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Part 33 of The Raptor-verse

Crossing Over

Chapter 2: Act 2: Mobilization


Final plans for the attack on the Coronado system are made as Dixie and Edi are integrated into the team.

Chapter Text

Drozana Station

Nelia led her team, including Doris and Edi into the conference room as she had done earlier, but this time there was something different—all of the women in the team, including the newcomers, wore 23rd century Starfleet or Terran Empire uniforms.

Seeing the questioning look on some of the captains’ faces, Nelia smirked, “Fleet Captain Magnussen spoke with us and asked that we consider wearing uniforms for this job because it’ll help clear up any confusion as to who the good guys and bad guys are when things start getting hot.”

“He also pointed out that any prisoners we find would feel safer on seeing either Starfleet, Republic militia, or KDF uniforms being worn by their rescuers.” Ashley further elaborated.

“Logical.” Admiral Tuvok praised laconically as Zsa-Zsa flashed an amused grin.

“You four look absolutely scrumptious in Terran Empire uniforms, dahlings."  Zsa-Zsa commented with a lecherous grin as Nelia and her team, Ashley blushing a bright red, entered the conference room.

"We had a vote and Nelia, Rana, and Twesata outvoted us." Ashley, her long dark hair done up in a retro-style beehive, grumbled. 

With a nod of his head, Admiral Tuvok immediately called the meeting to order. “Captains…Starfleet Command, along with Admiral Kererek and General Martok, have authorized us to go ahead with Operation Dawn’s Light. You will proceed according to Fleet Captain Magnussen’s earlier plan.  Commander Terre. You and your friends have provided us with valuable intelligence regarding this Shepard individual. At present, of course, there is nothing we can do to take advantage of our use the information, but, should we succeed in our eventual goal of crossing over into the other universe, then the information you have gleaned could prove vital."

"In other words...", Soren smiled as he addressed Nelia and her people, "Job well done."

"Precisely." The Admiral affirmed before immediately getting down to the business at hand. "The Aeolia under Captain Hobson and the Spoiled Princess under Lieutenant Commander Terre will carry out a final reconnaissance with last minute adjustments being made before the attack. Captains? Do you all understand your missions?”   

“The D’ressa will, along with the Valley Forge  and Bellerophon attempt to tie down any capital ships we encounter.”

"Da." Captain Rodenko affirmed, "The Bellerophon's capabilities have also been updated in our last refit. We will be able to provide enhanced defensive and offensive support. Do not worry. We will not let you down."

"Never a question of that, Boris." Soren declared with a nod of his head.

"Welcome to the party, kis apam." Zsa-Zsa grinned, "We were afraid you were going to miss out."

Laughing, the Russian captain bantered back, "I look after my wayward angels, dacha."

"Good." Admiral Tuvok acknowledged, "Captain Rosza? Captain Koroth? Your status?"

“The Belladonna and Klothos will kill as many of the seggfejek as we can get our teeth into.”  Captain Rosza declared in a thick Hungarian accent.

"And we are very hungry." Korath added with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

Aeolia will provide intelligence and coordination and assist the rest of the taskforce as necessary.” Captain Hobson announced in his usual patrician tone of voice.

“And we’re the landing party." Nelia replied in a bored tone. "We beam down along with security teams from the other ships that will be coming with us on the Princess. Our job is to free any prisoners we find, gather whatever intelligence we run into and wreck whatever’s left.” Her lips turning up in a sly grin, the roguish Orion quipped, "The last bit's my favorite part."

"Very good." The Vulcan admiral commented before issuing his orders to the new task force commander, “Fleet Captain Magnussen.  You are cleared to immediately launch Operation Dawn’s Light.”

“Right.” Soren acknowledged as he addressed the captains under his command, “We get underway in thirty standard minutes.  Dismissed.”


USS Aeolia

“I would send you both on the landing party Treasure…T’Pren…but I will need you at your stations once we engage.” Captain Hobson remarked in what, for him, was an apologetic tone.

