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Part 1 of Star Trek: The Quarterdeck Breed


Chapter 6: Second Officer's Log


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Second Officer's Log
Stardate 53448

The result of the mission to provide intelligence on the splinter Breen faction proved to be a success for both the Rihannsu and the Federation.  The task force's assault on the Breen fleet exceeded expectations, I am told.  As such, the Agamemnon has returned to Starbase 510 for standard crew rotation and the appointment of the new commanding officer as Captain Grayum has retired his Starfleet commission. 

I am awaiting a response from the Rihannsu government as to my next assignment.

Halley could not believe it; Captain Henry Grayum was no longer the master and commander of the starship Agamemnon.  In the five years she had been with Starfleet, four of them were with the Border Patrol.  She loved the ship, but she cared deeply for those she served with.  They were what made being aboard and patrolling the long borders worthwhile.  Even Rick James had grown on her; she had even felt a small bit of attraction toward his attitude.  But Hank was like that fun uncle in the family; she felt like she was his favorite niece.  He looked good, though, she thought.  He finally got to wear those four silver pips on his uniform, and Admiral Davies even wrote him a letter of commendation for his service record. 

When the news came down about the promotion, she organized a large celebration in every free bit of space she could find aboard ship.  The Starbase offered its massive facilities, but this was a party that needed to happen within the confines of the ship they called home.  It was a loud and joyous occasion with lots of drinking and singing.  Rick arranged through the port admiral to have the local jazz band play on one of the empty cargo decks for dancing that lasted through the night and into the next morning.  Heather introduced Rittian to the taste of Romulan Ale, courtesy of t'Aimne.  Hank and Missy danced and enjoyed themselves.

Near what seemed to be the end of the party, Hank announced that he decided to retire his commission.  Immediately following that announcement, he turned around and dropped to one knee to propose marriage to Missy, which confirmed a lot of the rumors but shocked a great number of the crew.  Her acceptance brought the house down, and the party appeared to be reenergized for another six hours.

Outwardly, Halley gave the impression that she was having fun along with the rest of the crew.  However, when the band grew tired and had to leave and the crowd began finding themselves in their quarters, or in some cases, others' quarters to continue the party privately, she found a seat on the cargo deck and looked wistfully at the deck.  Rick found her there, by herself, and pulled a chair up next to her.

"When I was first assigned here," he said without preamble, "I thought that this was the most disheveled and slovenly looking ship I had ever seen in the eleven years I've served.  I thought that Hank was a poor captain, and that you were a vindictive bitch."

Gage looked up at him, unsure of where he was going with the conversation, "You sure know how to cheer a girl up."

He grinned with amusement at her expression, "That was then.  Then, I was transferred here to get to know the ship so that when Hank was forced to retire in three years, I would step in to command her.  Ambition drove me to accept this assignment, but now I see that the way things are around here are that way for a reason.  It's not about commanding or being a leader straight out of Command College; it's about the people who serve alongside you.  On the Fearless, I think a lot of the leadership involved a healthy amount of intimidation rather than respect."

"You're just learning this now?" Halley replied, her tone indicating her annoyance.

Rick dropped his smile for a moment, "Sometimes, the lessons don't come as easily to those who did not have the opportunity to learn it from the start.  Had I been here for eleven years, I think we would at least be friends."

She sputtered, not realizing that he felt that way, "I thought we were friends."

He shrugged.  "I thought we were just getting along a little better, but you still hold me in contempt from time to time."  He made a gesture with his hand, to indicate that he meant just then.  "We don't have to be friends to work together, Halley, but maybe if you would let go of whatever it is you're hanging onto, you might find that I'm an okay guy."

Halley stood up from her seat, her emotions already stirred up about Hank's departure, she did not feel she was ready to be raked over the coals for Rick.  "I'll take it under advisement, Commander."  She made a motion to begin walking for the door.

Rick reached out and grabbed her wrist, a move very uncharacteristic for him.  "Hold on a second, Lieutenant.  I didn't mean to make you feel bad.  I came down here with the intention of saying something a little less tactless.  I'm sorry."

"Let go of me," she said, her voice only slightly above a whisper and her tone weak and weary.

"Will you sit down?" he asked.

She returned to her seat, looking at him with expectant and glaring eyes.

He sighed, trying to think of the best way to say what he wanted to say.  "It wasn't my intention to pour salt into the wound, Halley, really.  What I wanted to say was that even though I felt that way when I first got here, after working with all of you for nearly a month, I've come to understand and appreciate the way you all handle yourselves."  He offered a small smile, "Even though I still think you guys could use a little more attention to protocol from time to time."

She felt disarmed by his words, relaxing a little more in her chair.   "It probably didn't help matters that I thought you were stealing my job from me.  But I have to say that I think you make a better first officer than I did."

"It's hard to pull double duty, Halley, don't be so hard on yourself.  Besides, if you were the new first officer, who would they get to keep this ship from flying apart at the seams every time we jumped to warp?" smirked Rick.

"Whomever it would be, they'd have a really hard time serving under me," she said quietly.  She liked being an engineer, and she understood then that the only reason behind her wish to be the executive officer was only to be there for Hank.  She tried to imagine herself being the executive officer on any ship other than the Agamemnon and failed.  With Hank leaving, Rick would be acting captain by default.  And that meant that, "t'Aimne will be the acting XO, right?"

"I don't know," admitted Rick, folding his arms across his chest and slouching in his chair while looking over the mess left behind on the cargo deck.  "I guess that depends on whether or not she's staying aboard or going back to the Galae.  Without the cloaking device, there's really no reason for her to be here, unless she wants to."

Personal Log of Nuhir t'Aimne
Stardate 53448.5

Recorded under security lockout t'Aimne-Gamma-hwi-rhi-the-mne.

I have received my response from erei'Enriov tr'Khnialmnae with respect to my request for an extension of my assignment aboard Agamemnon.  He assures me that the recommendations received by the Galae from Starfleet were posted to my file, and based on the permission to continue my service from the Tal Shiar, my request for an extended assignment has been approved.

In the short time that I have come to serve aboard this vessel, I have also come to understand my former enemy.  Perhaps, with time, more of my people will understand as much as I have, and instead of fearing the threat, would embrace the genuine friendship.  I don't forsee that happening anytime soon, but I would like to believe that my presence here would help promote that.  And if not, then it's possible that my information would assist my people if we should find ourselves in arms against the Federation again.


Thank you for reading. If you'd like some background information about "Agamemnon,:" I published a blog post long ago answering those questions and more.

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