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Part 29 of The Raptor-verse



Ashley takes some downtime to engage in some introspection.


What I wanted to do in this part was bring out aspects of Ashley that are frequently ignored because people have this misconception of her as a racist and bigot—which couldn’t be further from the truth. Did Ashley distrust the Council races? Yes—and I would argue not always without good cause. Much of her views were shaped by family history--or rather, family baggage. If you take the time to get to know her in the game and bring her with you on missions and on the Citadel rather than keeping her warehoused in the armory, you see her beginning to go past those earlier prejudices. Those who do not like Ashley seem to focus on a throwaway line she utters the first time you’re on the Citadel with her. Further, in my headcanon, I see Ashley as someone who did very well in school. She could have easily gone on to college and graduate school had she wanted to, and then continue on to enjoy a very solid and respected career as a teacher or even professor of literature. She's a strong willed person intensely loyal to her friends and a woman of deep faith--but not pushy about it with others. In other words, she has her beliefs, but she's not going to stand on a street corner and harangue passersby or knock on peoples' doors and hand out leaflets. She's also blunt and to the point--you'll know where you stand with her very quickly--she doesn't play games or mince words. She’s also very creative—she could well have turned her talents to writing or the arts. But, for good or ill, family history—and I would argue family obligation driven by relatives pressing her into joining as well as the aforementioned baggage from the past, drove her to follow in the footsteps of her father, grandfather, and great-grandmother and join the Alliance military. Ashley has also spent several years in the Trek ‘verse now. She’s found a new home where she’s not judged by her family history and is encouraged to pursue her own goals. In short, she has a career she loves now, and with it, new friends and a new life and has absolutely no desire to go back to her old one. That will also cause conflicts with those whom she knew in her old life.

And yes--she is one of my favorite characters in the Mass Effect Trilogy.

Chapter 1: Hangovers and Friends

Chapter Text

Drozana Station—Belen’s Resort

Stumbling up to the bar, Ashley, after struggling to sit down on the first available stool, covered her face with her hands as she moaned, “Ohhh…my head…I feel like a Gorn slammed into me…it’s so heavy I can’t move.”

With a knowing smirk on his face, the Ferengi bartender shoved a mug in front of his distraught friend, “Here…drink this and you’ll feel better.”

“What is it?” Ashley inquired, giving the steaming hot mug a suspicious glare.

“Belen’s patented cure for hangovers.” The Ferengi responded with a chuckle.  “After you drink that, I’ve got some toast and water for you.  Same medicine for you too, Shelana.” His chuckle now replaced by an amused smirk as an Andorian woman stumbled up to the bar.

“Shit.” The hungover Andorian growled, “My head’s about to explode.”

“Drink.” Belen ordered, gesturing at the mug.  “You’ll feel better…trust me.”

“Down the hatch.”  Ashley groaned as she downed the contents of her mug in one gulp, scowling, “This tastes like horse piss!”

Shelana, also gulping down the Ferengi’s brew, grumbled, “What did you put in this.”

“It’s a secret.” Belen smirked, “But it’s guaranteed to cure hangovers.”  Placing plates with toast and glasses, this time filled with water, in front of the two women, the Ferengi bartender instructed, “Eat and drink.  By the time you’re done, you should be feeling much better.”

“I didn’t do anything stupid—did I Belen?”  Ashley asked as she took a sip of water.

“If you don’t count you and Shelana getting into a bloodwine drinking contest with Captain Korath and his executive officer—then, no.”

“Who won?” Shelana asked before nibbling on a piece of toast.

“It was a draw.” Belen replied with a big grin on his face, “But the two of you did get standing invitations to stand with House Koloth at the next Sempok Games.”

“Oh boy.” Ashley sighed and then looking around the casino, asked, “Where are the others?”

“Twesata, Rana, and Nelia went to Zsa-Zsa’s orgy.”  The Ferengi bartender laughed.  Then, seeing the lovely Betazoid and her asari lover stagger into the casino, he smirked, “Speaking of…”

“Damn girls.” Ashley exclaimed, somehow managing a smile through her hangover, “You two look like you’ve been rode hard and put away wet.”

“Funny you should phrase it that way.” Twesata joked as she and her companion joined the others at the bar.  Turning to her girlfriend, her lips turned up in a lascivious grin, “So…which ride was the wildest, imzadi…Zsa-Zsa, Eliza, Joachim or all three?”

“All three.” Rana teased back.

Shaking her head, Shelana looked around the casino, “Where’s Nelia?”

“She went off with the Trill Twins.” Twesata grinned, “I think they might still be going at it.”

“So…how did it go with the Klingons?” Rana asked as she wriggled uncomfortably on her stool.

“Something wrong, Ran?” Ashley deflected, teasing with a wicked grin on her face.