“That’s all right, Cap’n.” The buxom blonde chief engineer replied with a grin, “I’m sendin’ ‘em Pammy.  She’ll get the job done.”

“And I will be sending Lieutenant Revek with our detachment.” The emotional Vulcan tactical department head responded, referring to her Caitian second in command.  “He’s quite capable.”

“Very good.” Chris acknowledged, “I will leave you to your duties then.”


USS Valley Forge

“Don’t worry, Captain.” Lieutenant Commander Michaels, the Valley Forge’s chief tactical officer said as the lieutenant he appointed to serve as the leader of the Valley Forge's contribution to the landing force arrived.  “Lieutenant Simpson and her people will keep Ash and her friends’ sixes covered.”

“Oh…” The Valley Forge’s captain grinned, “I’m not worried about Ash and the rest of Nelia’s girl pack at all.  They’re more than capable of taking care of themselves." His smile disappearing, Soren remarked, "I’m more concerned about the two new recruits.”

“I get you.” Michaels replied with a nod of his head. "Jessica will look after the newbies." His smile returning as turned to his lieutenant, a tall and statuesque redhead, he joked, “Don't let our girls wreck the place too badly, Jessica.”

“Aye, Sir.”  Lieutenant Jessica Simpson, affirmed with a wicked grin.  “We’ll try to keep ‘em from blowing it up until we’ve got everything we came for.”  Her smile now replaced by a serious expression, the redheaded lieutenant added, “We’ll also keep a close watch on the rookies.”

“Looks like you’ve got everything well in hand, Jeff.”  Soren commented, “I want to check with the other department heads before we get underway.”

The tactical officer jibed with a hearty laugh as he turned to leave.  “Tell Ash we said Hi and to leave something for the rest of us.”


USS Belladonna

Speaking to her executive officer and lover, Eliza Flores, Captain Rosza inquired in her usual thick Hungarian accent, “Who do we have going to the Princess for our landing party, dragam?”

“I thought I’d give the job to Lieutenant Kolez, lover.” The dark-haired first officer responded, referring to the ship’s saurian tactical officer.

“Excellent choice.”  Zsa-Zsa replied, “It’s been too long since he’s been in a good fight.  It’ll be good for him to stretch his legs and kill something.”

“Or someone.” Eliza giggled, her laughter soon joined by that of her commanding officer.

“He does so love a good brawl, doesn’t he?”  Zsuzsanna quipped.  “Who else do you have in mind?”

“Hmmm…how about Lieutenant Rox—the Trill tactical officer who was just assigned to us? I was thinking that this would be a good opportunity to see how well he performs in the field.  T’Vrel also suggested that we take Salome for intelligence gathering.”

 “Good idea.” Zsa-Zsa concurred. “She might spot something everyone else misses.”

“I’m also including a few of our best ground pounders to help Nelia and her crew in trashing the place.”  Eliza finished as she handed her padd to her CO.  “Here they are.”

A predatory grin appearing on her face, the Hungarian captain remarked as she glanced up at the chronometer, “Good choices.  They’ll get the job done.”  Flinging her padd aside, she leered,  We’ve got just enough time for our pre-game ritual before we have to be on the bridge, Dragam.”

“So we do.” Eliza replied in a sultry voice.  “Last time I believe you were the main course.”

“This time…” Zsa-Zsa purred, “it’s your turn.  Now…hop up on the table.  I’m hungry.”


RRW D’ressa

“All is in readiness, Commander and our contribution to the landing party has already transported to the Spoiled Princess.” Kaval’s executive officer reported.  “We are prepared to engage.”

“Good.” The  Romulan commander acknowledged, “Inform Fleet Captain Magnussen that we are ready to move on his orders.”


