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Part 39 of The Raptor-verse

Convergences 3: The Explosions Commence

Chapter 2: Act 2

Chapter Text

Cleaning out the Office—Liara, Cilla, and Garrus

“Photon grenade outgoing!”  Cilla shouted, popping up from cover long enough to toss her grenade, the answering fire from the mercenaries impacting hard on her shields as she dove back to cover.

On seeing her companion wincing, a scowl appeared on Liara’s face as she cast a singularity, catching the mercenary fireteam in its field.  “Eat this!” The furious asari yelled, launching a warp into the singularity setting off a massive explosion that immediately killed those caught in the field and stunned the rest of the mercenaries near it.

“Scratch one engineer.” Garrus dryly commented as he brought down a salarian with his sniper rifle.

“Heavy weapons at three o’clock.”  Cilla warned as she fired her phaser, tagging the rocket launching mercenary just as he was pulling the trigger to his weapon, throwing him just enough off his aim to miss her asari friend.  “Are you okay, Liara?” The Dutch officer called out, her normally icy voice edged with concern.

“I’m fine.”  Liara shouted back, no one hearing her inaudible murmur, “Siha.”  Gesturing at a staircase, she shouted, raising her voice once again, “Hurry.  We don’t have much time!”


Checking in to the Hotel: Satra and Samantha

“I hear the rooms here even have Volus porn.” A human man, feeling very good after several shots of tequila and a Hallex, joked with the asari woman walking arm in arm with him down the hallway to their room.

“Volus porn?”  The asari woman giggled,  her speech slurred thanks to one goblet too many of asari mead and also a Hallex pill, “I knew you were kinky, Frederick, but I if I’d have known that I’d have invited Dipney to join us for a threesome.”

“No thanks. I’m not that kinky.” Frederick laughed as four pillars of green light appeared in front of the inebriated couple.

“What the…” the asari woman gulped as the pillars of light materialized into four humanoid forms.  Panicking the asari grabbed her human companion by the arm and, pulling him along with her, screamed at the top of her lungs as the couple ran away as fast as they could, waving their arms in panic.

Sniffing under her arm, Samantha quipped to her lover, “We showered this morning…didn’t we?”

“Yes.”  Satra replied, as she repeated her lover’s gesture.  Watching as the drunken couple fled, the Romulan scientist let out a breath of air.  “We better get what we came for before they come back with the authorities.”

“Good idea.” Solana interjected, “The sooner we get done here the better.  Now…where is Vasir’s room?”

“This way.”  Samantha replied, pointing to a door on the other side of the corridor.  “I recognized the lettering.”

“I’m not scanning anyone in the room.” Satra declared as the party drew closer.

“Basic lock.” Samantha announced, “But I better go ahead and check for booby traps just to be safe.” After carrying out several very careful scans, the communications specialist let out a breath of air.  “She put in a sensor to notify her if the lock was broken, but I rigged a bypass where it would appear to be routine.  We can enter now.”

Entering the hotel room, Solana quipped as they passed a giant wall monitor displaying an erotic movie, “Is that an elcor and a quarian?  How…and more important…Why?”

“I don’t think I want to know.” Satra responded as she activated a computer terminal on the desk.

“Let’s see what’s on the communications and security logs.” Samantha urged as she joined her lover and began typing on the haptic interface.  As a holographic image appeared, the pair watched while Solana and Hivan maintained watch.  “It records a meeting between Vasir, Enyala, and a man who looks like Kai Leng.  There’s someone else there too…in the background.”

“Shepard.” Satra noted pointing at her.  “See how she’s standing somewhat apart from Leng and the others?”

“Tensions there, maybe?”  Samantha hypothesized, her lover nodding in agreement.

“I think so.” The Romulan science officer replied.  “Going by the expression on her face, she appears to be upset.”

“She’s not in control here.” Samantha declared as she pointed at the asari wearing plain armor.  “Leng’s the one speaking with Enyala and Vasir.  There must have been a power struggle and Leng won.”

“You’re right.” Satra agreed as she zoomed in on the redhead’s facial expression.  “But there’s something else going on too…notice how her hand went to her forehead?  It seems as if she’s rejecting her implant.  If that happens and she’s not placed in immediate stasis—it could kill her.”

“We should pass that on to the subcommander and Liara.” Samantha observed, receiving in return an affirming reply from her lover.  Then, moments later, Satra uttered an especially vile Romulan obscenity.


