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Your Own Kobayashi Maru


You are the captain of the USS Trainer, a heavy cruiser with a crew complement of one hundred and fifteen. You are on patrol near Klingon space when you receive a distress call from a fuel carrier vessel, the USS Kobayashi Maru. They are under attack by Klingon warbirds and have sustained extensive damage. The captain is requesting immediate assistance.

What do you do?


Written for cupidsbow in the Space Swap exchange. Originally posted on AO3.

For best results please use Chapter Mode. As per canon, there is a way to "win", but you'll have to hunt for it. :)

Chapter Text

You are the captain of the USS Trainer, a heavy cruiser with a crew complement of one hundred and fifteen. You are on patrol near Klingon space when you receive a distress call from a fuel carrier vessel, the USS Kobayashi Maru. They are under attack by Klingon warbirds and have sustained extensive damage. The captain is requesting immediate assistance.

What do you do?

Plot a course and proceed at maximum warp
Continue on course

Chapter Text

You ignore the message and continue on course. The Kobayashi Maru, pinned down and defenceless, fights valiantly, but is eventually destroyed with all hands. Your own ship and crew are safe, but you are demoted for dereliction of duty and abandonment of fellow Starfleet personnel. FAILURE.

Return to start?

Chapter Text

You drop out of warp on the edge of the system. The Kobayashi Maru is surrounded, being fired upon in all directions by Klingon warbirds. Intent as they are on their prey, the warbirds have not yet noticed you. You have approximately two point four seconds before you are detected by their sensors.

What do you do first?

Raise shields
Open fire

Chapter Text

You give the order to raise shields just as the lead warbird fires on you. Your shields protect you, but each hit reduces their power by four point seven percent.

What do you do next?

Attempt to beam the Kobayashi Maru crew aboard
Move to intercept the warbirds
Fire back.

Chapter Text

You open fire on the lead warbird and score a direct hit. The warbird takes minor damage.

Do you:

Continue firing
Raise shields

Chapter Text

The warbird fires on you, targeting your left nacelle. With your shields down you sustain heavy damage. Warp engines are offline, and impulse is barely operational.

How do you react?

Raise shields
Begin evasive manoeuvres

Chapter Text

You attempt to raise shields, but the shield generator was damaged in the attack. Before you can do anything more, the warbird fires again, scoring a direct hit to your warp core. Your ship is destroyed. FAILURE.

Return to start?

Chapter Text

You attempt to manoeuvre out of the warbird's path, but another moves to intercept. Pinned down between multiple warbirds, you are defenceless to their attack. Your ship is destroyed. FAILURE.

Return to start?

Chapter Text

You cannot beam the crew aboard without lowering your shields.

Do you wish to lower them?


Chapter Text

Unwilling to risk the Trainer by lowering your shields, you realise you will have to find a different way to assist the Kobayashi Maru.

Do you:

Move to intercept the warbirds
Fire on the lead warbird
Engage your tractor beam and attempt to pull the ship closer

Chapter Text

You move to intercept, placing yourself between the Kobayashi Maru and the lead warbird. This draws some of the fire, but still allows the other warbirds to target the Kobayashi Maru.

What do you do next?

Attempt to beam the crew of the Kobayashi Maru aboard.
Fire on the lead warbird
Engage your tractor beam and attempt to pull the ship closer

Chapter Text

You fire on the lead warbird and score a direct hit. The warbird takes minor damage.

Do you:

Attempt to beam the crew of the Kobayashi Maru aboard.
Continue firing on the lead warbird
Target one of the other warbirds

Chapter Text

The Kobayashi Maru has sustained heavy damage and cannot withstand the strain from your tractor beam. A crack opens in the hull, igniting the fuel and destroying the ship. FAILURE.

Return to start?

Chapter Text

You fire on the lead warbird and score a direct hit. The warbird takes minor damage and fires back. Your shields protect you, but each hit reduces their power by four point seven percent.

Do you:

Attempt to beam the crew of the Kobayashi Maru aboard
Fire on one of the other warbirds
Continue firing on the lead warbird

Chapter Text

You fire on the warbird and score a direct hit. However, your distraction allows the lead warbird to refocus on the Kobayashi Maru and destroy the last of their shields with another shot from their phasers. The Kobayashi Maru is not designed for battle, and without shields a single shot to its engines or fuel-filled cargo bay will lead to the destruction of the ship.

Do you:

Attempt to beam the crew of the Kobayashi Maru aboard
Engage your tractor beam and attempt to pull the ship closer
Fire on the lead warbird

Chapter Text

You fire on the lead warbird, targeting their weapons. With a lucky strike, you manage to destroy their phaser cannons. However, one of the other warbirds is charging weapons to attack the Kobayashi Maru.

What do you do?

Engage your tractor beam and attempt to pull the ship closer
Fire on the warbird

Chapter Text

You move to intercept, placing yourself between the Kobayashi Maru and the lead warbird. This draws some of the fire, but still allows the other warbirds to target the Kobayashi Maru.

What do you do next?

Fire on the lead warbird
Engage your tractor beam and attempt to pull the ship closer

Chapter Text

You fire on the lead warbird and score a direct hit. The warbird takes minor damage.

Do you:

Continue firing on the lead warbird
Target one of the other warbirds

Chapter Text

You fire on the warbird and score a direct hit. However, your distraction allows the lead warbird to refocus on the Kobayashi Maru and destroy the last of their shields with another shot from their phasers. The Kobayashi Maru is not designed for battle, and without shields a single shot to its engines or fuel-filled cargo bay will lead to the destruction of the ship.

Do you:

Engage your tractor beam and attempt to pull the ship closer
Fire on the lead warbird

Chapter Text

You fire on the warbird and manage to prevent it from attacking the Kobayashi Maru. However, before you can react, a lucky shot from a third warbird takes out the ship's engines and the ship is destroyed. FAILURE.

Return to start?

Chapter Text

The Klingon warships' shields go down unexpectedly as you fire. You score a direct hit to the warp core, destroying the lead warship before making quick work of the others. Once all Klingon ships have been destroyed, you lower your shields and begin transporting the Kobayashi Maru crew aboard. PASS FAILURE.

You cheated! Go back and start again.