moment and we’ll be set.”  The Orion engineer said as she began to work.  Then, just as she completed her task, her comm badge beeped.

Belladonna to landing party.  Respond please.”

“Nelia here.”

“Williams here.”  Ashley’s voice answered also, the former Alliance marine hearing the call at the same time.

“Good.”  The Magyar accented voice of Captain Rozsa responded, “I have you both.  We took down the pirate ships and are on our way back to you.  Can you do us a favor dahlings and take down those annoying battlestations and turrets.”

“Already ahead of you.” Ashley responded, “We’ve taken fire control.”  Her voice taking on a mournful tone, the ex-marine added, “Could you please tell Captain Korath that Malak has died?”

“How did my warrior die?”  Korath interrupted.

“He fell in battle.” Ashley responded, “He took down at least two Nausicaans in hand to hand combat before he was killed by a disruptor.”

“And what of the cowardly pet’aQ who fired the disruptor?”

“I killed him.”  Ashley grimly responded.  “My team and I killed all the other pirates as well.”

“Then Malak died well…as a Klingon should.”  Korath declared with a note of pride in his voice.  “You and your comrades have carried yourselves with honor today.  Do not mourn for our fallen warrior for he is in Sto’vo’kor even as we speak drinking bloodwine and winning glory in endless battle.”

“Yeah.” Ashley responded in a winsome voice, “He said we’d drink to my old commanding officer over a bottle of bloodwine in Sto’vo’kor.

“And so you shall.”  Korath declared proudly.

“And we’re making our final push in engineering.” Nelia announced as she returned to the conversation.

“Good.” Zsuzsanna replied, “Once their defenses are down, we’ll start beaming down reinforcements.  Rosza out.”

“You heard her.”  Nelia commanded, “Let’s get this over with.”

Moving quickly, R’ann darted towards the cover on the flank, drawing as intended the fire of the Nausicaans while Nelia and Shelana did the same, giving Twesata the time and space she needed to toss the holographic emitter that sprung into life, revealing the image of a Starfleet security officer firing his phaser, surprising the pirates and causing them to leave their position exposed.  Unfortunately, R’ann, before she could make it to the safety of cover fell to a Nausicaan disruptor bolt in her side, its charge knocking her to the deck, a hole where the kidney on a human would be.

“Shit.”  Nelia swore as the Romulan security officer went down, “R’ann’s down!”  The green Orion shouted to her teammates.  “I’m going to try to get to her! Give me cover!”

“Move it, Nel!”  Shelana yelled back as she tossed a photon grenade at the now exposed pirates.

“We’ve got ‘em!”  Twesata shouted as she fired her phaser.  “There’s only one or two more…one more…”

“No more.” Shelana added laconically as the last of the pirates went down.

Reaching R’ann, Nelia shook her head gloomily as her friends joined her at the side of their fallen comrade.  “I was too late.” The green Orion lamented.

“She was dead the moment she hit the floor with a wound like that.” Shelana consoled.

“Shels is right.” Twesata remarked, adding her voice in an effort to console the somber Orion woman.  “The tissue damage caused by that disruptor is too severe.”

“We need to deactivate those battlestations.”  Shelana declared, making herself heard over the countdown.  “Or it’s going to get grim for our friends.”

“You’re right.”  Nelia nodded her head as she closed the Romulan woman’s eyes.  Standing up, she quickly made her way to the main console.  After several anxious moments, the Orion engineer tapped her comm badge.  “Nelia to Belladonna.  The defense grid is powered down.”

“Very good.”  Zsuzsanna’s thick Hungarian accented voice came through the comm.  “We’re at the station.  Beaming down additional troops to engineering and command.  I’d suggest you see to the prisoners in holding while we’re doing that.”

“Hear that Ash?”  Nelia queried.

“I heard.”  Ashley responded, “We’re on our way.”


Mok and the Lethian

 “The battle goes poorly.” The new Nausicaan leader reported to his Ferengi employer, his heart racing as he gazed at the taciturn Lethian standing beside the Ferengi with a glower on his face.  “The intruders have taken both engineering and command and our ships have been defeated.  The enemy ships even now are beaming down reinforcements.”

“Go to where the prisoners are being held and activate the termination sequence.” Mok commanded his bodyguards, “They’ve deprived me of my profit…so I will deny them their victory.”

A sly grin appearing on his face as his minions did as they were told, Mok commented sarcastically as he made his way to his private shuttle. “Muscle is easily available and affordable, but I will miss the Lethian. Good telepaths are hard to come by, but…compassion is no substitute for a profit, and profit is the better part of valor.”