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Part 36 of The Raptor-verse

A Moment of Calm

Chapter 3: Act 3 The Way Forward


Information comes to light as a course of action is determined.

Chapter Text

  Drozana Station—Joint Operations Command Center

“I must state that I find the news I’ve read in these reports regarding cybernetic and genetic experimentation disturbing.”  Admiral Kererek commented, a worried frown on his face.  “Not to mention this apparent alliance between the Tal’Shiar, one or more mirror universes, and this Cerberus organization.”

“Added to that, we also cannot rule out a more powerful entity or entities controlling them.”  Admiral Quinn, having just arrived from Starfleet Command on Earth, declared with a grunt.  “The question is…who?”

Shaking her head, Zsuzsanna proposed, “Maybe it has to do with something we found in our universe and that Boris found in his.”

“Elaborate please, Captain.” Admiral Tuvok requested.

The Hungarian starship captain told her story with rare gravity. “The Belladonna was answering a distress call from an Imperial colony and science outpost on Cyrus IV in what we call the Elkoli Sector.  At first, we thought it might have been a raid from either the Klingons or Romulans or maybe pirates, but when we arrived on the scene…” Zsa-Zsa’s voice now took on a rare awed tone, “we’d discovered that the colony and outpost had disappeared.”

“You mean it was destroyed.” General Martok grunted.

“No.”  The normally unflappable captain shook her head.  “I mean disappeared.  Poof—all gone—as if it never was there to begin with.”

“What were your people investigating, Zsa-Zsa?” Soren prompted encouragingly.

“We found ruins.”  The strawberry blonde Hungarian replied, “Over three billion years old.”

"We found the same thing on Fregan III in our universe." Captain Rodenko added, "A young planetologist who had just joined the crew and was on her first away mission found glyphs in the ruins. The same ones our Admiral Bateson found on a system called Eleuthra IV."

"Here is where the story gets complicated." Zsa-Zsa warned.

"Da." Boris affirmed, "This will take a lot of explaining with much of it going over both our heads."

"We have the time." Admiral Quinn responded with a wry grin. "Go ahead."

"All right." Zsa-Zsa cheekily replied, "But don't say we didn't warn you, dahlings."

“Fascinating.” Tuvok observed. after the two captains had finished their stories “That would place those ruins as even older than the Preservers in our universe.”

“It would make them one of the first—if not the first—form of sapient life in Captain Rozsa’s universe.” Captain Hobson noted.

"Not to mention existing in several different universes." Franklin Drake pointed out, "That would imply that this civilization--if it is still existing--is very powerful and advanced."

"The key phrase here." Tal'Mera interjected is, "Is 'if it is still existing'. One or more other races could easily have discovered or taken their technology and are now using it for their own purposes."

"Were any ruins of this sort ever discovered in your universe, Dr. Treeya?" Soren asked the asari archaelogist.

"No.." Dr. Treeya promptly responded, with a shake of her head. "But that doesn't mean they don't exist. Most of the exploration, colonization, and travel that went on in my universe was tied into the relay network. There might well be ruins. It's just that we haven't found them yet."

"Logical." Tuvok nodded. "Anything else Captain Rosza? Captain Rodenko?"

Igen. Da.” Both captains replied in unison as they recounted the story of their joint investigation of the strange anomaly they had discovered.

Zsa-Zsa continued telling her story to a rapt audience with Boris chiming in at key points.  “We found something and decided to investigate…”

After they had finished their tale, Ashley remarked, drawing amused smiles from both captains. “So you poked the bear?” 

Igen, Lieutenant." Zsa-Zsa responded first. "It was very foolish of us.  What we saw…”

Boris then spoke, his gravely voice taking a tone of simmering anger, “We were being put through a maze—like mice.  Never knowing when whoever it was who had set this thing up would pull a sudden surprise on us.”

“What kind of surprises?” Soren inquired.

“All different kinds.” Zsa-Zsa replied. “They all involved solving puzzles of one sort or another with one thing in common--they are all very dangerous.”

Boris confirmed, "We both took casualties."

"Igen." Zsa-Zsa nodded. "I lost two of my crew and Boris lost two also. “We saw other things too.” Zsa-Zsa said, speaking softly.  “Things that someone very dear to Eliza and I and who also was a friend of Captain Rodenko's told us about."

