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Part 22 of The Raptor-verse , Part 7 of The Adventures of the Spoiled Princess (Raptorverse)

Into the Breach

Chapter 4: Act 4: Endgame


The fight draws to an end with a daring hostage rescue and Ashley forms a sisterly bond with one of the prisoners--a Bajoran teen named Ajun.


Two of Ashley's most important--and endearing--character traits that many players of Mass Effect so frequently ignore because they focus on her early--emphasis on early--antipathy towards aliens is her loyalty to her comrades and the importance she places on family. In the game, if you take the Paragon path with Shepard and actually talk with Ashley and bring her with you on missions instead of leaving her in the armory and then knocking her off at VIrmire, you can alter her views towards aliens to a more open and accepting one. In the Raptorverse, not only did Ashley benefit from having a Paragon Shepard who was patient with and worked with her, she's also spent several years in the Star Trek universe with non-human friends.

Also, family is very important to Ashley. Now cut off from her mother and sisters, she's found an adoptive sister in Ajun who is also now orphaned and alone.

Chapter Text


“Shit.”  Nelia swore as her team, now joined by Ashley and her group, confronted their next obstacle as they entered the prisoner area—the Lethian and a Nausicaan standing before five kneeling prisoners, their weapons pointed at the back of their heads.

“That’s far enough.”  The pirate shouted, “The cells holding the other prisoners have been rigged with explosives, this room is shielded by transporter buffers, and I hold the detonator in my hand.  Do as I tell you and the prisoners still in their cages will be free.

“What do you want?”  Nelia shouted back, simultaneously gesturing to her team.

“We want a shuttle and safe passage from this system.”  The pirate demanded.

“Release the hostages in front of you first!”  Nelia countered as Ashley, taking Twesata’s sniper rifle, took aim at the Lethian while Shelana targeted the Nausicaan and Twesata and S’vol prepared to mentally strike at the Lethian, hoping to land the first blow before the master telepath could act.

“These are our insurance policy.” The pirate retorted.  “They stay with us until we get to safety.  Once we’re clear…we’ll release them.”

Needing to buy just a little more time, Nelia rebutted, “How do we know you’ll keep your promise?”

“You don’t.”  The pirate laughed, “You have no choice.  Either let us leave with five or be responsible for the deaths of not only these hostages, but all the rest.  Decide now.”

Before Nelia could give her signal to attack, the Lethian cried out, “They’re lying!” as S’vol fell to the deck.

“Now! Concentrate on the Lethian!”  The green Orion screamed as Rana simultaneously encased the pirate in a stasis bubble. 

“Try me, bastard!”  Twesata cursed as she engaged the Lethian in mental combat.  Blood flowing from her ears and nose, the Betazoid telepath continued the mental struggle as she fell to her knees, screaming in pain.

Shouting to the hostages to run away, both Ashley and Shelana concentrated their fire on the Lethian, phaser bolts and beams converging on the mercenary telepath, rendered unable to counter thanks to Twesata’s efforts.

Breathing in relief as the Lethian, succumbing to the combined onslaught, collapsed dead to the floor, Rana gasped, “Hurry…I can’t hold the bubble much longer!”

Racing to the main console, Nelia deactivated the transporter buffers and then, with a final flourish, activated the transporter beaming the pirate and his detonator into deep space.  Sighing with relief, the Orion adventuress explained to her friends, “I had to take a big gamble that transporting him far enough into space and at maximum molecular dispersal would prevent the bombs from going off.”  Glancing down at the prostrate form of S’vol, currently being tended to by Twesata and Rana, she inquired, “How is he?”

“Alive…but comatose.”  Twesata responded, shaking her head.  “His mind has been damaged.  I’m afraid if I try to probe too deep, I could cause even more harm.”

“We need to contact Captain Rosza.”  Shelana said in a whisper.  “She should know.”

“Right.”  Nelia responded as she tapped her comm badge and passed on the news.

“Thank you.” Zsuzsanna replied in a grave tone, “Commander Kaval and I are sending medical teams to your location.  They’ll take care of Ensign S’vol and the prisoners.”  Speaking candidly, the Hungarian starship captain admitted, “I’m not sure there’s anything we can do for Ensign S’vol except make him comfortable until he can be transported to Vulcan.  Hopefully, they’ll be able to do something for him there.”

“Thank you, Captain.”  Nelia responded, “What about Mok?  Were you able to catch him?”

“No.”  Zsa-Zsa declared, “The halfasz must have had a cloaking device on his shuttle.  He got clean away.  But don’t worry…he’ll fuck up and we’ll be there to catch him. Take care and I’ll see you soon.  Rosza out.”