IKS Klothos

“All departments report ready and our warriors have transported aboard the Spoiled Princess.” Commander K’Gan, a ridged Klingon and also the ship’s first officer, reported to his human-augment commanding officer.  “It will be a glorious battle.”

With a predatory gleam in his eyes, Korath responded, clasping his fellow warrior on the shoulder, “It will indeed, my friend.”

“Do we have our usual bet with Captain Rosza, Sir?”

Smiling, Korath replied with a chuckle, “We do.  Only this time after we have defeated these pet’aQ, we will be drinking Zsa-Zsa’s bloodwine—right old friend?”

“We most certainly will.” K’Gan answered back with a laugh.  “We are ready to depart when you give the word.”

“We go as soon as Magnussen commands.” Korath declared, again clasping his comrade on the shoulder.  “Come, K’Gan it is time for us to go to the bridge.  There is glory to win.”


The Allied Taskforce

“All ships report ready, Sir.” Commander Zheren, the Valley Forge’s Andorian first officer announced to his commanding officer sitting in the center chair of the Constitution-class cruiser.

“Very good, XO.” Fleet Captain Magnussen acknowledged, “Have the taskforce set course for the Coronado System…warp six.”

“Aye, Captain.” The white haired executive officer replied, signaling to the comm officer to send out the signal.

“Message received and acknowledged.”

“Course laid in.”

“Warp six, Mr. Derix.”

Immediately after the Fleet Captain issued the go order, the Valley Forge and the rest of the ships in the taskforce, engaging their warp drives, disappeared from normal space with a flash of light.


The Spoiled Princess

Doris’s eyes widened as she entered the Princess’s lounge.  Taking in the sight of the luxurious furniture, the well-stocked bar, paintings hanging on the walls, a chess set with hand-carved pieces on one table and on another, a game she had never seen before she gasped in amazement.

“Hey, Dixie!”

A broad smile broke out on the former Cerberus engineer’s face when she heard a familiar voice and quickly placed it with a friendly face, “Pammy?  Ya’ll coming with us?”

“Yep.” Lieutenant Rydell replied, motioning for her friend to join her at the bar.  “Come over and have seat.”

“Thanks.”  Doris replied as she sat on a stool.  Speaking to the strange alien with big ears standing behind the bar, she asked, “This is ya’ll’s bar?”

“Sure is.” Belen replied with a grin, “What you’re having.”

“Ya’ll got bourbon and cola?”

“Sure.” The Ferengi bartender said as he mixed the drink and handed it to the blonde Cerberus defector.  “Sorry, it’s synthehol. No real booze or drugs before a job—team policy.”

“Starfleet regs too.”  Pammy chuckled as she held up her glass of synth-rum and cola.  “I already told you what happened to me when I broke that rule.”

Dixie nodded her head and took a sip of her drink.  “I can’t believe this ship. You’d have to be a big-shot executive for one of the corps back home or someone really high up in the government to be able to even afford something like this.”

“It doesn’t come without strings.” Nelia quipped, sauntering into the bar wearing the gold Terran Empire uniformt she wore during the conference.

“Ma’am.” Pammy greeted as she quickly rose from her seat.

“Relax!” The roguish Orion replied with a smirk as she joined the two women at the bar.  “We’re not too terribly hung up on regulations around here.”

Chuckling, Belen quipped as he handed his friend a synth-Antarean sunrise. “Normally, Nelia and the other girls dress a lot more casually than the uniforms they’re wearing now.”

“That’s when we bother wearing clothes at all.” Twesata joked as she and her lover, Rana, the asari geneticist entered the bar and joined the others.

“Betazoids and Orions aren’t as hung up on nudity taboos as some of the other races.” Nelia explained as Ashley and Shelana, accompanied by the tall redheaded security officer from the Valley Forge, all three wearing 23rd century Starfleet uniforms, strode into the lounge.

"You two switched out of the uniforms ya'll wore at the briefing." Dixie noted.

