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Part 32 of The Raptor-verse

Mind Tripping

Chapter 2: Act 2


Rana and Twesata continue their journey through Dixie's mind.

Chapter Text



“Hey, Doris!  Wait up!”

Turning at the sound of her name, Doris greeted the woman approaching her with a smile.  “Hey, Jackie!  What’s up? I heard you got picked for a special assignment.”

“Yeah."  An auburn haired woman with freckles replied with a wide grin.  “I wish I could tell you more about it, but you know…”

Recognizing at once one of the Cerberus base’s ever-present surveillance devices, Doris nodded her head, “Yeah…operational security.”

“Exactly.” Jackie responded, “I hear you graduated tech training top of your class.  Congratulations.”

“I got lucky on my finals.” Doris modestly replied, “To be honest, I thought I’d screwed up the combat tech practicals but I ended up acing them.”

“That’s great!  You’re probably going to get your choice of assignment.  So have you decided on what branch you wanna go into?”

“I’m hoping to go into military ops.” Doris answered back, “I want a chance at those four-eyed toads that killed my brother.”

“Yeah…I hear you.” Jackie responded sympathetically before saying her goodbyes.  “Well…I gotta go now.  Take care of yourself out there.”

“You too!”


“I didn’t know it at the time, but Jackie was one of the first they selected for the ETAP program.”  Shaking her head, the young engineer lamented, “You shoulda seen what they did to her—she was part human…part machine.”

“Like a Borg drone.” Twesata remarked, “Not a good sign.”

“You don’t want to go up against the Borg, Dixie.” Rana cautioned.  “We tangled with them once or twice and both times we were lucky to get away with our lives.”




“Resistance is futile.”

“If I hear that one more time, I’m going to fucking scream!” Twesata cursed as she fired her phaser at the drone only to have the beam deflect off its shields.

“Shit!”  Ashley shouted as her fire was also deflected, “They’ve adapted.”

“Change your frequency modulations!” Nelia commanded as a pair of phaser turrets materialized next to her.

“You got enough juice in you for a throw, Rana?” Shelana called out as her remodulated phaser beam impacted on its target, disintegrating it.

“Yeah.” The asari geneticist responded.  “You girls ready?”

“Body splat on Nelia’s command.”


Nelia shouted instructions, “There’s a node at your two o’clock, Rana.  Aim your throw there.  Ash…Twes…Shels…time on target on the node.  We hit it simultaneously, that should crash it and take out those drones.”

“On my mark!”  Shelana shouted.  “One…two…three.  Now, Rana!  Now, girls!  Hit it!”

A Borg drone, caught by the asari’s biotic throw, crashed into the node at the same time as the phaser beams struck, bringing it down in a massive explosion.

“Damn.” Ashley swore, panting from exertion as she and her Andorian friend dispatched the last of the drones.  “That was a helluva fight.”

“Let’s not do that again.” Nelia quipped as Twesata rushed to her staggering lover.

“You okay, imzadi?”

“Yeah.” Rana replied as she caught her breath, “I think my combat biotics are getting better, but goddess they take a lot out of me.  I think I’m gonna sleep for a week or two.”


“That’s some of what they did with Jackie.” Doris said, shivering at her first look at the Borg. “Only worse.  She looked almost like one of those husks that Shepard ran into.”

“Shit.” Twesata swore. “Take a bad situation and make it worse.”

“You don’t think they did something like that to me—do you?” Doris asked with a tremor to her voice.

“Nothing like that.” The Betazoid telepath replied in a soothing voice before cautioning, “But they might have done something more subtle.  Didn't you tell us that they made you go in for a physical or something similar?”

“Yeah.  They told me it was routine—that I’d be in and out.”

“You thinking what I’m thinking, imzadi?” Twesata asked her lover.

Nodding her head, the asari scientist answered back, “If they did anything, that’s when they would have done it.”

“Okay, Dixie…” Twesata instructed in a level tone, “Take us to when you went in for your physical.




“Specialist Doris Whaley reporting for physical.” Doris announced as she entered the room.

