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If Only In My Dreams

Chapter 22: Unique Traditions

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Day 22 - Unique Traditions || Smiles, acceptance, and making memories.


“Argggg,” McCoy sighed dramatically, collapsing into the chair beside Scotty’s desk. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes, scrubbing his hands down his face.

Scott looked up from the lastest emissions and consumption report, trying very hard not to smile. “Tough mission, then?” Scotty commiserated.

“Pour me a scotch, will you?” McCoy asked plaintively.

“Oh, aye,” Scotty said, a twinkle in his eye, and reached for the bottle and tumblers he kept in his desk drawer. “Tae celebrate your happy nuptials. Congratulations, by the way. I’m a wee bit hurt I didnae get an invitation.”

McCoy lifted his head and glared at Scotty. “How the hell did you hear about that already? It was an accident,” he hissed, but took the drink that Scott passed to him.

“This is, what, accidental marriage number six?” Scotty chuckled, pouring one for himself.

“Why does this keep happening to me?” McCoy moaned. “Do you know how annoying it is to fill out the ‘annulment of accidental non-Federation marriage’ form? And then Spock needles me about it for weeks. He’ll say things like: ‘Doctor please be certain you do not…’ I don’t know… ‘do not wipe your ass incorrectly or you may find yourself inadvertently married.’”

Scotty just grinned at him. “Spock would say that, would he? Seriously, Leonard,” he said earnestly, leaning forward. “I understand how this could happen.”

“Thank you,” McCoy started, but then Scotty continued, lips twitching. 

“Beautiful alien princess took one look at those pretty eyes of yours, those cheekbones, that smoldering gaze, and couldnae help herself.”

McCoy glowered at him. “I don’t have a smoldering gaze.”

“She has good taste, is all I’m saying,” Scotty said, lifting a placating hand, and backed down—it was hilarious, but McCoy was clearly irritated and embarrassed. “What happened this time?” he said, and he was serious and listening.

McCoy sighed and rolled his drink between his palms. “Jim was making me play diplomat. And the princess was interesting, and pretty,” McCoy admitted, and shot Scott an apologetic look. Scotty just shrugged, not concerned about it. “She took my hand, and led me into a private room. Poured two drinks.” McCoy gestured to the bottle, and Scotty handed it over. McCoy took their two tumblers and demonstrated, placing the drinks in the desk between them. “Took my hand.” McCoy gently picked up Scotty’s hands and pressed palm to palm for a moment before tracing across the crease in both of Scott’s hands and brushing his thumbs down to the inside of his wrists. Scotty blinked, the gentle touch running a shiver down his neck. McCoy dipped both thumbs into his own drink, then Scotty’s, before tracing a line of the liquor down both their lips. Then he put both hands on Scotty’s face and leaned forward for a tender kiss that lingered between their breaths.

“I hope you didnae kiss her that way,” Scott said with a thoughtful frown.

“She kissed me that way,” McCoy admitted, and rocked back in his chair. “That’s apparently all it took. Jim had to scramble like hell when he figured out what had happened, and why they were expecting me to stay and provide them an heir.”

Scotty chuckled, the absurdity of it striking him again. “So, you’re telling me we are now married according tae the laws of Ourdia?”

McCoy tossed up his hands in annoyance. “I’ll fill out the annulment paperwork!” he yelled crossly, and stood.

Scotty picked up his emission report, irritated now himself, but spoke softly just before McCoy stormed out the door: “I didnae say that, love.” 

That stopped McCoy in his tracks, and he turned around and looked at Scott, who was pretending to be engrossed in his report. “Scotty …” McCoy started, voice hesitant and afraid. Marriage wasn’t something he did. Not anymore. Not again.

Scott interrupted him with a shake of his head. The engineer wouldn’t look at him, but continued. “That wasnae a proposal. After all,” he gestured at the drinks still on his desk. “You’re already a married man. But six different princesses and princes have thought tae take your hand.” Scotty looked up, fierce and tender. “I’m just saying, I can understand the temptation.”