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Part 29 of STO Phoenix Compendium

Earth Spacedock

Chapter 10: Earth Spacedock, Pages 24-25

Chapter Text

Earth Spacedock, Pages 24-25
Captain Aeris - Biobase Vokughvegh, Human Lab

Kohogeth led Aeris into a dank and disgusting room. There were blood and green stains all throughout the organic enclosure. Several bowls of indiscernible food lay against the wall, and a giant pile of something bad sat in the corner.

"Captain, I promised my masters I would find a way to bridge the gap between humanity and the Undine. We have had such a shaky past and what we learned of you fascinates us. I've finally found that gap and I bridged it. Joined it into one."

The Human turned to him. "Kohogeth, this is madness. You've gone to such extreme lengths for your passions in making a difference. It's that passion we often spoke about. But you've lost focus on what kind of difference you should be making. We all have potential, though many of us make the wrong decisions and push forward in them. Come back with me to my universe. If you truly love me, you'll abandon all this for me."

"Aeris," there was a moment of hesitation from Kohogeth. He breathed in to consider her offer and what it could possibly mean for him. But he was too far into it. He had put so much of his life and sacrificed many things he held close to him. "I cannot. This is what I made."

As giant doors opened, out fumbled a massive conglomeration of Sleri worms with dozens of human and Undine limbs in unsymmetrical, random places. The giant creature moaned and slithered and moved around in eternal pain.

"What... what have you done...?" she muttered in dire shock, speechless and tearful.

Kohogeth raised his arms in success. "I've united our universes!! I've united us!"

"Take two?" came Winry's voice. "Alright, take two. Unite this!" Entering the room holding energy flowing Sleri she finally was able to over-power, Winry threw several Sleri from her arms into an attack at both the massive hybrid creature and Kohogeth.

Free, Aeris ran over to the Engineer. "What did you do?"

"They spoke to me, telepathically, and I convinced them the Undine were their enemy," she answered. "They're disabling this base as we speak, and using its last remaining functions to open a portal in fludic space to our realm."

Aeris slapped her slime-covered suit. "Nice work, Lieutenant! You just might make the perfect senior officer one day, after all. Now, let's get back to the Zephyra, whatever's left of it."

"Oh, man," Winry complained at the thought of all the repairs she would have to endure.


U.S.S. Zephyra, Bridge

Climbing through the large hollow tentacles, the two women returned to the slime-covered Sovereign-class starship. Barely even getting it to move and detach, the Zephyra impulsed toward and through the portal as the biobase began to shrivel up behind them.

"Was it worth it?" Winry asked.

Aeris pondered, relieved they would finally be returning to Earth Spacedock. "To know what a man is made of, versus what he is capable? I suppose it's always worth it; just not always a universal worth. Let's go home, Lieutenant. Engage."


Captain Oroku Seifer - I.K.S. Mogholegh, Bridge

Seifer took the Bridge with Captain Menchez and his away team, in a moment of appreciation of their work, as the ship entered into transwarp. "I'm impressed you were able to take over such a large vessel with such a small group of warriors. That, and the two Birds of Prey. Were you thorough?"

"Are you kidding me, Starfleet? Of course we were thorough! We defeated the enemy with the beating drums of our hearts and the blood quenching thirst of our stout souls," Menchez reaffirmed seconds before Ukoth and a group of enemy Klingons stormed the Bridge.

Captain Seifer glanced at Menchez disapprovingly. "Really?"

"Perhaps actual tactics may have been required, but that is always second to a Klingon," Menchez defended. "Brawn over brains for life! Yeah!"

The two pulled out their weapons in an eruption of a fire-fight. They, Menchez's away team, and the two Starfleet Lieutenants hid behind the Bridge consoles and fired disruptors and phasers at the group near the entrance.

"Don't give me that look, Seifer," argued Menchez, between disruptor blasts. "Like you were even going to stop a black hole to begin with? Are you going to stop the next one too? Or the 43t45034348 ones after that??"

Seifer took out one of Ukoth's closest men, and turned to the Klingon. "What? When did I say I was going to stop a black hole?? If only I wasn't so much more moral than Tuvok, the head of that unscrupulous Section 31."

"Didn't they burn down a Syndicate orphanage once?" Menchez asked, as he witnessed one of his own men taken down in horror.

