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Aftermath of a Strange Encounter


A conversation taking place right after the scene in The Man Trap of Uhura getting into the turbolift with Sulu and Rand ends.


Tumblr Version.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

There's very little that can unsettle a woman like Nyota. The way she hurries into the turbolift with a nervous glance behind her puts both Janice and Hikaru himself on edge. "Are you alright, Uhura?" he asks, and Nyota, ever the professional, stands straighter with a steadying breath.

"Yes," she responds, "I was- It's nothing." Janice rebalances her tray in one hand in order to lay the other on Nyota's shoulder.

"First crewman Green and now you're acting strange," she says. "If something's wrong, Nyota..." The turbolift hums its journey upward as they wait, and finally, Nyota speaks again.

"There was this crewman. He... I'm not sure what he wanted. He was acting strange, and he backed me into a corner. I think the two of you walking past spooked him." Hikaru frowns.

"Sounds like you ought to report him," Janice says, and from her tone, he can tell she's already writing one up. She has an unfortunate amount of experience dealing with unwanted advances, as he and Nyota have both been lamented to constantly. As such, she makes it a priority to keep everyone else feeling safe aboard the Enterprise.

"I would, but I didn't recognize him. Or... It'll sound strange, but I swear I knew his face. Who he was, though, I have no idea." Nyota, on the other hand, only sounds frustrated now. 

"If you'd like, I could walk you back to your quarters later," Hikaru offers. He knows it'll annoy her. He's counting on it.

"I don't think that'll be necessary, Mister Sulu," but there's a familiar lightness in her voice now that allows him to smile. "I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself."

"I'm sure you are, Lieutenant." The turbolift slows to a halt, and the doors slide open to the familiar sight of the bridge.


me frantically searching old star trek forums: HELLO DO ANY OF THESE GUYS USE EACH OTHERS FIRST NAMES

(which is how i found out the fun fact that uhura's canon first name is never used in the original show, but was instead taken from a tie-in novel? Neat.

and also that when all else fails, bullshit how you want the characters to refer to each other <3)