“Relax, Doris.” An elderly, father-like, grey-haired man wearing a standard medical jumpsuit smiled paternally as he greeted his patient.  “I’m Dr. Welby.  Just have a seat over there…” the doctor gestured at what appeared to be an examination chair with its back slightly inclined, “and we’ll get started.”

“I don’t need to get undressed or anything like that?”

“No.” Dr. Welby smiled, “This is just the standard exam we give everyone before they go on a mission.  I’m just going to check your vitals and then give you a shot that’s a broad-spectrum vaccine.  It won’t necessarily prevent you from getting sick…” he cautioned, “but it will help you from getting sicker.”

“All right. You’re the Doc.”  Dixie exclaimed as she leaped up on the chair and settled in. “Ready.”

“First I’m going to check your temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate, and then I’ll inject you and you’ll be on your way.”

As soon as the doctor injected her, Doris felt her eyelids growing heavier as she heard the doctor’s soothing voice, “Just relax.  This isn’t going to hurt and you won’t remember a thing when you awaken.”

“That’s when they did it.” Rana exclaimed, “While you were on that examination chair.”

“The Tal’Shiar used something like that for deep programming sleeper agents.” Twesata pointed out with a grimace, “They like to do it while the subject is unconscious—it makes it easier.”

“Can you…” Doris stammered, “Can you fix me.”

“We’re going to do our best.” Twesata promised, Rana nodding her head in agreement.  “To do this though…you’re going to have to trust me and Rana”

“What are you gonna do?”

“We’re going to deepen our bond with you even more than it is already, but it’s the only way to free you.  So…”

“Go ahead.” Doris replied, “I just want that damned thing outta me.”

“Rana?  Are you ready?”

“Yes.” The beautiful asari affirmed, “Are you?”

“Let’s do it.”


“It’s so foggy…” Doris moaned as a thick haze surrounded her and her friends, threatening to engulf them.

“Concentrate on clearing out a little space around the fog.” Twesata instructed.

“But I’m not a telepath.”

“You don’t have to be.” Rana encouraged in a soothing voice, “That fog represents the conditioning.  We have to work our way past it to get to your subconscious memories.”

“Take baby steps.” Twesata advised. “Concentrate first on just clearing the space around you.  We’ll help you.”

“All right.  I’ll try my best.”  Straining, Doris gasped the fog closest to her grew less opaque.

“You’re doing great, Dixie.” Rana exclaimed in praise, “Keep doing it.”

“I’m trying, but it’s like chipping at concrete with nothin’ but a spoon.”

“Keep pushing, Dixie!”  Twesata urged as the faintest hints of daylight began to appear.  “You’re almost there.”

“Just a little more, Dixie!” Rana cried out, mentally pushing the young woman forward.

“Hey…” Doris shouted as the cracks grew wider, allowing more light to come in and dispel the gloom.  “Ya’ll are callin’ me Dixie!”

“Of course we are.” Twesata’s mental avatar grinned, “That’s your nickname isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” The Alabaman girl replied, her mental avatar smiling, “Does that mean…”

“We believe you.” Rana affirmed, “Yeah.”

“What about…”

“Ash and Shels?”  Twesata chuckled, “Don’t worry we’ll talk to them.”

“Ash might grumble a little for a while.” Rana joked.

“So will Shels.” Twesata added as the light grew brighter. “I’ve always known her to be that way since we were together at the Academy.  But don’t worry.  They’ll come around.  Just remember that with those two actions speak louder than words.”

“I hear you.”  Dixie replied, “What about the green-skinned woman?  Ya’ll’s leader?”

“Nelia?” Rana grinned, “Once we show her that we took care of the problem, she’ll be all right.”

“We’re almost there.” Twesata pushed, “Just a little more, Dixie!”  Then, the last of the fog dissipated to once again reveal the examination room.  “We’re in your subconscious memories now, Doris.  Just relax and let the memories come to you.” Nodding her head in approval as the Cerberus defector followed her instructions, the Betazoid telepath praised, “Good…very good…”

“I hear the doctor talking with two men.  I can’t make out who they are…they’re covered by shadows.” Dixie said as she and her mental companions began to hear a low murmur.