The Trill's power cell ran out, so he threw his phaser into Ukoth's head. "Whoa, hey now, those kids were planning to create a divergent alternate universe full of flashy lens flares and non-stop adrenaline runs. Time traveling Pavel Chekov was all in a last-ditch tizzy about it."

"What the hell?" cried Ukoth, as the shooting all stopped. He picked up Seifer's phaser and rubbed the bump on his forehead. "Who just throws a phaser like that?"

Seifer stood up. "Uh, I do. I prefer to take things into my own hands, even if it means throwing everything I've got in a ridiculous manner. Serious things are still serious to the guy doing them."

"Well, it's played out and unoriginal. Not to mention, you'd have to throw your phaser at every enemy you came across, as it would have to be your signature move. I declare that this is so!"

The Captain crossed his arms. "Just because I tried it, doesn't mean I expected I was going to be successful at it. Also, thanks for trying to write me. Really appreciate it."

"Maybe you'll appreciate this!!" Ukoth slammed his palm into a nearby console, causing the Mogholegh to begin to self destruct. Panels and warp coils began to explode all over the ship as it and the two Birds of Prey exited transwarp to normal space.

Menchez turned to his fellow officer. "I think your attempts at doing things is being thwarted. It seems like failure is your style, Captain."

"I think you're right," Seifer replied as he and Menchez approached the transporter controls. "Next crazy, out-of-control-but-mundane-compared-to-over-powered-beings-adventure, then?"

The Klingon nodded, before they and their teams dematerialized. "Until then, Captain."


I.K.S. Furt'gh

Seifer and his two Lieutenants, Edward and Aramaki, beamed onto the Bridge of the Furt'gh and took command. They watched as Menchez had taken the other Bird of Prey, the I.K.S. Keghgh, and taken chase to escape pods from the exploding Mogholegh.

He hailed the Odyssey-class U.S.S. Valhalla on the long range relay network. Admiral Cid, a silver-bearded, aging Human, appeared on screen. "Captain Seifer," he greeted. "I received your message and am now nearing G'arto Prime to beam as many cut throats and thieves as I can off the planet as possible. Many directly into our Brig."

"Thanks," Seifer replied. "It looks like my transwarp conduit paths are down so I don't think I'll make it on warp before unapproachable damage is done."

Cid nodded. "We'll do what we can. Just keep these low lifes and murderers in your thoughts. They deserve to be remembered for their love of pillaging and general breaking of the laws."

"I will," Seifer said, feeling the heart crushing tinge of loss, once again. "Seifer out."


Caldos III

The Furt'gh dropped warp and returned to the planet where the Elysium had been forced to the surface to undergo repairs. The ceremonies for the dead had been put on hold until their arrival, and the planet's largest and most elaborate cemetery was set up for visitors.

Seifer joined the proceedings in dress uniform, recalling his closest mentor, Chivaul, lost cause, Terry, and the planet of thugs who somehow numbered in the billions and were able to function as a world together. Perhaps his discontent was selfish. His thoughts about them could have really been about him. Did he care about them, or were they just representations of his own abilities as a Captain?

Looking around, Seifer decided to momentarily clear his mind of regret. It was only with a clear mind he could operate better, as an officer, as a person, as an observer and participant in galactic events. With the Bajorans gaining some kind of oddly non-canon power, worlds like Cardassia were suddenly now under threat.

He noticed Elihu, who was in the most calm state he had ever seen. He had read that the quadruple hybrid was betrayed by The Infamous in the past, but they somehow appeared to maintain an interpersonal relationship of some sort. If The Infamous's power was shifting to people, would Elihu be a potential as one of those leaders, despite their apparent history?

Hell. Elihu M'Konel stood with his comrades, staring first at the names listed on the the gravestones of his friends and family who had died months ago, and then at the list of names on the marble wall behind it. There was a lot of silence at the memorial, indeed as well as the entire Scottish-colonized world. Hundreds of people surrounded the wall, each remembering and honoring the dead in their own way.


The Park

It was starting to get dark. A fog was rolling in. D'ren was hiding behind a tree in another plot of land several hundred meters away from the cemetery. He was sitting with his back against the tree, facing away from the memorial. Bringing his shaking hand up to take a swig from his flask. Pain seared through his throat and stomach. He coughed and groaned, and then laughed at his own weakness. He'd spent his entire life gathering armies, building armadas, enslaving worlds... and nobody could ever say why.