"Da." Boris sighing, grabbed Zsa-Zsa's hand in his in a supportive gesture. "Admiral Bateson...Morgan...sent me and my ship on the trail as well." Captain Rodenko declared, further elaborating, "Morgan's shuttle was overdue at DS-11. Later on, we received a subspace message from him telling us that he and another man had taken a shuttle to investigate reports of portals opening and closing near Fregan III where similar ruins were found. We discovered later that he went through one of the portals..."

"And came out of it in our universe." Zsa-Zsa smoothly picked up the narrative, "As you're all aware, wormholes and portals can carry you not just to different universes and dimensions, but also to different times. Time is very slippery. Apa arrived in our universe while Eliza and I were just entering our teens."

"He took us under his wing." Eliza stated, drawing a warm smile from Boris and a gentle nod of the head from her lover granting permission for her to reveal this very personal side of the hedonistic captain. "Zsa-Zsa never knew her father--he deserted her and his wife when she was still just a baby."

"Asshole dead beat dad." Ashley muttered under her breath as she turned her gaze to the Hungarian captain, giving her a warm supportive smile.

"And my father died when I was very young." Eliza continued, "Accident at work. He was a laborer. We didn't know each other at the time..."

"Igen." Zsa-Zsa affirmed, "I was living in a Budapest slum with my mother."

"And I was living in a shack on St. Marie in the West Indies." Eliza declared, "We were both in and out of trouble though. Admiral Bateson rescued us."

"He gave a damn about us." Zsa-Zsa recalled with a sigh, "But he wasn't a damned aristo who was looking for something in return. He helped us...listened to us...brought us together eventually...he's the reason we're with each other now."

"But we had to earn our way." Eliza proudly stated, "We busted our asses in school and while he gave us a recommendation to the Academy, we had to pass the exams..."

"And with much higher marks than the aristo and merchant house applicants." Zsa-Zsa also declared, her voice reflecting her pride in their accomplishment. Letting out a mournful sigh, she brushed away a tear. "He was the apa Eliza and I never had.  There are portals opening and closing in our universe as well. Colonies like Cyrus IV gone dark. Old ruins on our versions of your worlds like Eleuthra IV. He sent us to investigate and that's when we met Boris."

"Da." Captain Rodenko confirmed, "We both arrived at an anomaly and after a brief misunderstanding..."

"We almost fired on each other, kis apam." Zsa-Zsa laughed. Her laughter fading quickly, the Hungarian captain picked up the narrative, "We found a Vulcan and a Klingon—from, as it turned out, Boris's universe—on lab tables."

"Da." Boris again confirmed Zsa-Zsa's account, elaborating further on Admiral Bateson's long and complicated history. "His logs and the logs of our USS Lexington under the command of Commodore Wesley, point to the same thing."

"Igen." Zsa-Zsa affirmed, "We found two bodies.  One…the Klingon…was dissected…”

“Filthy pet’aQs.” Martok growled.

“Like Orinia’s husband.” Ashley noted with a frown.

Igen.” Zsa-Zsa affirmed, “The exact same thing. But that's not all. We heard a voice in our minds.  One that spoke to us.  Warned us of our final test.”

“It was the Vulcan lying on the slab.”  Ilya interjected, “His brain had been removed from his body and suspended in some sort of liquid.  Tubes connected it to…something.”

“We were shown visions—different places…people and beings we’ve never seen before.” Zsa-Zsa's gaze then fell on Ashley and each of the others in the room, “You were one of those people Ashley Williams…so were all of you. There were others we know and those we don’t.  Subcommander Avesti…V’lana…was one of those people.”

Donkey announced.  “She’s in our universe.”

“Gunnery Chief Keys is correct.”  Captain Forrester declared to an astonished audience, “We have news vids of her and members of her crew on our ship.”

“May we see them?” Admiral Kererek requested. “The mystery of what happened to the Gallena has been in my mind for the last couple of years.  I and Proconsul D’Tan had thought her lost.  But to discover that our sister is still alive…”

Inclining his head at the admiral, Captain Forrester replied, “You’re more than welcome to them, Sir.”

“Thank you.” The Romulan admiral responded with a smile as he rose to his feet.  “As it will take some time to prepare everything, I would suggest that we adjourn for now as we are approaching the noon hour.  We will reconvene in two hours.  Dismissed.”