Moments later, several pillars of green and blue light appeared heralding the arrival of the Starfleet and Romulan medical teams.  Moving quickly, the medics began work on the prisoners as a Vulcan woman with long dark hair and wearing a skimpy blue Terran Empire uniform, approached.  Kneeling down next to her fallen shipmate, his head still resting on Rana’s lap, she introduced herself, “I am Lieutenant Commander T’Vrel, Chief Science Officer of the Belladonna.”

“Rana…” The asari scientist responded, “Rana Thanoptis. I’m more or less the Spoiled Princess’s medic—although really I’m a geneticist.  I did a medical scan on S’vol.  Here’s what I picked up.” She handed her tricorder to the Vulcan woman kneeling down next to her.

“Hmmm…” The Vulcan science officer mused as she read the results of the scan.  “It appears that his qui’lari…the focal point in a Vulcan’s bioelectric field…has been cut off from the rest of his mind by the Lethian telepath’s assault.  This has left him…in human terms…lobotomized.”

“Can his mind be restored to him?”  Rana asked, lamenting, “My people have the ability to join our minds with those of other species.  If I were a matriarch, I might be able to join with him and help repair the damage, but I’m only a maiden—still in the first stage of my life.  I’m not sure I could do it.”

T’Vrel replied, “To make such an attempt one would also need to have an intimate knowledge of the Vulcan mind and would also require either that the person doing the joining  be a highly skilled telepath or have the presence of a knowledgeable Vulcan to serve as an anchor.”

“And I’m not anywhere near familiar with Vulcan anatomy or thought processes.” Rana confessed sadly.

“And I am not skilled enough or wise enough to serve as an effective anchor.”  T’Vrel also admitted.

“So…what can be done for him?” Rana asked, her query as much plea as question.

The Vulcan science officer responded, “The best course of action at present is what Captain Rosza told your friend.  To return him to Vulcan.  There, he will be in the care of specialists who might be able to help him.  I will beam back to the ship with him.”  Inclining her head at the asari scientist, T’Vrel held up her hand in the traditional Vulcan salute as she gave the command to beam up, “Live long and prosper, Rana.” 

“We’ve been talking to the prisoners…” Shelana and Ashley reported gloomily to their Orion teammate.

“It’s horrible.”  Ashley growled, “All the female prisoners were naked.  The other starships are beaming down blankets for them so that they can cover themselves until we can replicate enough clothes for everyone.  What sort of sicko would do this?” She finished in a plaintive voice.

“Mok is old-school Ferengi.”  Nelia explained frowning, “They believe that all females should be naked.”

“Belen doesn’t believe that.”  Ashley observed, “Neither do any of the Ferengi I’ve met so far…although…” she added thoughtfully, “I’ve only met a few.”

“Most Ferengi are like Belen now.”  Nelia pointed out, “The last two Grand Naguses…Zek and Rom…began a series of reforms that have essentially emancipated Ferengi women—allowing them to wear clothes and engage in commerce.  It’s taken some time and a lot of work, but most Ferengi are on board with the program now—they might grumble a little now and then, but they’ve accepted it.”

“However there are a few holdouts.”  Shelana pointed out sourly, “They cling to the old ways.  Mok's one of those.”

“Right.” Nelia nodded her head as Twesata approached, accompanied by an adolescent Bajoran female wrapped in a blanket.

“Nelia?”  The Betazoid telepath called out, “This is Kora Ajun.  You might want to hear what she has to say.”

Seeing the frightened teenager, Ashley’s protective instincts quickly rose to the surface.  “It’s okay, Ajun.  You’re safe here.  You can talk to us.”

“She’s been repeatedly whipped by a neuro-lash.”  Twesata grimly stated, “I was with a Romulan team at the time.  The guards were using her as a plaything.”  The Betazoid telepath scowled, “They kept her naked in a cage and brought her out when they wanted to…”

“I get the picture.” Nelia replied in a soft voice, “I’ve seen shit like this before.  That’s one of the reasons why I have no problem killing slavers.”

“Yeah…” Ashley grimaced, “These assholes are as bad as the batarians.”

Turning her attention back to the newly freed prisoner, Nelia’s lips turned up in a compassionate smile.  “No one’s going to harm you here, Ajun.  Can you tell us what you told Twesata.”

“Yes.”  The Bajoran youth stammered, “I overheard something.  It was just after a couple of the guards…” the young woman broke down sobbing as Ashley held her in her arms.