Elihu M'Konel, but not the one attending his friends' memorial service, walked over and stood over the dying man. He shook his head with contempt and leaned against the tree above him. This Elihu had a goatee and short black hair.

D'ren forced himself to painstakingly sit up. “I told them the truth, mostly. The Infamous armada will continue.”

Elihu shook his head. “Under my authority, sure.” He pointed the gun at D'ren's head.

“They don't know about G'arto,” D'ren told Eli. “They think it's a planet full of... of pirates. It won't matter. The planet will be gone in a few minutes.”

Eli nodded. “Good. And so will you.” He leaned down and placed a hand on the dying rogue's temple, performing a very painfully invasive mind-meld.


Memorial Center

Elsewhere, near the stone, Seifer approached the original Eli. "Sorry to bother you at this time, Elihu, but I think I have a suspect in mind for your case. You were framed by someone who wanted to get rid of you, in favour of more power from The Infamous. It must've been someone in The Infamous' camp, with access to his nanites, so that they could simulate you murdering Alyce. Someone who displays a thirst for revenge and power, and possibly wants more of it, including the power that may have gone to you. It may have been Ro Laren."

Elihu turned to Seifer and shook his head. He patted Seifer's shoulder in a friendly manner. “It is not Ro Laren, but thank you for your continued diligence, Captain. There is no longer any need for an investigation. If I am guilty, I should be arrested. If I am not guilty, you will never find the person who did it, if The Infamous is actually involved.”

He gave Seifer a pointed look, a stern gaze that was in no way meant to convey friendship. It was a threat. Drop it.

When Seifer was done speaking with the Vulcan-mindset Elihu, he was surprised to encounter a threatening gaze. It seemed like he wanted Seifer to drop the case for some reason. On top of that, Elihu wouldn't say whether he was or wasn't guilty.

Aramaki approached with a tricorder. "Well, scans of The Infamous, from several vessels, when he was onboard his ship, have completed processing. I think you'll find this interesting. We detected chroniton particles, indicating he's from another time."

"Fascinating," Seifer said as he took the device to read it.

The tactical officer handed him a medical tricorder. "Not only that, but this data indicates DNA on The Infamous, that isn't his own; it's Elihu M'Konel's. I think he had some kind of interaction with that time travelling The Infamous."

"Whoa! His connection to D'Ren, that guy who just killed 4 billion people, is confirmed, which could mean any number of things, including that of having access to those nanites to cause the murder of Alyce himself."

Lieutenant Aramaki nodded but then stopped before handing over another tricorder. "Oh! Something else. This is a picture of my neice. Isn't she so cute? Soooo cute."

"Thanks?" Seifer handed him back the three tricorders. "Unfortunately, Starfleet refuses to acknowledge adorableness as they're too busy minding their own hypocrisy. Anyway, as for the case, it would seem I didn't have a chance in figuring out who the murderer was to begin with."

Aramaki tapped his chin in thought. "The universe is a mysterious place. Want to search for anaphasic lifeforms? They looooove the Caldos star system."

"Can't. The Infamous' army has the entire place blocked off. We're not allowed to leave until we sign a release acknowledging fear for life. Also, my own plots may finally get some much anticipated traction. You see, I just saw one of my past love interests in the crowd and our whole complicated history is just about to unravel in a whirlwind of drama and passion, and—" Suddenly, he lost sight of the woman. "Damn! Never mind."


Earth Spacedock, Infirmary

Hours later, 23:00. Elihu M'Konel was lying in the infirmary of Earth Spacedock. The now-shaven Vulcan/Betazoid hybrid was completely unresponsive. Doctor Shran-Vix, blood-stained and covered in black soot, was exhausted but remained by his side as she shakily performed her medical duties. Lydia M'Konel was leaning up on her side, fearfully observing her nephew from the bed on his right. To his left was another patient, one who had not survived the ordeal. A sheet was covering them head to toe.

The former chief of the Tal'Shiar, Toreth, was being taken to the brig by several security officers. However, she was not wounded either. Later, she would say, "I, Toreth, confess to personally overseeing the kidnapping and torture of several Federation, Romulan, and Klingon officers and soldiers, including one Captain Aeris..."

Outside the sickbay on a large display was yet another list of recently deceased. However, the memorial terrorist attack was not what had sent Elihu M'Konel spiraling into a catatonic state. The breaking point came a little later...


