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Part 5 of Star Beagle Adventures

Star Beagle Adventures Episode 5: All Good People

Chapter 13: SBA Episode 5: All Good People - Scene 13: Dr. Arthur Rush


I've seen all good people turn their heads each day...
So satisfied I'm on my way...

Chapter Text

The Star Beagle Adventures                                                
Episode 5: All Good People
Scene 13: Dr. Arthur Rush


Dr. Arthur Rush


A holographic image of Dr. Arthur Rush stood looking out to sea. Nothing heroic. Just a normal, middle-aged man - maybe a little older than middle age. Graying hair with a bit of a bald spot. A bit on the pudgy side. Tweed jacket over a brown pullover. Hands in the pockets of neatly ironed gray slacks. Kind brown eyes. The image moved slightly - a seamless 5-minute loop that made it look like a living man was standing there. It was just an image - a very lifelike image - but you could put your hand through it. There was no substance.


There was no service, no eulogy, no gathering. Various crew walked along the beach. Different individuals would stand next to the hologram and speak to him for a little while. Or just stand and look out to sea with the hologram. It was a chance for people to say farewell.


“You were a man of peace. I never understood how honorable that title is. When I was young I would have thought it an insult. But it is the most honorable life a man can live. I envy you that.” - General Krank.


“I will tell your sons about your accomplishments, Arthur. I never imagined I would outlive you. Or that I would lose you this way.” - United Federation of Planets Diplomatic Corps Expeditionary Director Serafina Novikova.


“Your premature loss will affect us all. I regret that your katra could not be preserved to be returned to your family. We are reduced.” - Vulcan Science Academy Premiere Emeritus T’Eln.


“I’m so glad I got to share a meal with you and listen to you go on about chess. And your family. And your accomplishments... the things you had seen… the things you loved… the peace treaties you helped negotiate. Probably no one appreciates what an interesting and important man you were.” - Trader Pel.


“You’re going to stand here and look out on that ocean for about 200 years before the holo-generator shuts down. Eventually, it will be lost to time. After we leave this place, I hope some strange alien will come to this place and wonder what you are. Why you are standing here looking out to sea. And I hope they will stand here next to you for a moment, and look out to sea with you.” - Commodore Yui Song.


“I just... It just doesn’t seem real. I keep expecting you to start talking about some exciting new idea. We all knew the risk when we signed up. Entire ships are lost on assignments like this. Expeditions like ours almost never come back without losing someone. None of us ever think it’s going to be me… I never thought it was going to be you. I talked you into this adventure. I really hope you’re not, I don’t know, in some other dimension regretting that you came. I’ll tell Allison. I know you split up long ago, but she deserves to know… I’m going to miss you.” - Dean Sakura Nakamura Holland.


“I’m sorry. I wish I had known you. I wish I could have saved you. I tried. I really, really tried. I’m really sorry.” - Lance Corporal Petra Spitze.


"I heard your dying thoughts. I will never tell anyone. I promise." Dr. Tentis Uto.


“So long, buddy.” - Captain Ronald Howard XIV.