“You’re doing great.” Rana exclaimed, “Focus. Use all of your senses.”

“I smell something.”  Doris announced.  “It’s acrid…sharp…smells like cigarette smoke.”

“Good.” Twesata remarked, “We know one of the men is a smoker.  Did you know anyone who smokes in your universe?”

“My grandpa used to smoke.” Doris replied, “But he died a few years back—while I was still in high school.”  After a momentary pause, she continued, “I don’t personally know anyone who smokes.”

 “Concentrate on the cigarette smoking man." Rana instructed, "Tell us about him.”

“Tall. Thin.  He’s wearing a suit. No...can't be? Can it?" Dixie rambled, "He's the Illusive Man! That was him I saw on the training videos! He was wearing a suit like that--real expensive.”

“Looks like you broke that part of the conditioning."  Twesata praised, earning a bright smile from Doris in return. "Good job."

“I’m starting to make out words!” Dixie exclaimed.

“Good.” Rana encouraged, “Now…relax…let your subconscious flow freely…give their words sound.”




The doctor reported to the cigarette smoking man and the other figure enclosed in shadows.  “I was able to successfully implant the hidden directive, but...”

“But what?” The cigarette smoking man replied, demanding an answer.

“She has a strong will.” The doctor cautioned.  “There’s a chance that her subconscious might rebel and break the conditioning—especially if she encounters a situation that conflicts with her moral or ethical values.”

“That could be a problem.” The figure in shadows warned.

“Not if we handle her correctly.” The Illusive Man responded.  Addressing the doctor, he inquired, “How can we subvert her value system?”

“It will have to be done gradually.” The doctor replied, “I would suggest starting her off with a mission or two that does not conflict with her values and then slowly give her more morally ambiguous assignments.  I would also suggest assigning her to a group that she can easily bond with and who would work to further erode her resistance.”

“The Normandy under Shepard should prove an ideal opportunity to test her conditioning.” The Illusive Man elaborated further to the figure in shadows.  “Shepard will give her a strong and confident figure to identify with who is also completely loyal to our cause.  Also, the team I am assigning Shepard is one that she should readily bond with. Further, her personality profile indicates a strong probability that she might form an even closer attachment to one teammate in particular.”

“Specialist Markham.” The doctor assumed, “His psychological profile also indicates that he would find her attractive.”

“Can he be trusted?” The man in shadows inquired, “Is there a chance that he might come to her defense in the event of a conflict?”

“No.” The doctor declared definitively, “He was already psychologically inclined to support our program even before his conditioning.”

“Specialist Markham has had ample opportunity to betray us and so far has passed every test.” The Illusive Man remarked, “I think we can trust that he will carry out our instructions to gain her confidence.”


“That lyin’ sack o’ shit!” Doris mentally shouted, “Benji lied to me the moment we met.  The Illusive Man ordered him to try to get into my pants…” her voice trailed to a whisper, “an’ it almost worked.”

“Don’t feel bad, Dixie.” Twesata consoled, “We’ve all been conned at one time or another by a smooth talker.”

“I was taken in by Saren’s charisma.”  Rana recalled in an effort to give the young human support.  “He said all the right things to get me to sign on with him.  When I finally found out the truth about what he was doing, it was too late.”

Doris’s avatar now taking on a pleading expression, she wailed, “But what was that hidden directive they implanted in me and can you get it out?”

“We’re sure as hell gonna give it everything we’ve got.” Twesata promised confidently. “Now we need you to relax and let your subconscious memories come to the surface again.”





“Under what circumstances will the hidden directive trigger?” The Illusive Man asked.

“Only when the combined verbal/aural code is used.  However, once the directive is activated, there can be no recall.  She will carry it out without question and once she either completes it or fails, she will commit suicide.”

“Excellent.” The Illusive Man exclaimed as he took a drag from his cigarette before turning to the figure in shadows, “Are you satisfied?”