Civilian Transport Elysium

Hours earlier, after the Caldos III terrorist attack, officers were beamed back to the Elysium and set course for Earth Spacedock. A transporter beam had deposited Talitha Roseblade in the center aisle of the passenger hold. The young lady collapsed onto her side. Her mind was unable to maintain any coherent thought. She did not even recognize her husband-to-be.

Eli simply could not handle it. After asking Jade to take care of her, Eli crumpled into his seat and did not speak or move again. Before long, he fell asleep, and when Shran scanned him, she reported that he had descended into a coma.


Captain Oroku Seifer - Infirmary, Earth Spacedock

As the Infirmary was being emptied out of its excess patients, Seifer was just finishing up treatments for his flesh wounds. The trip back from Caldos III had been so much faster than the trip there, that he wondered if Edward was just toying with everyone beforehand.

"Everything checks out with you, sir," reported Lieutenant Cetra. "You'll be free to go in a few minutes."

Seifer looked on as Lydia had been screaming in sheer madness at the comatose Elihu M'Konel for what seemed like hours. The sound rang through in his ears. "Wow. That really is terrible."

"Trauma comes with the territory when dealing with complex inter-personal relationships augmented by the vicious actions of unclear entities," she said, passively as she healed his hand with a dermal regenerator.

Confused, the Captain replied. "Yes? Anyway, doesn't all this bother you, since you're a Betazoid?"

"Actually, I've always injected myself with a compound that suppresses my empathy. All my life, I've been unable, nor willing, to deal with the pounding headache of telepathic power." She wrapped up and patted him in the shoulder.

Seifer smirked. "Yeah, those are the worst. Anyway, it looks like you're stuck here on Spacedock with all this like I am. I know how stale this station can get. If I hear about any deep space assignments befitting a nurse, I'll let you know."


Main Concourse

Stepping out into the main concourse, Seifer was met with Captain Aeris. He had skimmed her report of her time in fluidic space and was amazed that she survived.

"It's been a long time, Captain," Seifer said.

Aeris crossed her arms. "It could have been longer. But it was only after my time with Kohogeth, in the past, that I was eventually boarded by the Tal'Shiar on what I've come to learn were orders by Toreth. They wanted to know everything we did of the Undine."

"Now she's captured. A gift from someone, perhaps. Are you going to go into the Brig and beat her to a bloody pulp?"

The woman did a double-take. "What kind of a monster do you think I am? I dealt with my emotional reaction to that long ago. It was only Elihu's telepathic attack on me that regressed it out of my subconscious." She looked at him. "Anyway, the Zephyra is just as out-of-commission as your old ship, the Phoenix-X. I could crew it and fly it, but the damage by that Undine protoplasm makes it unfit for prolonged use."

"Drydock's getting full," Seifer realized.

She laughed to herself. "At least you're getting re-assigned. They told me to tell you that you've got a new ship, finally."


Aeris gave him a PADD. "Congratulations, Captain. The U.S.S. Ragnarok is yours. It's a Pathfinder-class starship modified with Discovery-class pylons."

"This is amazing!!" Seifer took the PADD and rushed through its stats. "Sure, it's not as powerful as some, but I can finally get off this cesspool dump— err, I mean, wonderfully constructed space mushroom?"

The other Captain waved him off. "It's fine. I'm stuck here until they find me a new ship too now. But, this time, after what I did in bringing the disappeared crew back, they won't keep me locked down here anymore. I'll be just as free as you, soon."

"Good to hear, Aeris," Seifer complimented. "I'll be recruiting that engineer you were with in Undine space, by the way. Lieutenant Winry sounds brilliant."

Shocked and insulted, Aeris dropped her arms. "You jerk?? Now I don't want to divulge the second piece of news I was going to bring to you!"

"The Infamous was responsible for everything malicious that's been done up to this point?"

She shook her head as she directed his gaze to their left. "No, Winry and I brought back your old fighting teacher, Chivaul, from fluidic space."

"Master Chivaul??" Seifer turned to see the old, greying Vulcan standing afar in wait to speak to him. He had thought he'd never see him again, and had already dealt with the effects of losing his own father-figure. The Trill turned back to Aeris, preferring the cognitive dissonance to the alternative. "Thank you, Captain."

Aeris smiled. "Sure." She watched as Seifer went off to speak to the man. Her duties now lay elsewhere, so she left as well.

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