“It’s all right, Ajun.  No one’s going to hurt you anymore.  We won’t let them.” The former Alliance marine, stepping into her other role as elder sister, gently cooed, “Take your time.  We’re in no hurry.”

Slowly recovering, the Bajoran girl looked up at Ashley, smiling wanly, before speaking in a haunted voice, “The guards were talking about where the next lot of slaves were going.”

“Healthy men and women often end up in some dilithium mine in neutral or uncharted space or as gladiators in someone’s arena.” Nelia explained, “However, the more attractive and younger males and females…”

“Go to brothels or private buyers—mostly Orion, Ferengi, or Nausicaan.” Shelana interrupted with a scowl on her face.  “Although it’s not unheard of for humans, Andorians, Trill, and other races to go into the slave trade.”

“It’s a dirty little secret that most people living in the core Federation worlds like Earth, Vulcan, and Trill don’t have to encounter…” Nelia began only to be interrupted by Ashley

“Out of sight…out of mind.” The ex-marine scowled.

“Right.”  Nelia acknowledged, “The core worlds don’t know what’s really going on and don’t really want to know.  However, if you live on the frontier, you become very familiar with its existence.  Sometimes…unfortunately…too familiar.”  Nelia remarked with a worried frown, “I’m not sure which is worse…getting sent to a whorehouse or getting bought by a private buyer. Some of what I’ve seen and heard—let’s just say the brothel is often better.  There are some real sickos out there.  I mean…yeah…I turn tricks and perform in ‘adult’ holonovels and all…but I’m a free agent.  No one’s forcing me into it, and you better believe I’m making good latinum from my clients and…usually…having fun doing it.  And if I don’t like a particular client or they’re into something I won’t do, I’ll tell them to go fuck themselves and back it up if I have to with a knee to the vitals or a phaser.  That’s different from being a slave where you have no choice and are forced into it.”

“What about the older ones?”  Ashley, still hovering protectively near her new charge, inquired, “What happens to them.”

“The lucky ones end up in domestic service.” Shelana replied, “The not so lucky…the mines.”

“So…” Ashley asked gently as she stroked her newly adopted sister’s hair, “Where were they sending the slaves?”

“Some of them…” Ajun stuttered, “most of them…like your friend said…were being sent to the mines or brothels.  A few of the tougher ones—I think they might have belonged to some militia—were going to someone’s private arena.  But there were some…mostly Romulan…but also a few humans and others and a small group of Gorn that they had recently taken from some freighter…” the young Bajoran choked back a sob before continuing, “The guards were laughing at me…teasing me…telling me that what they were doing to me and where I was going was a lot better than those being sent to the mines or going where those others were being sent.”

“Did they say anything about what was going to happen to those people?” Nelia softly inquired.  “Where they were being sent?”

“No.” The Bajoran girl shook her head.  “I overheard them saying that not even Mok knew for sure. Except that the ones taking them were Romulan and human—and that the humans wore clothing similar to…but not quite the same…as the Starfleet people here.” She finished, pointing to a nurse wearing a 23rd century Terran Empire skirt and top.

“Sounds like Tal’Shiar and maybe a Terran Empire from one of the Mirror Universes.” Twesata concluded, further speculating, “But why were they together? The Mirror Empires usually don’t work and play well with nonhuman races.”

“And the Tal’Shiar aren’t exactly fond of humans.”  Nelia exclaimed.  “Maybe we’ll find what we’re looking for in those encrypted files Mok has.  Bastard probably took the key with him.”

“Can our friends break the encryption?”  Ashley asked, “Whoever’s doing this sick stuff needs to be shut down.”

“Maybe.”  Nelia replied, her brow furrowed, “Let’s contact them and see what they say.  We need to debrief before the party anyway.”

“What about Ajun?”  Ashley said, still hovering protectively over the teenage girl.  “What’s going to happen to her?”

“Do you have any family, Ajun?”  Twesata gently inquired, “On Bajor or another colony world maybe?”

“No.” The young woman sobbed through her tears, “My parents were killed when the pirates took our ship.  I don’t have anyone back home.  We were going to a new colony being founded in the Archanis Arm when the pirates attacked.  They lined us up…some of us they kept.  Others…like my parents who resisted or were too old or too young…they killed.”

“Sons of bitches.”  Ashley growled before asking, “What’s going to happen to her, Nelia?”

“Most likely she’ll be sent back to Bajor…” the green Orion replied, “…where she’ll be placed in an orphanage until and unless someone adopts her.”

“What are the odds of that happening?”  Ashley asked, her protective instincts still dominating.

“Depends.”  Twesata replied, “Bajor is a member of the Federation, however, not everyone on Bajor is happy about that.”

