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Part 1 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 1: The Eye of the Beholder

Chapter 26: SBA Episode 1, Scene 24: 1st Pup


Pup #1 is launched.

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 1: Eye of the Beholder
Scene 24: 1st Pup


1st Pup


The large runabout launched from the U.S.S. Mako, then docked with the U.S.S. Beagle before leaving the rally point toward D, Red South 179. Two Star Fleet ships followed at some distance and at a further distance still, their ferengi escort awaited, consisting of the F.M.S. Avretta and 9 small but powerful F.C.A. brick fighters.


On the bridge of the Ferengi Merchant Vessel Avretta, Daimon Ubok watched a tactical display on his main viewscreen. The U.S.S. Mako remained with the ferengi shipping at the rally point. The U.S.S. Escort and the U.S.S. Beagle followed the runabout at a great distance - more than a light year. Ubok had been advised of this plan by Project Director Pel. 

The runabout was to approach the planet at a leisurely warp 3. An increase in speed would be interpreted as evidence of the runabout and crew having been taken over, giving the more heavily shielded Escort and Beagle the opportunity to catch the runabout and destroy it before it got too close.


“What is that?” Ubok stood up and walked toward the screen as another icon appeared on the screen, almost on top of the runabout.

“Sensors detect weapons fire,” reported his tactical officer, then: “That is a klingon bird of prey! Sensors show the runabout’s shields holding. The klingons are coming about for a second run…”

Ubok could read the sensors well enough to know that neither of the two Star Fleet vessels were anywhere near enough to provide support to the hapless runabout.

“Runabout destroyed with all hands,” reported his tactical officer, then: “The klingons are cloaking… wait… more weapons fire from both Star Fleet vessels. The bird of prey is disabled…”

“What??” Ubok asked in incredulity. The icons representing the U.S.S. Escort and the U.S.S. Beagle seemed to have jumped well over a light year in less than a second in order to engage the klingon ship. An impossibility. “Is your equipment malfunctioning? How did they close that distance so quickly?”

“Tactical systems are functioning correctly, Daimon. They just… blinked… wait… the klingon ship is exploding…”

“Did they fire on it again?” Ubok asked.

“No! It was self-destruct…”



On the bridge of the U.S.S. Mako, Project Director Pel, seated to Captain Yui Song’s right, was astonished first when the klingon bird of prey decloaked, then again when the Escort and the Beagle leapt over a light year in less than a second in order to impossibly attack the klingon vessel. 

He quickly bottled up his reaction because something sounded strange. It was Captain Yui and her bridge crew. Crew members from 4 different federation member species were currently on the bridge, and none of them were vulcans. But from their emotional reaction to the astonishing things happening on screen, they might as well all have been. Not a single raised heartbeat. Not a single quickened breath. Not the slightest indication of surprise.

Given his superior hearing, Pel did not need to look around to realize that Captain Yui and her crew were paying more attention to him and his reactions than they were to the miracle playing out on their sensors.

A chill ran up the tiny ferengi’s spine.

He turned to see Captain Yui conferring with her science officer, Lt. Cmdr. Gregg Clark, both of them reviewing information on a reader that Clark had brought to her.

Pel was extremely nervous. “What are klingons doing here and how did you know they were going to be here?”

Captain Yui held up the reader, then handed it to Pel: “Readings from the U.S.S. Beagle on that bird of prey, specifically the life signs detected aboard it before it self-destructed. Care to explain this, Project Director?”

It took a moment for Pel to process what he was reading. He finally read it aloud: “Sixteen lifesigns. All ferengi. Females.” He shook his head in disbelief, looked up at Captain Yui in complete confusion. “Sixteen ferengi females??”

