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That Which You Have Sown

Chapter 7: Putting out the fire


The Enterprise races toward Ceti Alpha V, and Maya goes to extremes to make a deal with Captain Albrecht


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kirk rubbed his temples.  A headache was coming on, and he was exhausted but there was no time to rest.  Even if things hadn’t become so suddenly dire, he would only be able to steal a few short hours of sleep before he would have to get back in touch with Khan anyway.

“Hail the Portland.  Captain Albrecht needs to know about how our circumstances have changed,”  The bridge of the Portland appeared on screen.  “Captain, what is your status.”

“In orbit over Ceti Alpha V.  The Toyotomi’s sensors are operational, they know we’re here.  Do you still recommend we wait quietly until the Enterprise arrives?”

Kirk rubbed his temple again.  “For the moment, yes, but things have changed.  Khan has figured out how quickly we can make the journey at maximum speed, and expects the Enterprise to arrive in that time frame.  We’re at full speed, and if everything goes perfectly, maybe we can make it.”

“And if not?” Captain Albrecht almost read his mind.

“Khan gave us one standard day to reach Ceti Alpha V.  I’ll have a better estimate if we can make it in time in eighteen standard hours.  If recommendation will be to send a landing party of the toughest, most battle ready of your crew, prepared for extreme hostility.”

“Understood, Admiral.”

“End transmission.”

“I’m too tired for this, I need to rest,” Kirk said with a groan.

“And I’m too old for this.  I need a drink.” McCoy added with an even heavier groan. 

“Well, gentlemen.” Captain LeFevre interjected. “I keep a bottle of maple whiskey in my ready room for these sorts of emergencies.”

“A Canadian if ever I met one!” McCoy teased.  

“Canadien, doctor,” LeFevre teased back, exaggerating the French pronunciation.  “And if anyone might be comforted by stress eating, I’d be happy to serve up a big platter of poutine.”

“Whiskey and comfort food, I’d be a fool to turn down either.” McCoy answered with enthusiasm. “What about you, Jim?  Spock?”

“Well, if you’re the one suggesting it, I can’t turn town doctor’s orders.” Kirk replied, with a bit of brightness coming back to his voice and into his eyes.

“While I feel no need to partake, I would be both pleased and honored to join you for companionship.” Spock added.

“Not even a little poutine?” LeFevre asked  “My mother had a vegetarian recipe that’s almost as good as the real thing.”

“In that case, I would be glad to enjoy a meal offered by a gracious host.”

Maya hadn’t given up yet, but she had become desperate.  Her words alone hadn’t been enough to convince Albrecht that she was in dire need of getting onto that ship.  She knew what she had to do, and the thought terrified her.

At a brisk pace, Maya raced through the dark corridors of the Toyotomi.  The last place she had seen her half brother was on the bridge, but that was hours ago.  

As luck would have it, she crossed paths with Arjun in the corridor.  

“Still tinkering and scavenging around the wreckage?” He asked.  “Your sense of urgency doesn’t seem to match the task at hand.”

“Not quite.  I spoke with the captain, I think I can convince her to let me on board the ship, but only if she thinks I’m in immediate danger.”

“And how do you intend to do that?”

“I need your help.”  This had better work, Maya was beginning to realize how completely unhinged her plan must seem.  “She need to believe I’ve been in a struggle, which means I need you to hit me in the face…and don’t hold back it has to be convincing.”

Arjun gave her a look of confusion and disgust.  “Do you hear yourself?  You’re making less sense than usual.” He began to walk away.

Damn.  She wouldn’t get what she wanted unless she kicked the hornet’s nest.

“What, are you afraid?” She taunted.  Maya was still terrified, but rage began bubble up inside of her as she recalled a memory she would rather forget forever,  “Because you weren’t scared when you nearly tore my arm off after Katya Mikhailovna turned you down because she wanted to be with me.”

Arjun stopped and turned back to look at her.  Maya’s heart raced, and she took a deep breath and looked her brother dead in the eye.

“Do you remember what she called you?  I think it was…a  self absorbed worm?  Does that sound right?”

Arjun lunged at her, and the next moments were a blur of adrenaline and pain that rushed by too fast for Maya to process, but the next thing she knew she was kicked to the ground with her jaw and nose throbbing.  Arjun was already walking away by the time she began to pick herself up off the floor.  Already, she regretted this course of action.  She could feel blood running from her nose, taste it in her mouth, and (this really made her heart sink) could feel the jagged points in her mouth where a tooth had been broken.

Her head was spinning as she stumbled back to the laboratory.  If Albrecht saw her in this stated and didn’t feel a tug at her heartstrings, then she truly had no compassion.

Before reaching out, Maya had a few more finishing touches.  She tore the collar of her shirt and started to take rapid, shallow breaths until heart raced, and then doubled over and braced herself against the console as if she couldn’t stay steady on her feet.

“Computer, hail the Portland.  Visuals on.”  A few more quick, shallow breaths.

“Captain Albrecht!  I hope might reconsider our deal.”

“Maya?  What happened to you?”  The Captain’s voice was frantic and worried, just as Maya hoped it would be.

Maya spat out the mouthful of blood she had been saving for the right moment.  “Probably just a taste of what I have in store as a known defector.”  She made a desperate look toward the door.  “I’m sorry, I don’t think I have any more time to talk.”

“Wait..stay put, we can get a lock on your life sign and beam you out of there.”

“Captain!” The first officer interjected.  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?  Admiral Kirk’s warning was clear.”

“I remember his warning, but our first purpose is to save innocent lives.  Now, I want you to look at that girl and tell me you don’t think she’s in danger too.”  The bridge fell silent.  “Have the transporter room prepare to beam up one, and to escort her to sickbay.”


Please understand that the French Canadian things are from a place of love, for my friends from Montreal who love to drink, feed everyone, and argue about hockey