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Part 1 of Star Trek: First Duty

Trial of Transfer

Chapter 9: Res Ipsa Loquitur

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Starbase 8
In orbit of Memory Alpha
Level 37, Section Gamma-Two (Quartermaster's Office)
February 4, 2318 (Stardate 139081.5)


Chief Warrant Officer Rostya James "RJ" Federov waited patiently within the billeting office, casually conversing with Ensign Tom Maroni. In his Alaskan Russian-accented voice, he told Tom, "Milly asked when you were going to drop by for dinner."

Tom offered a smile. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"At least six months," RJ replied. "She worries that it's a commentary on her cooking skills."

The ensign raised both hands in a placating gesture. "Her cooking is top-notch, Chief. It's just been jam-packed the last couple of months." As the Chief's doubting expression caught his attention, Tom added, "Tell you what, tell Milly I'll be by next week. Any night she wants."

RJ nodded and pointed. "I'll hold you to that."

The doors parted to admit Leo inside the large office complex from the Monday-busy corridor. "Sorry, I'm late."

Tom grinned. "You're not late." He wasted no time, turning to RJ. "Leo, meet RJ Federov. He is an old friend of the family and one of the best systems specialists on this side of Vulcan. RJ, this is Leo Verde. He's with JAG, and he's got a problem."

Leo and RJ exchanged handshakes and gauged each other. Leo, being a short and stocky man himself, grinned at the relief of not having to constantly look up during discussions. RJ's lack of facial hair and dirty blonde hair set him apart. They released their hands and moved back.

RJ asked, gesturing to Leo's build, "You play football? You look like you'd make a decent full-back."

"Back on Earth," Leo admitted with a wide grin as RJ guessed his usual role during matches. "I haven't found a team here on the base if one exists."

Tom pointed to RJ. "He's been trying to put a couple of teams together."

The older man frowned, sucking air through his teeth derisively. "Not much appreciation for a glorious sport on this base."

"Well, if you put one together, let me know," Leo told him. "I've been mostly doing weights and running the track since I arrived. I would love to get back into team sports."

Excited at the prospect, RJ nodded. "Definitely."

Leo turned to Tom and wondered, "Is there someplace private we can talk?"

"Lott!" Tom bellowed. When the petty officer across the room turned toward him with an expectant expression, he continued, "Cover the front for me? If the boss asks, I'm conferring with a lawyer from JAG."

"Aye, sir," replied Lott.

In a secluded conference room with a round table and four chairs, Leo filled in RJ after making Tom promise not to say anything. Subsequently, he had a handful of queries. "Have you discussed this with the old man?" RJ asked first.

Leo exchanged a glance with Tom, who sat as he had been throughout the entire recitation of events. "No," he finally answered. "Until I have some hard evidence, I don't know there's a this to discuss yet."

RJ raised a dismissive hand. "Good, because I think this would cause a warp core breach between his ears. He has a reputation."

Offering nothing more than a grim expression, Leo nodded. "As legend has it."

"I can get a message to him for when he returns."

Leo shrugged. "I don't know if that's a good idea, but I'll trust your judgment."

"Fair enough. Next question: what happens if I go digging around and they catch me?"

"How good are you?" Leo wondered with a smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if Tom says you're the best, will you get caught?"

RJ glanced at Tom, then returned his attention to Leo and snorted. "I like you. We have to kick the ball around sometime."

"All in good time," Leo promised. "How soon do you think?"

Considering the task, RJ paused as he framed his response. "Depends on what I find. If it's nothing, then it'll be quick. Otherwise, if you come to find me or Tom doesn't hear from me by tomorrow..." he trailed off to leave the rest unspoken.

Before Leo could ask how Tom interjected, "I'll know what to do."

Leo nodded, "Good. Questions?"

Neither officer said anything.

"Then, if you need me, you know where to find me," Leo moved to leave but paused. "And thanks, RJ. Appreciate it."

"Hey! Thank me for getting back into shape for that full-back spot." RJ patted Tom's shoulder. "And you, sir, I will see you at dinner next week."

Leo left the quartermaster's office smiling, but his excellent humor only lasted until he reached the turbolift to return to the office. When the doors parted to admit his entry, Commodore Thelk stood inside, and both men made the briefest of eye contact.

Thelk's Tellarite heritage, specifically his tusks, resulted in a resting scowl.

"Commodore," Leo greeted him with a nod as he entered. "Level Four," he ordered.

Thelk waited until the lift engaged to reply. "Commander," he snorted when he spoke, speaking his rank with disdain.

