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Part 8 of Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead

Timing, Degree, and Conviction


Season One, Episode Eight of Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead

Stardate 43409.1:Farragut's operations and security division must work together to track down a series of reported thefts aboard ship that prove to have few leads. Meanwhile, Commander Kincaid takes over the monthly Captain's Mast proceedings to deal with the various infractions and violations of discipline aboard ship.


This story was original published at the classic Ad Astra site on 13 May 2013, under a different name than my current nom-de-plume.

Historian's Note: The events of this story take place prior to the third season TNG episode, "The Vengeance Factor," through "The Defector," and continues until after "The Hunted."

Editor's Note: This story begins with a scene containing sexual content. You have been warned.

Chapter 1: Teaser

Chapter Text

Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead
By Lord McCovey Cove and A.J. Gertner

Episode Eight: Timing, Degree and Conviction

NCC-60597 (USS Farragut)
En route to Starbase 324, Warp 6.5
Stardate 43409.1
Cabin 6431

Lieutenant (jg) Gregory Aspinall did not open his eyes, but he knew he was not in his quarters. While his bunk allowed for only one person to sleep comfortable upon it, the bed he laid upon could accommodate two people easily. Also, it was presently accommodating two people, as he noticed that he could feel the soft and smooth warmth of a woman's legs tangled with his.

Greg opened his eyes and stared right into the back of Lieutenant Victoria Waltham's head. She slept away from him, but their legs were intertwined. He further took notice of the fact that they were both nude; his manhood nestled against her backside. Its usual rigidity in the morning called his attention from his surroundings to the soft skin within reach.

He slipped his hands around Victoria's midsection and returned to spoon her just as he had shortly before falling asleep.

"Good morning," he heard her soft voice tell him.

"'Morning," he mumbled in her ear. "I hope you slept well."

She pressed her back into his chest and purred. "I did, thank you."

He enjoyed the play of her hair against his cheek before moving his head down to rest against her bare shoulder. "You're very warm."

Victoria reached around her thigh to encircle her hand around his shaft. "And you're very hard. Am I to understand that you'd like a repeat performance from last night?"

"As much as I would really like to say yes," Greg replied, unable to keep the pleasure from his tone, "I have duties to perform in a little under an hour."

Not breaking physical contact with Greg, she turned around to face him. She leaned her face into his and pecked him gently on the nose. In a lowered tone, she said, "I'm rather certain that we could finish in time to send you off with a smile on your face."

Greg groaned. "You're evil."

"I'm randy," she squeezed, then pecked his nose again. "I know you want me."

"I know I want you, too. Believe me."

"Then do something about it."

"I can't."

She released him and he immediately exhaled. "Why not?"

Greg took his time extricating his legs from hers. "What I want to do to you would take far more time than we have. And you deserve more than a simple quickie from me." He rolled away from Victoria, until his legs shot out from underneath the cover and his feet lay flat against the carpeting of the deck.

She appeared from behind him, laying kisses over his shoulder and neck. "You're very sweet."

He chuckled. "So far, you're the only woman to notice."

"Then I consider myself very lucky," Victoria said. Her fingers reached across his chest and played with his nipple. "Very lucky, indeed."

"Oh, God, please don't do that," he sighed. "I still have to go back to my quarters and get ready."

"I could order you to remain in bed, you know."

"You could, but since a full commander is my department head, I think you'd have a hard time countermanding his order."

Victoria smirked at that. "I should think that Commander Kincaid has distractions of his own to contend with, without being bothered by the activities of one of his officers."

"What do you mean by that?" Greg tilted his head as he turned slightly to face her.

She said nothing, instead distracting him with another flick of his nipple and a soft kiss upon his chest. Her kisses began to move southward, and Greg leaned back automatically. When she reached the middle of his abdomen, he stopped her by pushing away from the bed and standing up.

He wore a pained expression as he spoke. "I'm sorry. Believe me, I am really sorry. But I need to go home, get a fresh uniform, and report to the bridge for my shift."

Victoria sat on the bed with her legs curled up under her. She grinned at him and gave him a nod. "No one would ever say that Leftenant Aspinall places himself above his duty. We have many weeks ahead of us. No need to be impatient." Her eyes drifted down to his groin, and she giggled. "Though, I dare say part of you is leading me to believe the opposite."

"It has a mind of its own," he assured her. Greg began pulling on the dress uniform from the casino night until he stood before her with his jacket half-on and his dress shirt without the necktie. "I would very much like to take you to dinner tonight."

"I would very much like to skip the meal and make up for the eight hours you'll be away," she stared at him with hungry, unblinking eyes.

Greg shivered at the thought and could not help but smile. "I like your idea, better."

In a stern tone, she ordered, "Then, meet me back here at sixteen hundred." Victoria's lips broke into a lascivious smile. "We'll continue where we left off."

He dropped his smile and approached her. He reached for her left hand and pulled it up to his lips, kissing her fingers. "Have dinner with me, first, in Ten-Forward. I'd like to spend some time outside the bedroom with you. I want to know you better."

Victoria's smile did not abate as her arm was lifted up. "Gregory, you know me rather intimately right now. Wouldn't you say?" Off his determined look, she relented, "I will have dinner with you, of course. And again, you are very sweet."

He released her hand and took a step backward away from her. "Thank you." Without another word, he departed her quarters. Once the doors closed behind him, he took in a very deep breath. His eyes looked to the overhead lighting and he exhaled slowly.

Greg moved down the corridor toward the nearest turbolift, and in a quiet whisper, he said, "Holy shit. What the hell have I gotten myself into?"