 A few hours later

As he watched the video with the others, a smile appeared on Commander Kaval’s face, “It is good to see V’lana again.  And it is also welcome news that the Gallena and her crew have survived.”

“It looks like she has been very busy.” Drake noted as he and his colleagues viewed the vid.  Gazing at one of the figures on the dais more closely, the spymaster inquired, “So…that’s a salarian?”

“Yeah.”  Ashley affirmed with a scowl on her face, “That’s Valern, one of the Councilors sitting on the Citadel Council.  The turian’s name is Sparatus and the asari, Tevos.  And is that…Not it can’t be!” A big smile appeared on the former marine’s face as she exclaimed in glee, “Yes…it is! That’s Captain Anderson!”

“It’s Councilor Anderson now. He got promoted.” Donkey declared with a barely disguised surly quality in his voice.

“I know.” Ashley responded, “I’ve been brought up to speed on most of what happened since Rana and I went down that rabbit hole. It’s just seeing his face again after all this time.” Her smile broadened as she recognized the others in the video.  “And there’s Kaiden—Lieutenant Alenko…”

“He got promoted too.” Donkey interjected, “He’s a Staff Commander now.”

“Good.” Ashley smiled, “He deserves it.”  Recognizing a couple of other familiar faces, the former Alliance marine’s smile grew wider, “And that’s Liara—Doctor Liara T’Soni—talking to that Starfleet officer.”

The faintest traces of a smile appearing on Captain Hobson’s face, the Iceman commented with a note of fondness in his patrician voice, “Lieutenant Commander Oudekirk.”

“It’s good to see that Cilla’s okay.”  Commander Rysyl interjected.

Chris agreed with a nod of his head. “She has been missed.  Besides being an outstanding second officer, she is a most excellent bridge player.”

“And there’s Tali.” Ashley exclaimed with glee, at once recognizing the quarian woman standing next to a Romulan male.

“I heard stories about her trial.” Zara remarked in a forlorn voice, “That the admirals set her up as a scapegoat.  Bosh’tets!”

As the vids continued to play, Captain Hobson commented approvingly at Cilla’s performance during her interview. “Ms. Oudekirk did very well representing the Federation without revealing any compromising information.”

“As did Subcommander Avesti.” Admiral Kererek commented.

An affectionate grin on her face, Ashley remarked, “It’s good to see Kaidan and hear his voice again after all this time.”

“Subcommander Avesti has done an excellent job playing the diplomatic game.” Commander Tal’Mera astutely noted.  “The establishment of informal legations will help smooth the eventual opening of full diplomatic relations and military cooperation.”

“A Klingon presence will be required.” General Martok declared warning, “This is not open to negotiation.”

“Of course, General.” Admiral Quinn immediately conceded, “Please be assured we do not want to do anything to endanger the peace.”

“Good.” Martok grunted. “I think Worf will be most interested in representing the Empire’s interests.  I shall approach him and the Council about it.”

Returning to the matter at hand, Captain Hobson inquired, “This Citadel Council is the chief government authority in your universe, I take it?” 

“Yes…and no, Sir.” Ashley replied as she explained the functions of the Council in greater detail. “The Council is composed of representatives of the top three races in Citadel Space—asari, turian, and salarian—with humans just recently being admitted as full members.”

Donkey affirmed, “Thanks to Commander Shepard and the sacrifice of a lot of good men and women who gave up their lives stopping Sovereign, they finally gave us a seat.”

“So there’s a tier system for member and affiliated worlds.” Admiral Tuvok observed as Soren pointed out sagely.

“No different than the Federation in that regard. We have full member worlds such as Earth and Vulcan, along with affiliate members and non-affiliated colonies and protectorates.”

“Where we differ is in the membership criteria.” Ashley explained, her use of the pronoun ‘we’ drawing attention from Donkey and Forrester both. “From what I’ve learned from my Academy classes and talking with people, full Federation membership is open to any world that meets the basic requirements and those requirements are fully spelled out.  While the party line in Citadel space is that a species has to be able to materially and substantially contribute to the galaxy …” the former Alliance marine drew air quotes as she spoke, a slight sarcastic edge creeping in her voice,  “In reality, it’s determined by whether the Council wants you to join their exclusive club or not.”

“I detect a note of bitterness in your voice, Lieutenant.” Tuvok commented, “Would you care to elaborate?”

“I’m sorry, Admiral.” Ashley apologized, her face reddening in embarrassment, “When I first saw the Council, I was just a grunt under Commander Shepard’s command.  If it weren’t for her and Lieutenant Alenko, I’d be dead—one of the casualties on Eden Prime.  I owe them my life and I saw firsthand how the Council treated Shepard while she was putting everything on the line to save their sorry asses…” her face reddening even more, she again apologized, “I’m…I’m sorry, Sirs.  That last comment was out of line.”

Chuckling softly, Zsa-Zsa wryly interjected, “Nothing to be sorry for, dahling.  You and your Commander Shepard were far more patient with those seggfej than I would have been.”

“The volus have had an embassy on the Citadel as long as the asari and salarians.” Zara interjected, “They’ve had a presence there for nearly 2,500 human years and played a major role in establishing our economic system, but every time they petition for a seat on the Council, they are rejected.  My people...” Zara’s voice trailed as it took on a more defiant and mournful edge, “lost their seat on the Council because of the Morning War.”

“You did create the geth.” Donkey pointed out, again with a barely disguised snarl.

“Over four hundred years ago!”  Zara angrily retorted, “I think the loss of our homeworld and colonies and permanent exile has been more than ample repayment for my ancestors’ mistake!”

Intervening quickly in an effort to head off a confrontation, Ashley shifted the focus away from the quarians and geth.  “The krogans lost their seat when they rebelled and the batarians when they refused to give up slavery.”

“Fucking batarians.” Donkey growled, “I was involved in the cleanup after they hit one of our colonies.  You don’t want to know what they do to their slaves.”

Ashley added, “I was with Shepard when we busted up a batarian slave ring.  It wasn’t very pretty.”

“Thank you for your insights. They will prove most helpful in the coming days and weeks.” Admiral Quinn remarked, with a slight incline of his head as he shifted the topic of discussion. “Now, I believe Lieutenant Commanders Zha’Thara, Simi, and Zara have some important news for us.”

“We do.” The Andorian science officer responded as she activated the computer monitor.  “We think we might have found a way to open up a portal into the other universe.  With the help of Lieutenants Jenkins and Johnson as well as Edi, we discovered that the unusual levels of chroniton and verteron radiation were the products of subspace intrusions.  Lieutenant Jenkins’ interrogation of a Cerberus spy gave us an important clue—one easy to overlook.”

“The mistake we made was that the portal would be a direct connection.” Simi interjected, “But, after going over Salome’s report, Candy and Talana discovered that a nexus point existed in subspace that controlled access not only to the universe we came from, but also other universes.”

“Is there a way to open the subspace portal? And if so…how long will it take to do so?” General Martok queried.

“Yes. We can open a portal.” Talana enthusiastically responded. “Thankfully, the base we took is still more or less intact.  It should be possible to restore it to operational order and use it to open up a permanent gateway.”

“Before we do so, I would suggest that we establish a joint presence in the system to discourage potential intrusions from our enemies.” Admiral Kererek advised.

Nodding his head, Admiral Quinn responded. “Agreed. Due to its proximity, Drozana Station will serve as a staging and command and control point for our new alliance—assuming we can come to terms with the station owner.” The admiral concluded, raising an eyebrow as his gaze turned to the sole Ferengi in attendance.

“I think we can come to an accommodation.  We have plenty of extra space on the station that I am willing to lease—in exchange for a fair profit.” Belen replied with a sly grin, “Of course, I would be willing to cut you an even bigger discount if you would agree to assist in moving the station to the Coronado System."

"And why would we want to do that, Ferengi?" Martock demanded with a sneer of contempt.

"Because it would benefit all of us." Belen countered. "You're going to need a station at the portal entrance no matter what. Now, you can go through the time, trouble, and expense of building a station from scratch or you can take advantage of an already existing station that will meet all your needs."

"Of course you stand to make a handsome profit as well." Admiral Quinn remarked, "You'll catch all the traffic going to and from the portal."

"Naturally." Belen smiled back, "The 199th Rule of Acquisition: Location...Location...Location." His expression now a poker face, the Ferengi fixer went into full haggling mode, "We all win here. I get a good location where I will make lots of latinum. You get an already built station that is neutral territory. We can begin negotiations whenever you’re ready.”

