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Chapter 2: Epilogue

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When the Declared left, T'Nor went with them, on the same ship as her dear friend Shikusl; and though the journey was long and filled with hardship and grief, both women lived to reach their new homeworlds. In the lottery that divided up ch'Rihan and ch'Havran for settlement, T'Nor went with her friend and the people who had become her family in decades spent together in space, and settled on the eastern continent of ch'Havran. They settled there with all the other clans and houses and ethnic groups whom the rest of the Rihannsu did not care for. There was some grumbling, at first, about being assigned to land that was less fertile and more difficult than any other continent of the Two Worlds. This mostly subsided when they realized that, resource-poor as they were, they were mostly left to their own devices and were in little danger of cross-planet raids, unlike those who lived on ch'Rihan.

T'Nor's festival porcelain, dedicated to Pani, was adapted for worship of the Elements and what local spirits they found in their new home. It was a treasure of the house that T'Nor founded, and people came from all over the Two Worlds to see it (for it was the finest example of Vulcan pottery the Rihannsu had), but it had no more value or consequence than any other beautiful item.

The proprietary information she was given—fertility treatments, artificial wombs, flash-training to teach technical skills quickly—was another matter entirely. Some of it found its way into Vriha T'Rehu's hands; several of the scientists and researchers she hired to build her population base and grow her an army came from the East Continent.

It is said, by those who take the ch'Rihan view, that when the people of ch'Havran doubled their population in order to grow an army of their own, they did so by "natural" means. (After all, they think the nations of the East Continent of ch'Havran are barbaric and backwards, poor and savage.) By "natural" they mean without technological assistance, without outside help, and thus by merely encouraging their women to be pregnant as often as possible. The people of ch'Rihan have forgotten where T'Rehu's experts came from in the first place, and assume that those of the East Continent must always be rustic in their poverty, with no skill or technology they have not imported.

But this is not the case. They imported no fertility specialists from ch'Rihan, or even from the West Continent of ch'Havran. Such a move might have alerted T'Rehu, it is true, but the truth is simpler than that.

They had no need of importing experts. They had their own.

And, to this day, the reproductive medicine on the East Continent of ch'Havran is some of the best in the Two Worlds, although this is little known outside its borders.

They prefer it that way.


The Fall of the City is a reference from sixbeforelunch's story "Let'thieri"
The Surak quote is from Chapter Vulcan: Six of Spock's World by Diane Duane (page 249 of the hardback).

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