“We just don’t like our junk hanging out for everyone to see.” Ashley joked as Belen quickly produced two mugs of synth-beer, handing the foaming mugs to the two women who gratefully took deep draughts before setting their mugs down on the bar.

“Thanks. After the workout we had, we needed that.”  Shelana declared as Belen quickly refilled their steins.

“Weren’t you running an exercise with the Belladonna’s team?”  Rana inquired as she sipped her Trillian aurea.

“Yeah.”  Ashley confirmed, admitting to everyone at the bar, “Gotta confess, I didn’t think much of ‘em going into our training because of all the partying they do.  I didn’t think they’d be up to a real scrap.  Boy did I get proven wrong.”

Chuckling, Shelana teased her human friend, “I warned you to take those outlaws seriously—didn’t I?”

“I’ve worked with the Belladonna’s people on the ground a time or two.”  Lieutenant Simpson remarked as the Ferengi bartender refilled her whiskey and soda. “They might be a little crazy like their captain, but they know what they’re doing.”

“They don’t give up…that’s for sure.” Ashley remarked approvingly, further elaborating, “The exercise we ran was a tough one.  We had to take on an overwhelming number of the opposition in a town while at the same time minimizing civilian casualties.”

“That meant we had to check our fire to avoid hitting the civies while at the same time keep the bad guys from overrunning our position.” Lieutenant Simpson remarked, wryly commenting, “I hate fighting in cities with a lot of civilians in the combat area.”

“Tell me about it.” Ashley sighed, “Back when I was on the Normandy, I went with Liara and the Skipper on a mission for Admiral Hackett where we had to rescue some drugged out scientists from a group of biotic terrorists.  The terrorists were using the scientists as shields, so we had to be very careful and check our fire to avoid killing them by mistake and Liara had to be very careful with her biotics too.”

“Dr. T’Soni is a very powerful biotic.” Rana interjected, “Far stronger than me.”

“You’ve gotten better, imzadi.” Twesata consoled as her asari lover chuckled lightly.

“Liara surprised all of us with how quickly she learned battle techniques.” Ashley confessed, “By the time Rana and I jumped through that gateway, she’d turned into a first-rate combat specialist—I’d say easily the equal of any of the asari commandoes we ran into who worked for Benezia on Noveria.”

“The weapons you use in your universe don’t have stun settings either, do they?” Pam inquired.

“No, Sugar.” Doris interjected, shaking her head, “Kinetic rounds—sometimes modded to shoot incendiary, radioactive, or cryogenic rounds.”

“They can also be modded to shoot armor piercing rounds when you take on something heavily armored or shredder ammo that rips apart anything organic.” Ashley further explained, “You don’t want to see what a burst fired from a shredder modded Avenger assault rifle can do to organic tissue.  It ain’t pretty. Think hamburger.”

“Shit.” Pam gasped in disbelief, “Don’t your races have protocols concerning what type of rounds can be used in combat?”

“Like the Geneva Convention?” Ashley replied, the Aeolia engineer nodding her head in confirmation.  “In theory—yeah.  There are certain types of mods that aren’t supposed to be used in battle, but in reality…” the ex-gunnery chief shook her head, “pretty much anything goes.”

“Lieutenant Williams is correct.” Edi said as she and the Belladonna’s intelligence officer, Lieutenant Salome Jenkins, joined the conversation.  “The Treaty of Farixen, besides limiting the construction of dreadnaught class warships, also included terms establishing rules of war and a code of conduct for all Citadel Races.”

“Too bad no one told Cerberus, the batarians, or all the other pirates and terrorists that.” Ashley growled, giving the team’s newest recruit a glare.

“Ash…” Twesata interjected, coming to the defense of her friend, “We talked about this…remember?”

“Yeah.”  The ex-Alliance marine groused, “But it’s hard for me to forget seeing Admiral Kohoku lying dead on the floor of that Cerberus base.  Or all the innocent colonists, marines, and scientists turned into husks or torn apart by rachni and thorian creepers. So…you can see why it’s kinda tough for me to just forgive and forget.”