“Very much so...” The voice agreed with a caveat, “provided your people are able to successfully reprogram her value system to make her more susceptible.”

“She is not our only weapon.  “The Illusive Man declared, “Should she not work out, I have alternatives.”

“Good.” The shadowy figure replied, “We will see what the future brings.”


Ashen faced, Doris’s mental image broken down sobbing, “They tampered with my mind.  They wanted to use me as a weapon.  Looking up at her companions, she cried, “Ya’ll were right not to trust me.  I won’t blame you if you tell ‘em to lock me up and throw away the key.”

“We’re not going to do that.” Twesata compassionately stated, “We’re going to remove that trigger and make sure there aren’t any other hidden surprises. Then we’re going let everyone know that you’re your own person, and then we’re going to find this Illusive Man and kick his bony ass out of both our universes.”

“What my girl said.” Rana declared. “You ready to help us take back your mind, Dixie?”

“Hell yeah.” Doris exclaimed, “Let’s get to it.”

“All right.” Twesata instructed, “Just relax.  I’m afraid you’re going to feel pain, but we’ll do our best to try to keep it from being too bad.”

“How bad’s it gonna hurt?”

“Pretty bad, I’m afraid.” Rana replied.  “Are you ready?”

Gritting her teeth Doris nodded her head, “Do it.”

Gazing into her lover’s eyes, Twesata asked, “You ready, imzadi?”

Nodding in return, Rana responded, “I’m ready.”

As the two telepaths began their mental surgery, Doris screamed—loud.


FLASH! Back to the physical reality


“Welcome back.” Twesata said in a strained voice as Doris struggled back to consciousness.  “You had us scared for a moment or two.”

“That trigger…” Doris moaned weakly, “Am I…”

“Free?” Rana smiled, “Yes.  We removed it and Admiral Tuvok melded with you just to make sure.  You’re your own person again.”

“You and Edi have been cleared to join us for the mission.” Nelia declared, “If you still want to, that is.”

Dixie looked up at Ashley, her expression asking what she could not ask in words.

Nodding her head slowly, the former Alliance marine gave her assent, “You earned a spot on the roster.  When you’re feeling better, Shelana and I are going to put you and Edi through your paces.  Nelia is going to work with you on the engineering stuff.  If you’re coming with us, we can’t hold your hands.  We want you ready for what you’re going to be taking on.”

“Thank you.” Doris replied in a weak voice, “I won’t let ya’ll down.  I promise.”

“We know you won’t, Dixie.”  Nelia smiled at her team’s newest recruit.  “Get some rest.  Belen’s promised you something special for breakfast when you wake up.  We’ll talk more later.”

“Biscuits and sausage gravy with fried eggs and grits.” Doris murmured, “And coffee…lots of coffee.”  Looking again at Ashley, Dixie’s smile vanished as she asked the former marine in a pleading voice, “Are we good?”

“We’ll see.” Ashley responded, “A good woman gave me a second chance once.  The least I can do is pay it forward.  Ball’s in your court now.  What you do with it is up to you.”

Her lips turning up in a weak smile, Doris, her eyes now focused on Rana and Twesata, regarded her two new friends, “Thank you.”

“All part of the service.” Rana joked as Twesata cleared her throat and spoke with rare gravity.

"Nelia? You and the others need to get on the comm to Admiral Tuvok, Captain Magnussen, the Trio, and anyone else who you think might be important enough to hear this."

"Hear what?" Ashley asked.

"It could be nothing." Twesata cautioned, taking a deep breath and exhaling, "Or it could be a game changer--provided we get to the other side. Get all the brass together. We'll talk about it then."

"We'll be ready once you two wake up." Nelia replied, further commanding, "Now go. Get some sleep. That's an order. You two look like shit.

“Thanks Momma.” Twesata sighed, smiling as Dixie drifted off into sleep.  Taking her asari lover by the hand, the Betazoid telepath murmured, “Tired now, imzadi…wanna go to bed.”

“Me too.” Rana whispered back as the pair slowly made their way back to their quarters.  “Sleep…need sleep.”


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