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Part 26 of The Raptor-verse

Devil's Deals

Chapter 4: Epilogue


The seeds are planted for future events that will bring things to a head.

Chapter Text

Normandy 2—Comm room

“Shepard.  How are Subject Zero and Grunt adjusting to their environment?”

“They have not caused any problems as yet, Sir. They seem content to remain in their quarters and, as per your orders, they have not been disturbed.”

"Good." The Illusive Man responded, "Very good. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, Sir." Shepard replied deferentially, maintaining a polite tone. “I am concerned about their fitness. They’re loose cannons.  I’m not sure I can trust them in a fight.”

“You can.” The Illusive Man responded as he took a drag from his cigarette.  “But that’s not why I contacted you.  I have new orders for you.”


“You are to proceed to Illium.  There, you and your team will coordinate with an Eclipse mercenary group—Mr. Leng has the details, he’ll brief you at the appropriate time.  Any questions?”

“What sort of mission is this?” Shepard inquired, “And why was Mr. Leng informed as to the particulars and not me?”

“You have your orders, Shepard. Leng will have point on the Illium operation. You will follow his lead.”

“So I’m being relieved of command?” The redhead frowned at the holographic image of her superior.

“Not relieved of command.” The Illusive Man replied somewhat mollifyingly, “Leng’s unique talents and abilities are best suited for the negotiations that must be made with our allies while your primary responsibility will continue to be operational command in the field—including properly utilizing our new assets.”

Feeling a sharp jab in the back of her skull, Shepard acknowledged submissively, “Understood, Sir.”

“Good. I expect success.”

“Yes, Sir.” Are we finished here?”

“You can go.” The Illusive Man responded. As Shepard turned to leave, the Cerberus leader addressed his assassin, “Mr. Leng? Stay. We have important details to discuss.”


RRW Gallena on the way to Illium

 Cilla and Liara--Holodeck

“You seem preoccupied, Liara.” Cilla Oudekirk observed as she noticed the pensive look on her asari friend’s face as they walked down a country trail.  “What’s wrong?”

“I received a…I guess you could call it cryptic…communication from one of my informants on Illium.”

“Can you tell me what it’s about?” Cilla inquired as the couple stopped in front of a fountain.

Nodding her head, Liara replied with a worried frown. “It’s a long story…can we talk about it somewhere else?”

“My quarters?” Cilla suggested receiving in return a warm smile and nod of the head from her companion. “All right.  Let’s go.  Computer…end program.”


V'lana and Anaya

“Hi Anaya.”  V’lana smiled at the image of the asari police officer on her monitor.  “What can I do for you?”

“I hear you’re on your way to Illium.”

“Yep.” V’lana acknowledged. “We should be there soon.”

“I heard about your…” The asari began, only to pause, not sure of how to proceed.

“Yeah.” V’lana inclined her head slightly, “Kaidan’s alive…but only just.  We can’t take him out of stasis without killing him until we find a strong telepath from my universe and possibly an asari matriarch.  And…while there are any number of matriarchs here…”

“Telepaths are another matter.” Anaya finished before proposing.  “Meet you at Eternity Bar?  We can talk more there.  Besides…” she remarked with a warm smile, “I owe you a drink.”

“Thanks.” V’lana answered back with a slight grin, “I think I’d like that.”

“See you when you get here.”



“Are you sure, Lanteia?”  Miranda pressed the asari on her comm monitor, “Absolutely sure.”

“Yes.” The Australian biotic’s informant replied, “Niket is ready to move—but we have to move quickly.  Her father has hired Eclipse mercenaries to track her down and I’ve just gotten word that Cerberus is aware of her presence on the planet as well.  It’s a sure bet they’re going to try to grab her to use as leverage against you.”

“Thanks, Lanteia.  We’re on our way to Illium now.  I’ll contact you when we arrive.”

“I’ll be at the Eternity Bar.  You can meet me there.”

“I’ll see you soon.”  Miranda acknowledged, terminating the transmission.  Tapping her comm badge, she called out.  “Subcommander?  This is Miranda.  I need to speak with you about an urgent matter.  Thank you.  I’m on my way.”

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