Grinning back, the beautiful asari quipped back, “Things are a little…sensitive down there…if you know what I mean.”

“Too much information!” The former Alliance marine laughed.

“We called it a tie.” Shelana interjected as Nelia finally dragged herself up to the bar.

“So…” Ashley drawled, “Was it worth it?”

“You better believe it was.” Nelia smirked as she gratefully took the mug that Belen held out for her.  “So…” The beautiful rogue inquired as she sipped her Aldebaran tea, “What’s everyone’s plans for today—other than nursing hangovers and allowing certain body parts to settle down?”

“After a hot shower or two…” Ashley groaned in response, “Check in on Ajun…make sure she’s adjusting okay.  Then, sleep for at least six hours or until the Valley Forge comes in—whichever comes first.”

“Ooooohhhh…” Twesata teased, “Boyfriend coming to visit?”

“Soren’s ship just finished a patrol in the Mempa Sector.”  Ashley primly replied, “And they’re coming here for some R & R before heading out again.”

“Sooooooo…” Nelia drawled, “What do the two of you have planned?”

“He better take you out to someplace nice.” Shelana quipped with a wicked grin on her face.

“He’s taking me out for dinner and dancing.” Ashley responded with a smile of her own.  “He picked up a holosuite program from Captain Hobson.  Steak dinner at Bern’s Steakhouse, followed by listening to jazz and dancing at CW’s Gin Joint.  After that we’re going to Sunset Beach to do some stargazing.”

“Sounds like he’s pulling out all the stops.”  Nelia smirked.

“What’s your plans, Nelia?” Ashley inquired, “I mean after sleeping off the Trill Twins.”

“Just gonna take it easy today.’ The lovely Orion answered back.

“Don’t forget…” Belen reminded his partner and friend, “You’re shooting a holonovel later on.”

“Oh…that’s right!”  Nelia replied, “The third part of the Love Slave trilogy—Romp on Risa.  It ends with a humongous orgy guaranteed to make you…”

“We get the idea, Nel.”  Shelana quickly interrupted as she outlined her plans for the day, “Zheren is taking me out to a springball match and then we’re going skiing on Andor.”

“What about the two of you?” Ashley asked Twes and Rana, “After you recover from last night, that is.”

“Just gonna take it easy.” Twesata replied, “Maybe hit the casino later on.”

“Sounds good.” Ashley remarked as she got up from her stool, “Well…I’m off to say hi to Ajun.  I’ll see you girls later.”

“Later, Ash!”

“So…how’s it going, Ajun?”  Ashley queried her adoptive sister as the young Bajoran let her into her new quarters.  “Getting settled in okay?”

“Hi, Ashley!”  The teenage girl beamed as she ushered her new sister in and asked her to sit down on a comfortable chair in the living area, “Want something to drink or eat?”

“No thanks, but if you want something go on ahead.”  Ashley replied with a grin as she sat down.  Looking about, the former Marine remarked on seeing a couple of posters for the neo-rock band the Maia-Threes plastered on the wall, “I see you’re getting the place decorated.”

“Yeah.”  Ajun replied with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, “So…how was the party?”

“I’ll tell you when you’re older.” Ashley answered back, taking on the role of older sister. Changing the subject, she asked, “How’s school?”

“Not bad.” The young Bajoran responded, “There are three other students in my class and the teacher’s okay.”

“So…what did you do today?”

“Today was hard sciences.” Ajun replied, “Physics…xenobiology…math.  Tomorrow we’re starting Klingon history.”

“Sounds interesting.” The ex-Marine then asked, “What’s your favorite subject so far?”

“Mmmm…” Ajun mused for a moment before replying, “It’s a tie between Phys. Ed and math.”

Chuckling, Ashley declared, “Phys. Ed was my favorite subject too…along with literature.  Thanks to Dad, I had a big jump on all the other students.”

“Sooooo…” Ajun teased, “Big date coming up?”

“I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” Ashley joked back, a faint red blush appearing on her face.

“Uh Huh…Yeah…right.” The Bajoran teen smirked, “That’s why you replicated that little black dress and bought that Spican flame gem studded necklace.  So…when is the Valley Forge supposed to dock?”

“In a few hours.” Ashley replied, then with a mock stern look on her face, prompted, “Doesn’t your shift at the restaurant start soon?”

Taking the hint, Ajun acknowledged before adding a coy tease, “Yeah…but I want to finish this up first.  Oh…by the way…I want a full report on your date tomorrow.”

“Yeah…we’ll see.” Ashley bantered back as she rose to her feet, “Well…I gotta go now and…”

“Get prepped?”

“Hey!”  The former Marine joked as she made her way to the door, “I can be a girly-girl when I want to be!  Be good and I’ll see you later!”

Ajun laughed as her adoptive older sister walked out the door, “Remember!  I want details!  And don’t leave anything out!”