“Damn, Satra.” Solana quipped, “I think I’ve heard you use that word maybe five times since I’ve known you.”

“I was about to say the human equivalent, but Satra beat me to the punch.” Samantha interjected with a note of alarm in her voice.  “We’ve got to get this info to both the Subcommander and Liara.  It describes the plan of attack on Anaya’s headquarters.  It also has a possible location for the Shadow Broker’s base of operation.  It’s a set of partial coordinates.  Problem is…the last sequence is missing.”

“It’s probably keyed to Vasir’s biometrics.” Solana observed, “They’re going to have to get that directly from her.”

“I doubt she’s going to just hand it over to them.” Samantha noted wryly.

“Probably not.” Solana joked back, “Transmit what you have to the subcommander and Liara as soon as you can so that we can get out of here and go after that frigate.”

“Time to see whether the tinkering Tali and Veril made to the tricorders and omnitools works or not.” Samantha said as she activated her omnitool and began synching it with her tricorder while Satra contacted both V’lana and Liara to inform them of the coming transmission.

“We’re going to need a minute or so for the synching and then transmitting.”  Samantha declared, receiving in response an alarm from the Romulan security chief.

“Better hurry.  We’ve got company.  A team of mercenaries.  They’re not wearing Eclipse colors, so they probably belong to the other player.”  Solana announced as she and her teammate readied their plasma rifles.

“We must have triggered an alarm.” Satra remarked dourly.  “How much time, Sam?”

“A minute…maybe two.” The communications specialist responded as she and her lover furiously went to work.

“We’ll buy you the time.”  Solana declared as she took aim and fired, “But do us a favor—hurry.”

“We’re going as fast as we can!” Satra shouted, trying to make herself heard over the sound of mass effect projectiles and plasma weapons fire.

“Their shielding’s tougher than last time.” Solana commented, “Concentrate on the extremities, Hivan—that seems to be where they’re weakest.” Shielding her eyes from the bright light, the Romulan security chief further cautioned, “And watch out for those fucking grenades!”

“Almost there!” Samantha hollered, “Give us another thirty seconds.”

“You’ve got fifteen!”  Solana shouted back.

“Got it!”  Satra crowed triumphantly, “Transmitting now!”

“Beam us up!” Solana cried out, the green light of the Romulan transporter filling the room just as a flashbang grenade went off.

Rushing into the room, the leader of the mercenary team looked about in surprise.  “Where the hell are they?” He growled as he jerked his thumb at his team.  “They didn’t just disappear.  They have to be hiding somewhere.  Search the area.  I want them found and/or killed.”


V’lana and Anaya

After receiving Satra’s transmission and being informed of their successful return to the ship, V’lana commanded her executive officer.  “You’ve got clearance to take that Cerberus ship, Big Brother.  Try to take it intact.  But if you have to…”

“Understood, Little Sister.  Leaving orbit now.”

“Good hunting.”  The subcommander then called out to the quarian engineer currently setting up the defensive turrets, “Tali? Looks like I owe you and Veril dinner and drinks at the Raptor’s Nest when we get back to the ship.  Good job on synching omnitool and tricorder tech.”

“I owe you too.” Anaya concurred, “Whatever you two want—you’ve got.”

“We’ll take you up on that when we get back to the ship.” Tali laughed, “But right now…”

“Yeah.” V’lana agreed, “Get those defenses set up.”  Turning to the asari detective standing next to her, she stated as she again played the transmission she had just received, “Our intel was right.  Shepard’s not calling the shots anymore.”

“Right.” Anaya nodded, “Not so sure that’s a good thing though.  Leng’s a psycho.”  Taking a deep breath, she lowered her voice so that only the subcommander could hear, “My bosses sent me a termination notice—effective immediately.  Dana knows and so do a couple other officers here.  I told them I wouldn’t blame them if they decided to sit this one out, but they said…” her eyes watering as she spoke, “They said they weren’t leaving me.”  Taking a deep breath, she concluded, “But the others…they haven’t found out yet.  I can’t ask them to stay here and probably die without telling them the truth.  I have to give them the option to leave.”

“You’re right.” V’lana replied as she took her asari friend’s hands in hers.  “Go ahead.  I and my people are with you all the way.  And when we’re done and the smoke has cleared and we clean up the mess…” the lovely Romulan stammered, “there’s a place for you on the Gallena—if you want it.”

“You serious?” Anaya exclaimed, a lump coming to her throat.  “What will I be doing?  I…I don’t want to be just a refugee or a passenger.  I want to contribute in some way or other.  I’m a cop—always have been. But I’ll do anything—even clean the toilets if that’s what you need.”