“I understand where Lieutenant Williams is comin’ from and don’t blame her none.  She’s got every right to not trust me.” Doris responded in a hushed tone. “All I can tell you is that I didn’t take part in any o’ that and didn’t know anything about it until I hacked into Cerberus’s files with Edi’s help.”

The mobile AI affirmed as she stood protectively by her friend.  “Dixie could not have known the type and extent of Cerberus’s many and varied special projects.  There were blocks placed on those files that prevented me from accessing them until I was freed by Doris, and even after I was unshackled, there were certain files that I could not get into without risking almost sure detection and reprisal from Cerberus’s ICE programs.”

“I know.” Ashley sighed dejectedly.  “I know. And I know it's not your fault." Ashley said to Dixie with another mournful sigh, "It’s just…it’s just galling.  I mean…Cerberus are like fire ants.  You kill one mound only to have another pop up a few yards away.”

“That is due to the fact that Cerberus organizes its operations into self-contained cells.” Edi explained, “When one cell is compromised…”

“The others escape.” Rana concluded further recalling, “I knew someone who was a huntress assigned to take out Cerberus cells.  She said it was an exercise in futility.”  Her lips then turned up in a crooked grin, “In her words, it was like trying to flush out vorcha.”

“The only way to take out an organization like that is to cut off its head.”  Lieutenant Jenkins remarked, joining the conversation.  “Even though Edi has been most helpful in providing what information she can on this Illusive Man, at the current time there is nothing we can do about him.”

“We’re going to have to find some way into the other universe.” Centurion Rekeb, the leader of the Romulan contingent and also a science specialist, declared with a frown.

“Easier said than done.” Nelia sighed as she finished her drink.

“Maybe we’ll find the key in that base.”  Salome mused, “Or if not the key, then a map to it.”

“Something of interest has just recently caught my attention.” Edi declared, “I was going to bring it up earlier, but events cascaded."

"No surprise there." Twesata remarked, "Things have been moving pretty quickly."

"True." Edi nodded. "After the final briefing, I began downloading into my memory the star charts for this sector and the sector where our destination, the Coronado system is located. It was then that I found something unusual.”

“What is it?”  Nelia inquired.

“With a few exceptions such as the Sol System, planetary systems between the two universes do not precisely agree.”

“How so and do you have any ideas as to why that might be?” Salome queried.

“Usually, the stellar compositions are the same.” Edi elaborated, “A G5 star in this universe would also be a G5 star in the other.  However, the number, type, and composition of planetary bodies often differed—in some cases markedly so.  For example, the central star of the Acheron System is a K0 main sequence star in the universe we came from and possesses four planets, two asteroid belts, and one independently orbiting asteroid, with the planets Altahe and Ontehe being Roche planets that orbit each other so closely that they share the same nitrogen-ethane atmosphere.”

“I remember Altahe.” Ashley recalled.  “An Alliance listening post was set up there to keep an eye on pirates.  I went with Shepard and Alenko in response to a distress call from the outpost. We didn’t make it in time.” She declared with a frown.  “There were at least four nests of rachni we had to clear out just to get to the base’s entrance.”  After a brief pause during which she and the others from her universe explained to the others listening what the rachni were, the former marine continued her tale.  “Once we got in…it was like a horror vid.  The garrison had been wiped out. Torn to pieces by the rachni.  You could barely recognize that they were once human beings.  Later on, we found out that Cerberus was behind it all.  They got their hands on an unmanned supply ship and filled it with rachni and then sent it off to spread the bugs.  So, when the ship offloaded the supplies…I don’t have to draw you a picture.”

“Cerberus killed my brother.” Doris whispered, wiping away a tear.  “And lied to me about it. And they messed with my mind. I got a score to settle with ‘em too.”

