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Part 9 of Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead


Chapter 6: Act Five

Chapter Text

Act Five

The Betazed courtroom was a formal affair, with the banners of the government prominently displayed on the wall behind a dias and a large desk. Seated just behind it was a middle-aged woman with blonde hair and a careworn face. She surveyed the parties in front of her, each seated at their own tables: the Otexes sat together at one, while the Trill diplomat had another and Govan, Isira and Andrus sat at a third.

"As a courtesy to the Trill diplomat and for the recording being made for our Trill allies, these proceedings will be conducted orally. There is to be no telepathic communication between the petitioner, the respondents and myself. Any violation of this will be met with the party being found in contempt of court," the magistrate announced preliminarily.

"I have read the petition, the response and the brief of the Trill government as intervenor in the matter of the custody of the minor child, Govan Otex, a male of sixteen years. I have also reviewed the report of Doctor Nasci and it has been entered into evidence in lieu of her testimony here today. I will call each of you in turn to speak and I expect to receive testimony from the Trill Guardian as well. It is my understanding that she will appear as soon as she has made a determination.

"Before I hear from the petitioner, I would first like to hear from the people he has identified as his new legal guardians, Isira and Andrus Otex." The magistrate looked at the Starfleet officers expectantly.

Andrus nodded to his sister, deferring to her and she stood after a moment. "My brother Andrus and I have discussed Govan's request at length. At first, we were very concerned about the effect on his health, to host an alien organism within his body. We worried about the effects of such an old personality on his own. We even argued of whether either of us was capable of seeing this situation clearly, because Govan is our brother and we care for him so much." She couldn't help but smile at her brother at this but soon turned her attention back to the judge. "In the end, though, we could not deny what scans and our own hearts were telling us; Govan is as he always was, a bright young man who only wants to learn more and satisfy his intellectual curiosity. If it is his wish to remain joined, and that of Harli as well, we agree that it is the right course. If this court awards us custody, we will make arrangements with Starfleet to serve in positions that allow us to have physical custody of a minor."

"I see. Thank you, Counselor," the magistrate replied, motioning for Isira to retake her seat and then making a note on the PADD in front of her. She opened her mouth to call the next witness when the door to the room opened and the Trill Guardian entered.

"Guardian," the judge acknowledged the woman's presence. "Are you ready to present your findings?"

Shima nodded and went to stand in front of Derin's table. Her anxiety was apparent to all and her voice trembled slightly as she spoke. "The joining of the symbiont Harli and the Betazoid Govan Otex is a good joining. I have seen no sign of undue influence of Harli on Govan, even though Govan is much younger than a typical hosting candidate. I see that if Govan had been older, somewhat more accomplished and of course, Trill, he would have likely made an excellent candidate for one such as Harli. Even though this joining is mentally healthy, I would still make the recommendation that Harli be removed and placed into a Trill host immediately. Unfortunately, it is already too late. Harli has adapted far too quickly to the neurotransmitter psilosynine and I think there is far too much risk in trying to remove him at this point even though 93 hours have not yet elapsed. He is no longer producing isoboramine and is completely dependent on Govan to survive. My opinion is that they remain joined and that Govan Harli be noted as a dual citizen of Betazed and Trill."

Shima turned to look at Derin meaningful and he quickly gave a short nod of his head. "If the surgery would be an undue risk to the symbiont Harli, the Trill government withdraws its objection to the petition as it is their wish and that of the Symbiois Commission that the pair remain joined," he reluctantly announced. "We would also like to extend citizenship to Govan Harli," he affirmed the Guardian's words.

The magistrate raised a brow but said nothing as she made a note on the change in the stance of the Trill delegation. Turning to the Otexes, she inquired, "Now that both the Trill and your children are in favor of the pair remaining joined, and now that the life of the symbiont is likely to be endangered by a removal, would you care to amend your response?"

Karisa and Saben looked at each other and after a moment's silent conversation, also nodded. "We will," Saben announced for them both, as Karisa clearly too emotional to speak. "We never wished harm to the symbiont and we would not want anyone's death on our hands. Our son choose to save a life and we will honor that choice and not insist they be separated."

"If that is their stance, I withdraw my petition for a change of guardianship," Govan announced.

"With the petition withdrawn, this matter is discontinued and dismissed," the magistrate announced before fixing the teenager with a sympathetic look. "Be well, Govan Harli."

Isira sat in the garden of the family home on a small stone bench, Govan by her side while Andrus chose to lean against a nearby tree. Isira had Govan's hands in her own.

"Contact us if you need anything. I know Mother and Father are still having some trouble adjusting to all of this," she told him earnestly.

"We're already scheduled to see a counselor, Counselor," Govan assured her. "And a Trill doctor who arrived just to monitor me. We've also set up a testing schedule so we can try to determine the long term effects of the joining on both of us, so I'll be pretty well looked after, regardless. Besides, if our parents get to be too much, I can always run away to Trill, now that I have dual citizenship," he joked.

"All kidding aside," Andrus broke in. "What are you going to do now?"

"I thought I'd finish my degree here, first. Then probably go to Trill for a short while. I may apply to the Trill Science Ministry, but the Commission is going to want to have a Guardian look over me in a year's time anyway. Long term, though, I was thinking about applying to Starfleet. It was something I was considering anyway, to try and join the exploratory fleet. I always wanted to explore and well, it's been a long time since I did that."

"Well, if you need a recommendation..." Andrus mock-grumbled as he straightened up and walked over to embrace his brother.

"I know who to call," Govan assured him before giving Isira a hug as well. "You two keep in touch, please."

"When have we ever not done so? Nothing will change now," Isira assured him. "You might have a lot more experience than us both now, but you're still our little brother. Harli could be a thousand years old, and it wouldn't change a thing."

"I know. I'll be in touch at some point in the future too for you to join me for a ritual called the zhian'tara. I won't go into the details now, but I'll want you both to be there whenever I get around to doing that." Govan gave them a hapless smile. "The Guardian told me before she left that it's required for joined pairs."

"Something to look forward to," Isira told him, even though Andrus looked doubtful.

"Either way, we'll speak soon," Govan acknowledged. He gave them each another quick hug then shooed them down the path. "Safe journeys."

When they were safely out the range of his hearing, Andrus asked, Do you really think he's going to be okay with the memories of 500 years inside of him?

I do, Isira replied. I'm more concerned with our parents than I am with Govan. So I'm going to make a request to Personnel that I might need to be transferred at some point to a posting that will enable me to have family members with me.

You will? Why not me?

Isira grinned up at her big brother. Because if anyone is going to be able to deal with someone with 500 years worth of memories, it's a trained counselor.

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