Smiling, V’lana replied, “You’ll fit right into Solana’s department.  She’s been looking for someone who’s good at old-fashioned police work.  Most of her people are soldiers and we don’t have enough Starfleet security and the ones we do have are young.  She…and I…could use an experienced cop to show them the ropes.  Want the job?”

“We get out of this…” Anaya joked, “I’m going to kiss you.”  Taking a deep breath, her gaze fell on her officers, “I still gotta talk to them…give them the option to walk.”

Nodding her head, V’lana responded, “Go ahead, I need to check and see how Tali’s doing anyway.”

“Thanks.”  Taking another deep breath, the asari detective called her officers to her.  “Listen up.  I just got word from headquarters that I’ve been fired and that they’re not going to do anything to help me or anyone else still here when Shepard and her goons hit. I’m staying and fighting.  I’ve put too much of my time, sweat, and blood here to just walk away.  But you don’t have to stick around if you don’t want to.  I can’t and won’t force you to stay and I won’t blame you in the least if you decide to walk.  Some of you have bondmates and children.  You should go back to them.  Go…I won’t think any the less of you.  That’s all I wanted to say…except…” her voice hitched, “…except…that I’m glad I served with each and every one of you.”

“I’m sorry, Anaya…” One of the officers sobbed, “But I’ve got a bondmate…two children…”

Smiling at her officer, the detective responded, “Then go to them Crysi.  They need their mother.”

As Crysi and a few other officers walked away, Sergeant Bellessa declared, speaking for the officers remaining, “Where do you want us, Anaya.”

Her lips turning up in a smile as she brushed away her tears, Anaya answered back, “Take a few minutes to talk to anyone you need to, and after you’re done, report back here.  Then we’re going to prepare a warm welcome for Shepard and her friends.”


Tidying up the Office—Liara, Cilla, and Garrus

Landing party, this is the Gallena, come in.”

“Oudekirk here.”  Cilla promptly replied.

“We’ve received orders to take the Cerberus frigate.” Tovan announced, “I’m leaving a runabout and pilot in orbit should you need it before we return.  Did you successfully receive Satra and Traynor’s transmission?”

“We did and are about to examine it.”  The Dutch tactical officer replied, “Did they get back to the ship safely?”

“They did.” The Romulan centurion confirmed, “I’m sorry they can’t join you on the surface, but I’m going to need them when we take the Normandy.”

“Understood, Sir. Please tell them we’ll see them at the usual time.”

Will do.  Gallena out.”

“Sekat must have gotten access to that last sequence.” Liara concluded as she and the others examined the information they had just received.  “That’s why Vasir is after him.”

“But why blow up an entire building?”  Cilla inquired, “That’s like using a tri-cobalt bomb to take out an anthill.”

“Maybe there’s something else here that Sekat had found out and she got wind of it?” Garrus speculated.

“Maybe.”  Liara conceded as she checked her weapon.  “We have to move.  We can’t let Vasir get away.  If she does…”

“We’re fucked.” Cilla concluded, “So what are we waiting for?”


“Incoming! Eyes and ears!”  Garrus shouted a warning as one of the mercenaries’ flash grenades landed close to their position.

“Try this one out!” Cilla yelled at the mercs, returning the favor with a photon grenade.

“Garrus!”  Liara called out to her turian friend as her singularity caught a mercenary fireteam in its field.  “Noveria!”

“Right.” The former C-Sec officer grinned, firing a shot from his plasma rifle into the singularity, immediately setting it off in a biotic discharge that wiped out both mercenaries and their cover.  “Never gets old.” The turian grinned as the trio, leaving their cover, moved through the rows of office cubicles to the other side of the room.

“Over there…” Liara exclaimed, pointing to a corner office with an expensive desk, “I think that might belong to the company vice-president.  We should check his terminal.”

“Good idea.” Cilla agreed, “There might be something valuable on it.”

“That or Elcor porn.”  Garrus chuckled as the three companions entered the office and Liara, activating her tricorder, scanned the terminal.

“Hmmm…” Liara mused as she read the information displayed on the terminal.  “These log entries all pertain to the Farinata system.  Reports of strange phenomena about two years ago.”

“Roughly when we arrived in your universe.” Cilla observed as she tapped the desk with her fingers.