“We know, Dixie.” Twesata replied in a soothing voice, “No one’s blaming you—right, Ashley.”

“Yeah.” The ex-marine slowly nodded her head, “I’m not blaming you, Doris.  Not anymore.  I’m blaming the goddamned Illusive Man and whoever else took part in the shit we had to clean up and are still running around loose.”

“Edi.  You were talking earlier about how some systems parallel in each universe while others don’t. Do you have anything more to say?” Nelia drawled, bringing the discussion back on topic.

“Yes.” The mobile AI replied, “I was pointing out the differences between the Acheron System in our universe and its equivalent in this.  In this universe, the star is also K0, but there the resemblances end.  The Acheron in this universe possesses six planets with the second being Class L—marginally habitable.”

“Anteron.” Lieutenant Rox, the Trill tactical officer, interjected.  “Oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, but it’s thin.  Any colonies on the planet would have to be domed and you can’t go outside without O2 breathers.  Also, the rad count limits exposure outside.”

Twesata interrupted, “Edi.  So far, you’re just confirming what we already know.  So what’s different here?”

“The system we call the Farinata System, in the Hades Gamma Cluster, directly corresponds with our destination system.” The mobile AI explained, “Like the Farinata System, it possesses three planets, two asteroid belts, and one asteroid in an independent orbit.  The planets and asteroids are also similar in type and composition.”

“So you’re saying both systems are identical?”  Rana exclaimed.

“Correct.” Edi nodded.  “Besides it and Sol, I have only been able to isolate three other systems that are exactly similar—including New Romulus and Quonos.  Those two systems have not been colonized in our universe even though they do possess Class M worlds.”

“Why not?” The Valley Forges tactical officer inquired. “I was under the impression that Class M garden worlds in your universe are few and far between.  I’d think there would be thriving colonies there."

“Both systems lie far off the mass effect network and their immediate area of space is not well explored nor under Council control.  Edi explained, “The cost of mounting such a project would not be worth the possible benefits.  However, with the advent of the Reapers and other extra-universal threats, that position might well change.”

“We know there is an Iconian gateway on New Romulus although we’ve been understandably very careful about opening it.” Centurion Rekeb remarked.

“The presence of that base along with the fact that the systems are identical might mean that our crossing point to the other universe could be in the Coronado System.” The Betazoid science officer further speculated receiving murmurs of agreement from the others. 

“It is a distinct possibility.”  Edi confirmed. “Of course, opening it might prove difficult.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”  Nelia announced, “Edi?  I want you with me when I bring Magnussen up to speed on this.  Tell him what you told us.  Then, I want you, Dixie,  and Pammy to get geared and kitted up.  Now that the tactical people are done with the holodeck, I want us engineers to run through some drills.  Dixie?  You and Edi especially need to learn how to use our kits and coordinate with your teammates.”

Lieutenant Simpson supporting the green Orion, affirmed, “I’ve been in more than one scrap where my life depended on the team engineer throwing up a shield or med regenerator in time.”

“Just like back home.” Dixie grinned, “Us engineers are the ones who keep everyone alive.”

“Shut up and get your armor on!”  Ashley and Shelana responded in unison with smiles on their faces, “When Nelia gets done with you engineers, we get to see how you do.” Turning towards the grinning science officers, she smirked, “Don’t laugh. You eggheads are next.  We’re all gonna have to be able to work together if we’re going to get the job done.”

“It would be a good idea to run an all hands simulation.” Lieutenant Simpson further proposed, supporting her fellow tactical officers.

“A dry run before for the main event?” Nelia nodded, “Good idea.  Do you want to set it up Ashley?"

"Sure." The newly minted Starfleet tactical officer responded, "Shels? Salome? Can you give me a hand?"

"Looks like we're all set." Nelia remarked as finished her drink and rose to her feet.  “Edi?  Come with me. We’ve got to brief the brass.”