Leo chose not to turn his head toward the Tellarite, despite the little hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. It wasn't until the lift rose to level twenty that his sense proved him right.

"Lift, halt!" ordered Thelk. "Commander, you and I need to have a chat."

Leo turned around to face the Tellarite flag officer with his hands behind his back, an attempt to show some subtle penitence toward his superior officer. "Yes, sir?"

Thelk's eyes scanned him from head to toe. He did not like whatever he saw as his lips curled downward in disapproval. "This investigation you're pursuing against Captain Kline? Drop it."

"Sir," Leo said, slumping his shoulders, "I apologize, but I'm not precisely certain of my footing-"

"You're damned right you're not," muttered Thelk over Leo's words.

"-in this conversation. May I have permission to speak freely?"

Thelk again eyed Leo instead of responding, forcing the corners of his lips even further downward while showing his agitation through bared teeth and the roots of his tusks. He used that expression many times to intimidate others into backing off. When Leo appeared unaffected, Thelk grunted, "Fine, Verde. I'll give you enough latitude to say what you will. Permission granted."

Leo brought his hands forward and rejoined them in front. "Thank you. I'm not sure what you mean, sir. I'm merely making preliminary inquiries into the policies and procedures of the holding comp-"

"You're digging into things you shouldn't," the commodore growled at him. "So what if some corporal sat in the brig for a few nights? What's it to you, huh? Are you mating with her?"

Stunned by the sudden aspersion against Torres, Leo lowered his hands and stiffened. "Watch it," he responded, lowering his voice to match Thelk's. "I understand that Tellarites like to use insults to communicate with people. I'll make accommodations for Civil Conversation, but if you want to be Civil, direct yourself to comment about me. Don't drag an innocent marine into it."

"You're dragging another innocent marine," scoffed Thelk. "Captain Kline has been commanding that company for over two years without incident. Suddenly, some sea lawyer comes in and thinks he knows better?"

Leo shook his head. "I'm not a sea lawyer. I'm an actual lawyer."

"Because you couldn't perform as a proper line officer on a space assignment." Off of Leo's surprised expression, Thelk reveled in the direct hit made. "Oh, yes. I'm well aware of your contemptible service out on the border. How you stayed in Starfleet…"

Breaking eye contact with Thelk, Leo dropped his gaze to the lift floor and sighed.

"I know that you're the only son of Admiral Rey Verde and Admiral Bran McLaren," Thelk answered his subtle query. "You're a pitiful shadow of those fine officers. I'm sure your mother did everything she could to keep you in uniform by providing an escape to the JAG Corps. And the only consolation I have is that you will never be trusted with the command of good people in the field."

Again, Leo said nothing to Thelk's words, because nothing was untrue. Instead, he brought his eyes back up to Thelk's.

"Nothing to say to that?" Thelk advanced on Leo, bringing his snorts close enough to be felt and smelled. "Then I'll assume that I've made my point. I expect you will return to processing paperwork in your office soon."

Leo smiled at Thelk. "I presume, then, that you're ordering me to drop my inquiry?"

Another scoff from the commodore. "You're showing your incompetence, time and time again, Verde. Yes, it's an order. Drop the inquiry. Now."

"My sincere apologies, Commodore," Leo said with a slight bow. "I'm unable to obey that order." He lifted his voice so that the computer could hear him. "Resume."

The lift returned to its upward ascension within the starbase. Thelk sputtered at the refusal. "Insubordination?" Then he grinned as the realization dawned on him. "You make it too easy to exit you from the service."

Keeping his smile, Leo shook his head. "No, sir. The order itself is illegal. As you so eloquently reminded me, I'm no longer in the space service. The JAG Corps is not subject to orders from the local command staff, as it's expected that we might have to investigate and prosecute matters involving said staff. If you want me to drop an investigation, you'll need to speak with Admiral Devereaux, who will then speak to Captain Ch'charhat. If they agree, then I'll drop my investigation." He pointed to his chest just as the doors parted to allow him access to level four.

Fuming under the riposte's effects, Thelk growled again, "You're assigned to this duty station for at least one tour, Lieutenant Commander. It is best to remember that you need to work alongside base personnel to be effective at your job. Your effectiveness will drop precipitously if you continue as you have. Getting the cooperation of your fellow officers is difficult when they actively dislike you."

Leo stepped beyond the door but held his hand up to keep it from closing. "Commodore, I'm in the JAG Corps. Just seeing us walking down the corridor causes active dislike toward us. Have a nice day, sir." He stepped back and released his grip. Before Thelk could respond, the lift doors closed, and he wore an uncharacteristic slack expression.