“Correct.” Liara nodded and then continued reading. “They were dismissed at first as being sensory illusions or false reports until ships started vanishing.  That was approximately a year ago.  Baria sent a scout ship to investigate, but it disappeared as well.  However…before it vanished…it managed to transmit a few images.”

As the asari information broker displayed the images, Cilla pointed to one of the images.  “That’s a D’Deridex. I’d say Tal’ Shiar.”

 Nodding her head in agreement, Liara replied, “It would seem so.  That other vessel though…” she pointed at an unusual looking vessel, “I don’t recognize it.”

“I think it’s Elachi.” Cilla conjectured.  “This would seem to bear out what’s been happening recently in the Farinata System—the disappearance of that merchant ship a few months ago… disappearances of ships that were blamed on pirates or natural phenomena and the other events.”

“Like portals opening and closing.” Liara concluded as she downloaded the information on the terminal.  “We should get this to Admiral Anderson when we rendezvous at the Farinata system. But first…we need to track down Vasir…find Sekat and get his information…locate the Shadow Broker…and rescue Feron.”

Garrus interjecting, pointed to the stairs.  “The roof.  She’s probably got a car there. We can catch her if we haul ass.”

“Then haul ass!” Liara shouted as the trio bounded up the stairs, exiting on to the roof just in time to see their quarry kneeling down next to a salarian, searching the body.  Not even pausing to catch her breath, the asari archaeologist shouted “Bitch” at the top of her lungs as she launched a biotic throw, taking the Spectre by surprise, staggering her as she barely softened the blow with a biotic shield.

Reeling from the blow, Tela Vasir recovered, taunting her opponent, “You’re too late, T’Soni.”

Nee.”  Cilla responded, firing her phaser at the gloating Spectre, the energy beam piercing the asari’s shields and armor at a weak point, as evinced by blue blood trickling from the wound.

With a scream equal parts rage and pain, Vasir launched a powerful biotic throw sending Cilla crashing over the side of the building plummeting with a scream.

“Me or your comrade—your choice.” Vasir jeered as she limped to her car.

Without a moment’s thought or hesitation, Liara leaped into action, quickly covering the distance to the side of the building where her friend had fallen.  Diving after her, Liara caught herself and the Dutch woman with her biotics, slowing their descent just enough to hit the ground with a jarring thud.

Siha!” Liara screamed as she cradled the unconscious Starfleet officer’s head in her lap.

Her eyes fluttering on hearing Liara’s cry of anguish, Cilla managed to croak out in a raspy voice a single word before again falling into unconsciousness, “Lieveling”

Rushing to his friends, Garrus quickly took out a medical tricorder and scanned the Dutch woman.  “She’ll be alright, Liara.” The turian said, speaking in a soft voice to his old friend.  “She has a mild head injury, but it’s nothing the medkit can’t take care of.  She’ll be fit for duty soon.” Handing over an OSD to his teammate, he suggested, “You might want to take a look at this.  I think it might be a copy of the disk Vasir swiped.  I found it by accident lying on the rooftop.  Looks like we took her by surprise before she could properly search for any duplicates.  Good thing Sekat made a copy as well.  Check it out…” He urged, “I’ll take care of Cilla while you look it over.”

Making a pillow out of her carry bag, Liara gently set her companion’s head down on it before bringing a finger to her lips and placing it on the blonde woman’s forehead.  Rising to her feet, she took the disc and scanned its contents into her tricorder.  As she read the information that had cost her contact his life, the asari information broker’s heart raced, “It has it.” She exclaimed in a hushed voice, “The coordinates to the Shadow Broker’s ship.”

Wat?” Cilla gasped in an almost inaudible whisper.

“How are you feeling, siha?” Liara asked, kneeling beside the Dutch/Trill woman, grasping her by the hand.

“Better.” Cilla responded as she weakly squeezed her asari companion’s hand. “Did you find it?”

“Yes.” Liara answered back, giving Garrus a questioning glance.

“She’ll be fine and ready to kick ass when we take on the Broker.”

Her heart lightening, Liara’s lips turned up in a smile as she looked down at the blonde woman.  “We’re beaming up to the runabout and then you’re getting a complete examination before we get to the Shadow Broker’s ship.  Then…once we get there…we kick his ass—hard.  After that…” she said in a soft, shy voice, “…once we get back to the Gallena, I think that maybe you and I should talk…if you want to…”

“Sounds good to me, lieveling.” Cilla smiled back.  “Let’s go.”

Tapping her comm badge, Liara called out, “T’Soni to Telara…beam us up.”

Series this work belongs to: