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Part 29 of STO Phoenix Compendium

Earth Spacedock

Chapter 5: Earth Spacedock, Pages 15-16

Chapter Text

Earth Spacedock, Pages 15-16
Captain Aeris - U.S.S. Zephyra, Sickbay

The entire ship was transported, and the crew were only now waking from simultaneous unconsciousness. Aeris pulled herself up, groggy and out of focus.

"Uhhhg. What happened?" she rubbed her head as everyone else began waking.

Winry went over to her dimensional scanning device. "It looks like we amplified whatever was going on with you. I imagine it encompassed the rest of the ship."

"All that because you couldn't remove a hyperspanner?" she said annoyed.

The engineer shrugged. "Happens more than you think."


Entering the Bridge, a small scattering of Starfleet officers, comprising of part of the ship's skeleton crew, started checking systems and activating sensors. Aeris took her chair and Winry brought up the view screen. Outside was a greenish mesh.

"Damn! We're in Fluidic space!" Aeris realized.

Winry looked at it, trying to comprehend the situation. "How does being transported here, without a portal, correlate to your time-jumping?"

"It may be precisely what the original goal was, for me to be transported here," Aeris surmised. "The time-jumps were likely results of failed attempts."

The engineer gaped with her mouth open. "Wow. I can't believe we're actually here. Not that that mission with Tuvok to fight the Borg here wasn't equally as fascinating. But, without a portal, how do we get back? Are we the Voyager of Fluidic space?"

"Probably," Aeris answered, approaching the helm. "And I know exactly where we are and where to go to get back." She tapped in coordinates and looked back at the main viewer in determination. "Engage!"

Then she realized it was her at the helm.

"Oh, right," she conceeded before tapping at the controls again and making the Sovereign-class Zephyra go.


Ensign Javan Eras headed over to a console to scan the room for any contaminants or radiation leaks. So far, the device had not done too much damage to -- hold on a second.

Javan went over to Winry as she returned. "Ma'am, may I ask you how you got a hold of that thing? Did you create it?"


Captain Aeris - U.S.S. Zephyra, Sickbay

Somehow Aeris found herself back in Sickbay. "Wait, what? I thought we both just left here?"

"As I was leaving the Bridge, you excused yourself and went to Sickbay with me," Winry reminded. "I had to check on this thing again."

Aeris grasped her head. "I must be stressing out. I'm going to administer myself a hypospray," she said before searching through the supply compartments.

"My team and I built this device," Winry answered Javan, as she inspected it. "We were competing with a team on the Corps Engineers. But it looks like it's dead now. Captain Aeris' crew built the medical equipment, in here, that they once used to service Undine. Neither of which should have done what it has done, even together."

Aeris returned with a small capsule. "Felicium? No. No, that would be crazy," she said, putting it away. "Anyway, if, hypothetically, we were to take on an army of Undine, is there a drug that would be advantageous in that hypothetical case? I know we don't have much in the way of Borg tecnhology here. Just curious. Anyway, I'm going over to that console to check on our armory situation."

Clearly, something reacted with the two sets of instruments. Perhaps it was the anti-Undine devices on ESD? Javan shrugged it off. Not his problem.

He went over to Aeris as she plied a medical console to pull up the armory inventory. "Captain, shouldn't we be fine here? The Undine did sign a treaty with Earth, right? Why would we need to do anything more than hail the nearest Undine ship and ask them to create a portal into normal space?"


Captain Oroku Seifer - Earth Spacedock, Security Office

Seifer had been sitting in the office, trying to track down his Vulcan fighting teacher. When he finally got a hold of one of Chivaul's peers at Starfleet Academy, he sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry, sir, but Chivaul left a few days ago on leave to Spacedock. He should be there with you?" replied Commander Meyer.

Reneging his sigh, Seifer furrowed his brow in confusion. "That makes no sense. So he wasn't a hologram?"

"Hologram?" Meyer perked, tilting his head. "Is everything okay up there, Captain?"

The Trill shrugged. "Is it ever? Thank you. Seifer out."

"Uh, can I help you?" Commander Reeve asked as he entered to find the Captain who had snuck onboard Spacedock earlier was now sitting at his desk and using his holo interface.

Seifer looked up from the controls. "No time for pleasantries, man! I'm on a missing persons case. In fact, I'm taking temporary command of Security onboard Spacedock. I have no ship, so perhaps this giant mushroom can be my ship."

"Can you even do that? There are clearances, paper work, reviews--"

The Captain waved it all away. "Pfft! What is this, the 21st century? Everything's streamlined now."

"I'm only onboard with this as long as you're not another Science officer."

Seifer tapped his Odyssey variant uniform. "Tactical. But I did completely ruin my own ship, so head's up."

"Here," Reeve handed him a PADD, reluctantly. "We've arrested Elihu M'Konel for the murder of Alyce Rose Kassidy. You'll need to question him before we move forward."

The Trill took the PADD and skimmed the data. "What? I'm already investigating something. Ugh. Fine. I'll do both, somehow. If anything, it'll get me back in the game."