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Scotty shows Uhura his favourite place on the ship.


Written for rosecake for the 2022 Chocolate Box exchange. Originally posted on AO3.

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Engineering is quiet as Nyota passes through, Beta shift hard at work on their various assignments. She checks the time and picks up her speed a little, making her way over to the panel by the warp engines.

She expects Scotty to be there waiting for her, but he's nowhere to be seen. She frowns as she glances around – this is where he asked her to meet him, she's sure of it.

She's considering asking the engineers if any of them have seen him when he emerges from a Jeffries tube on her left. He's wearing a soft-looking grey shirt, so different from his usual uniform, and she lets her gaze linger for a moment, enjoying the way it hugs his arms and chest.

"Nyota," he greets her, smiling. "You're right on time."

She smiles back, taking a step closer. "And what am I on time for?" His message said to meet him here for a surprise, and she can't wait to find out what's in store.

His smile broadens. "It's all set up," he says. "Come with me."

He disappears back into the Jeffries tube, and she glances around once before following.

It takes a couple of minutes of climbing and crawling – now she knows why the message told her not to get dressed up – before the tube widens out into a small room, maybe two by two metres and high enough that she can sit up, though not fully stand. It's brighter than the Jeffries tube, lit by dozens of electric candles, a red-and-white checked blanket covering the floor. Scotty has clearly been busy.

There's a flower in the centre, a morning glory, and she picks it up, fingertips brushing over the petals.

"I heard they were your favourite," Scotty says, and she smiles, twirling it between her fingers.

"They are," she replies. "Thank you."

Scotty stretches out on the blanket and she moves to join him, her hand finding his and interlacing their fingers. She doesn't know why he's brought her here, but she's willing to enjoy the ride.

"I call this the heart of the ship," Scotty says. "Can you hear it?"

She's about to ask what he's talking about, but then she becomes aware of a rhythmic hum, like a heartbeat.

"The heart of the ship," she repeats, a smile spreading across her face. "Yes, I think I can."

"I come here sometimes when I can't sleep," Scotty tells her. "I don't think anyone else knows about it. Just me… and you."

He smiles at her, and she shifts closer, kissing him softly before resting her head on his shoulder. "It's lovely," she says. "I'm glad you showed me."

Scotty wraps an arm around her, holding her tight. "So am I," he says.