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Part 36 of The Raptor-verse

A Moment of Calm

Chapter 4: Act 4 Beginnings and Endings


New chapters are turned in relationships as the stage is set for the meeting of two universes

Chapter Text

About a week later—Drozana Station Lounge, Nightclub, and Casino

“Damn! I can't believe this place.” Donkey exclaimed as the couple entered the station’s adult entertainment section with Donna beside him, followed closely behind by Captain Forrester.

“Nos Astra’s got nothing on this.”  Donna chuckled as she gazed at the gamblers gathered around the dabo tables and seated at all sorts of gaming tables, all being waited on by scantily clad waiters and waitresses of all races, shapes, colors, and sizes.

“What’ll you have?”  Belen called out as he waved his customers to the bar.  “We’ve got everything: whiskey, beer, Trillian aurea, Betazoid tulaberry wine, Klingon bloodwine, Andorian and Romulan ales, Terranovan rum…you name it…odds are we have it!”

“Welcome to the party!”  Nelia, wearing practically nothing other than a skimpy gold filigreed top and loincloth that left little to the imagination, waved at the newcomers while studiously ignoring Donkey, “Come on over and take a load off.”

“Who’s the singer?” Captain Forrester asked, gesturing at a Vulcan woman performing in front of a swing band.

“Oh!” Nelia exclaimed, “That’s T’Pren—weapons officer on the Aeolia. She likes performing here whenever her ship is in port.  Doesn’t she have a great voice?”

“I’ll say.”  Donna quickly agreed and then curiously inquired.  “That song sounds like old swing tune, but there’s something else there…more of a lyrical beat…what is it?”

“I asked T’Pren about that a few months ago.” The Orion woman recalled as she sipped her drink.  “She said that it was a form of New Orleans blues mixed in with some Deltan tones and melodies.”

"Hmph." Donkey, still surly over Ashley, snorted derisively, "It's not right. Taking our music and mixing it in with a bunch of alien stuff."

“Well…I like it.”  Donna declared, glaring at the man sitting next to her before her gaze fell on the amber-colored liquid the roguish Orion was sipping from a crystal champagne flute before asking, “What’s that you’re drinking?”

“Antarean sunrise, Sweetie.”  Nelia smiled as she gestured at her Ferengi friend, “Belen, love?  Can you fetch an antarean sunrise for the lady here?”

“Of course.” Belen grinned, quickly mixing the drink. 

Watching with rapt fascination as the bartender expertly made his purser’s drink, Captain Forrester exclaimed, “He’s good.”

“What are your people called again?” Donna inquired as the bartender handed the drink her.

“I’m a Ferengi.” Belen proudly declared, “The smartest traders, merchants, businessmen and financial wizards in this universe.”

“Also the most modest.” Shelana joked as she joined the conversation, also giving Donkey the cold shoulder. “You know what I want, Bel.”

“One Andorian ale coming up.” The bartender grinned as he handed his Andorian shipmate and friend a drink.

“Belen’s also the owner of this station.” Nelia chimed in as her friend refilled her drink, directing her remarks to Donna while still ignoring the man seated by the human woman.

“And everything in it.” The Ferengi bartender proudly declared, “When I bought this station several years ago, it was a rundown pile of mugatu shit overrun by pirates and mercenaries.  So…I hired mercenaries of my own to run the squatters out.  It’s been a lot of work and cost me a lot of latinum.” Belen sighed as he gazed first at the casino with its gamblers and then the nightclub where several people, including the Commodore and Ashley, were on the dance floor enjoying themselves, “But it was worth it.”

“Where’s Twes and Rana?” Nelia inquired with a crooked grin.

“Take three guesses.” Shelana quipped as she quaffed down her ale. “Dixie and Edi are hanging out with Treasure and the Amigas.  “I believe they’re all on the dance floor.”  Chuckling, she remarked as she gestured at the girl pack dancing with each other and several males.  Even the mobile AI was dancing, albeit awkwardly, to the music, “Dix even got Edi on the floor.”

Motioning with his head at a blonde woman wearing a fringed minidress dancing frenetically, Captain Forrester exclaimed, “Who is that?”

“That’s Candy.  Lieutenant Candy Johnson.” Shelana laughed, “She’s our perpetual motion machine.”

“I can see that.” Forrester remarked with a laugh

“Does she have an off switch?”  Donna giggled before taking another drink.

“Not when she’s on the dance floor.”  Nelia chuckled, “Hell…I’ve seen her outdance both Zsa-Zsa and Eliza and those two love to dance almost as much as they like to…” hearing a familiar thickly accented voice, the roguish Orion smirked, “Speaking of whom…”

 “Hello, dahlings!”

Donkey’s eyes practically bulged as the Hungarian captain entered along with her executive officer, both wearing matching outfits.  “They call themselves officers?” The Alliance gunnery sergeant grumbled self-righteously as he saw what the two women were wearing: Zsa-Zsa outfitted with a black leather top and tight leather pants with a crystal navel ring and diamond choker, and Eliza, a white lace top and pants showing plenty of skin, also with navel ring and choker.

"Won't you give it a rest?" Donna whispered to her erstwhile date, "You're behaving like an asshole."

“Nelia, dragam!” Zsa-Zsa exclaimed, “Give us a kiss, please, dahling.”

“Of course.” The lovely Orion responded as she kissed both women on the lips.  “Enjoying yourselves?”

Igen.” The strawberry-blonde captain replied as she took a seat and a glass of champagne while Eliza stretched out luxuriously at her feet almost as a cat would. “We just got back from trying a new holosuite program.  It was wonderfully decadent—wasn’t it Eliza, dragam?

“Mmmm…Hmmm…” The dark haired, olive skinned executive officer purred as she stroked her mistress’s leg. “Simply marvelous. You should try it Nelia, love.”

“I think I will.” The hedonistic Orion responded, “So…what time’s the party?”

“In a couple of hours, dahlings.”  Giving both Donkey and Donna appraising looks, the attractive captain remarked first to the woman and then to the man sitting next to her, her voice instantly changing from flirtatious to cold as she switched her remarks from Donna and then to Donkey.  “You're invited. You're not." 

"I can take a hint." Donkey growled as he got up off his stool. Turning to his date he asked, "You staying or going?"

"Staying." Donna snapped back.

Sneering as the Alliance marine walked away, Zsa-Zsa muttered under her breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear, "seggfej."

“Did someone get an invite to Zsa-Zsa’s party?”  Ashley quipped as she and Soren joined the others at the bar.

“Yeah.”  Donna replied with a forced smile, "At first I wasn't planning on going, but changed my mind."

"The pendejo she was with was being an asshole." Eliza explained, rolling her eyes.

Letting out a breath of air, Ashley responded with a dejected sigh, "He's had a lot thrown at him. He's not taking it very well."

"Not your fault, Ash." Salome consoled, "He's had that attitude ever since he found out you took a commission in Starfleet."

Nodding her head, Ashley agreed, "Yeah. I have a feeling that's going to be the reaction of a lot of the people I used to know."

"That's his and their problem, Ashley." Soren declared supportively, "Not yours."

"Better listen to that man of yours." Nelia advised with a wink, "He's talking sense."

"You're right." Ashley grinned, I don't owe him or anyone else any explanations."

"Exactly." Soren agreed, giving his companion a warm smile. "You've made a life for yourself here."

"So..." Donna asked, changing the subject, "Are the two of you going to the party, Ash?"

“We’re making an appearance, but we’re leaving before things get rowdy.  So…how are the rest of your people doing? I know it must be rough on the kids and Orinia especially—what with the kids’ guardians among the missing and what she’s been through—it has to be especially tough on them”

“You’re right.” Captain Forrester sighed as he addressed his next remarks to Soren, “I am thankful, Commodore, that you and the other captains have made your counselors available to us.  They’ve been most helpful.  As for the kids…” the freighter captain let out a breath of relief, “they’re beginning to adjust.”

“Children are resilient.” Ashley agreed.

Forrester nodded in reply, “The younger ones seem to be adapting to things much better than the older ones though.”

“That makes sense.” Soren observed. “While there are similarities in our universes, there are many important differences. It must be difficult on them at times.”

“It took me some time to get used to the differences too.” Ashley admitted with a rueful grin. Her expression now pensive, she related, “I had to rethink a lot of stuff.”

“You were already well on your way when we met.” Shelana pointed out supportively. “It didn’t take you too long.”

“Thanks to Shepard and the others on the Normandy.” Ashley declared, heaving a sigh, “Really…I think the big thing was that I was finally able to put away the ‘Williams Curse’ once and for all. It’s like I’ve gotten a fresh start here. No baggage to hold me down. People here accept me for who I am.  For the first time in a long time…maybe for the first time ever…I’m doing what I want to do and living my life the way I want to live it. I like it.”

Captain Forrester asked Ashley, “So…how difficult was it for you to pick up on all the changes between our universe and this one?”

Giving the freighter captain a warm smile, Ashley replied, “Like I was saying, it was a little difficult at first. Shelena and Soren can tell you stories about how hard I struggled to get through my Federation history courses—and I used to get all ‘A’s in history in school!  I went through many a cup of coffee prepping for Captain Soval’s exams both when I was doing my residency at the Academy and then later on with the extension courses.”

“Soval’s a tough Vulcan bastard.” Shelana agreed, “I had him when I went to the Academy too.”  Giving her teammate a friendly punch in the arm, the Andorian woman proudly declared, “Ash aced every exam.”

“I had lots of help.” Ashley modestly replied before inquiring, “What about Orinia?  I know it hasn’t been easy for her—losing her husband that way…finding herself in a new universe.  Turian culture can be rigid at times.  How is she doing?”

“She’s still dealing with her grief.” Forrester answered, “But since she volunteered to help at the school, she’s gotten better.  Working with the kids is keeping her mind occupied and off of what happened to her husband.”

“That’s good to hear.”  Soren replied as the dark-haired woman next to him prompted him with a gentle nudge, “We have to go now, but take care and if you need anything…”

“Thank you, Commodore.” Captain Forrester grinned as he and the Danish flag officer shook hands, “For everything.”

As the pair walked away, Ashley whispered in her beau’s ear, “How’s about a walk in the holosuite after we leave Zsa-Zsa’s party?”

“The Janaran Falls on Betazed?” Soren suggested as Ashley took his arm.

“Love to.”


Ashley and Soren

 “This is beautiful.” Ashley sighed as the pair sat down at a table on the patio of an outdoor café with a splendid view of the Janaran Falls. “I like this program.” She smiled as she sipped her coffee.

“Commander Rysyl from the Aeolia recommended it.” Soren replied as he took his companion’s hand in his. “She said she got it from Admiral Shelby.  Liz’s husband, Admiral Mackenzie Calhoun, proposed to her at the Falls when they were vacationing on Betazed.”

“Hmmm…nice place for a proposal.” Chuckling, Ashley playfully nudged her date, “Don’t worry…I don’t think either of us are ready for that step…yet.  But maybe…” she allowed her thought to linger for a moment, “one day…but not for a while yet.  Too much going on right now anyway.”

“You’re right, as always, min kaerlighed.”  The handsome Dane chuckled, eliciting an amused response from his companion.

“I’m always right.”  Growing serious again, the newly promoted lieutenant commander asked, “So how long do you think before…”

“Before we open a portal?”  Soren completed his companion’s thought as she nodded, “Not long.  Not with the people we have working on it.  So what do you plan on doing when we do open that portal.”

“Well…” Ashley grinned, “First thing is introduce you to my old friends from the Normandy.  Then after that…” a rakish grin appeared on her face, “Take you to see my mother and sisters.  Don’t worry…” she smiled warmly as she took her companion’s hand in hers, “I’m not going anywhere.  Like I told Donkey, my home is here now…in Starfleet. And…hopefully…one day…with you.”

“I would very much like you to stay here…with me.”  Soren replied in a soft voice as the woman beside him leaned over and gave him a kiss.

“Stay with me tonight.” Ashley entreated.  Seeing the look of both surprise and anticipation on her lover’s face, she chuckled, “Come on, lover boy.”


Mass Effect Universe—SSV Orizaba under Captain Hanna Shepard

“Entering Farinata System.” Commander Ferguson, the Onizuka’s executive officer, reported to his commanding officer.

“Any traces of the Dawn Star?” Captain Hanna Shepard inquired as she gazed at the display on her monitors.

“No sign of wreckage or debris.” The sensor officer reported.

“What do you think, Captain?” Ferguson queried, “Pirates?  Cerberus?”

“Either are good suspects.” Captain Shepard replied before calling out to the special sensor technician on loan from the Gallena.  “Sublieutenant Rekar?  Are you picking up any of those unusual particles we were told to look for?”

“Picking up unusually high concentrations of verteron and chroniton radiation.” The Romulan officer responded, “It matches similar readings we’ve taken from Elachi portals in our universe.  I’m also picking up faint traces of a warp trail.”  Shaking his head, the sublieutenant ruefully reported, “I can’t pinpoint a destination.  The trail’s too cold.”

“Do you think these…Elachi…attacked the ship?”  Ferguson inquired with a worried look.

Nodding her head, the experienced captain responded, “I’d say that’s a good guess.  Get me Admirals Hackett, Anderson, and Mikhailovich on the QEC, then I want a thorough scan done of this system.”

“You think something’s here?”

“I think so.”  Hannah replied, “Get those scans started and report to me the moment you find something—I don’t care how little it might appear to be—it could be crucial.  I’ll most likely still be on the comm with the admirals.”  Giving her XO a slight grin, the Alliance captain declared, “I think we might have found our door.”

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