“Our next item.” Admiral Quinn cleared his throat.  “Effective immediately and with the full agreement of the Romulan Republic and Klingon Empire, the temporary task group led by Fleet Captain Magnussen will now be a permanent formation formally known as the Joint Universal Task Force.  Other ships from all our governments as well as allied powers will be joining this task force.  As this is a long-term multi-ship command and Fleet Captain has traditionally been considered a temporary rank, Starfleet Command has decided to restore the rank of Commodore.  It is my pleasure to announce that Fleet Captain Soren Magnussen, effective immediately, is promoted to the rank of Commodore and designated Commanding Officer of the Joint Universal Task Force.”  Smiling at the nonplussed newly promoted man, the Trill Admiral announced, “Congratulations, Commodore Magnussen.” A sly grin crossing his face, the admiral added, "Better begin training up a captain to replace you, Commodore. It won't be long until you get promoted to admiral."

Whispering in a low voice to her man, Ashley offered her congratulations, “You deserve it.”

“I just hope I don’t foul it up.” Soren whispered back.

“You won’t.”

 “One other piece of business before we conclude the meeting.”  Admiral Quinn declared as he turned his attention to Nelia and the rest of the Spoiled Princess crew.  “Due to recent events—to a large extent shaped by you and your team, Captain Terre, we have had to make some adjustments to your mission.”

“What sort of ‘adjustments’?” Nelia inquired, raising her eyebrow in suspicion.

“As the Spoiled Princess will be part of the new joint taskforce, it will need to be registered as an official Starfleet vessel…”

“Oh no!” The roguish Orion objected, “I’m not about to allow some tight assed Starfleet admiral to come on my ship and make us wear uniforms with all the ‘Yes, Sir…No, Sir…Yes, Ma’am…No, Ma’am shit that comes with it.  And what’s this ‘Captain’ shit?”

“Rest easy, Captain.” The Trill admiral responded placatingly.  “Starfleet will continue to honor the agreement the triad made with you--with just a few minor modifications.  You are most useful for covert operations and stealth insertions and we intend for you to remain in that role. The only difference is that from now on you’ll be acting with the official sanction of the Joint Command and that your ship will carry a U.S.S. prefix.  As for the promotion…” Quinn grinned, “It is customary for the commanding officer of a raider class vessel such as the Spoiled Princess to hold captain's rank.”

“So…I’m officially the captain?” Nelia inquired with a smirk, the admiral confirming with a nod of his head.  “That means I can set uniform policy—right?”

Gritting his teeth, Quinn responded, “Yes.”

“Good.” The roguish Orion leered, “As captain of the Spoiled Princess, I declare that there is no uniform policy on my ship.”

“That is your right as captain. But we do ask that you exercise a measure of discretion on certain occasions." The Trill admiral reluctantly affirmed before turning his attention to the rest of the raider’s crew.  “Your promotion is not the only one, Captain Terre.  Lieutenants Shelana and Glex—effective immediately, you are promoted to the rank of lieutenant commander.  Brevet Lieutenant Thanoptis.  Your rank has been officially confirmed by Starfleet along with a brevet promotion to lieutenant commander.  Lieutenant Ashley Williams your commission has also been officially confirmed and you are now commissioned as a brevet lieutenant commander.”  His lips turning up in a grin, Quinn exclaimed, “Congratulations.  Now…if there is no further business, this conference is concluded.  We all have our duties.  Dismissed.”

Ashley shook her head in sadness and anger as her former friend walked away muttering curses in a barely audible voice. Gritting her teeth, she murmured in response, "Asshole."

"Ignore Jackass." Shelana remarked as she placed a hand on her best friend's shoulder. "You earned this."

"You did too." Ashley, her mood improved by her Andorian comrade's encouraging words, responded, a smile appearing on her face.

"We all do." Twesata said as she and Rana joined the little group.

"So..." Shelana joked, "What would that gunnery know the one you're always talking about who was your instructor during basic training? What do you think he'd have said?"

"Gunny Ellison?" Ashley smirked. “He’d tell me that being an officer is no excuse for goldbricking.”  Her laughter fading, a sad smile crossed her face, “I wish Dad and the Skipper could have been here to see this.”

“They see it, min kaerlighed.” Soren whispered back as he joined the conversation.

“Sun set and evening star…And one clear call for me.” Ashley smiled.