Nodding her head in agreement, Shelana echoed her friend’s remarks. “Twes is right.  While Ajun will be well taken care of and will receive a proper education and counseling, there’s no guarantee she’ll be adopted due to her age and what she’s been through.”

“We can take care of her.”  Ashley pleaded, “I’ll make sure she keeps up with her coursework and help her when she needs it.”

Giving her friend a look of compassion, Shelana gently shook her head, “I know how close you were to your sisters, Ash, and how much you miss them, but think about what you’re asking…really think about it.  We’re almost always going into harm’s way—do you really want her to be exposed to that?  Besides…doing what we’re doing…she’s not ready for that yet.”  Her lips turning up in a gentle smile, she reminded her friend, “You know how crazy Twes and Rana can be.”

“Hey!”  Twesata interrupted with a huff.  “Just because we don’t have sticks up our asses—unlike some other people!”

Laughing, Ashley shook her head and then offered a second alternative.  “You’re right.  She’s not ready for that, yet.  What if she stays on Drozana Station?  We can get our bosses to set her up with a tutor and counselor and I’m sure Belen can find something for her to do other than tend bar or work the dabo tables.”

“I don’t know…” Nelia replied hesitatingly.

“Why don’t we ask her?”  Ashley insisted, “After all…we’re deciding where she’s going to spend the next few years—doesn’t she have a say in it?”

“Yeah.”  Nelia conceded, “She does.”  Turning her attention to the Bajoran girl who was clinging close to her human rescuer, Nelia inquired, “What do you want to do, Ajun?  Go to Bajor or stay with us on Drozana Station?”

The Bajoran girl declared, with a steely glint in her eyes. “All of my family on Bajor are dead.  I don’t have anyone there and don’t want to go back.”

“All right.”  Nelia conceded, with a nod of her head.  “I’ll talk to Belen about getting something for you to do around the resort—maybe waiting tables or clean up or something like that.  We’ll also talk to Drake and the others about setting you up with school and counseling—but—you’re going to have to promise us something in return, Ajun.”

“What?”  The teen replied as she squeezed Ashley’s arm in an unspoken request for support.

“You’ve got to promise us that you’ll complete your classes and attend all your counseling sessions.”  Nelia demanded, “This is not open to negotiation.  “Do you promise?”

“Yes!”  Ajun exclaimed enthusiastically, “Yes!”

“Okay.”  Nelia chuckled, “I know when I’ve been beaten.  I’ll talk to Belen when we get back to the ship and we’ll find a job for you on the Station.  When we meet for our debrief session, I’ll also squeeze Drake and make him set you up with a school and counselor.  Get ready to beam back to the ship with Ashley and the others.” The green Orion added as an afterthought, “We’re going to need to set you up with quarters.”

“How about the ones next to mine?”  Ashley volunteered, receiving in return a big smile from her newly adopted younger sister.

“Please!”  Ajun begged, “I promise I won’t be a problem.”

Nodding her head, Nelia agreed, “That’ll work.”  Motioning for Rana to join them, the roguish Orion instructed her team, “You all, except for Twes, beam back to the ship.  Twes?  I need you to help me download Mok’s files. I don’t want us to get hit with an ugly virus or other countermeasures.”

“Good idea.”  The Betazoid science officer replied, “Lead the way.”  Giving her asari girlfriend a goodbye kiss, Twesata quipped, “Be a good girl and I’ll replicate something special for you.”

“Hmmm…” Rana purred, “Can’t wait.  Don’t take too long.”

“C’mon, Twes.”  Nelia chuckled, “Sooner we get done, the sooner you and Rana can fool around.”

“Ready to go to your new home?”  Ashley grinned as she placed a sisterly arm over the Bajoran teen’s shoulder.  “Tell you what…” the ex-Alliance marine tempted, “…after you get settled in and get some sleep, Shelana and I will take you to a baseball game in the holodeck and then we’ll treat you to a hasperat souffle for dinner.  Does that sound good?”

Smiling up at her new big sister, Ajun replied, “After I sleep for a day or two.”

“Deal.”  Shelana grinned as she joined her friend and the young Bajoran girl, “After your physical, you get plenty of sleep and then we’ll go see the Pike City Pioneers take on the Bajoran Prophets, and follow that up with dinner.”

“Ashley to Spoiled Princess.  Twes and Nelia have some stuff they need to wrap up here, but we’re ready to go. Oh…you might want to get the quarters next to mine ready…we’ve got a guest coming with us.”


“We’ll explain when we get there.” Shelana replied, “Four to beam up.”