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Part 1 of Universes in Collision

Preparing for a Little Trip

Chapter 3: Epilogue: A New Adventure Begins


The Trans-Universal Taskforce begins its mission.


Our next story in the series will focus on the Gallena and its crew as the meeting between the two universes draws nigh

Chapter Text

Coronado System—Joint Task Force (USS Valley Forge, USS Spoiled Princess, USS Aeolia, RRW D’ressa, IKS Klothos)

“All ships report ready, Commodore.” The Valley Forge communications officer, a Caitan female, reported.


“Ready when you are, Sir.” Talana responded.


“Just give the word, Commodore.” Lieutenant Commander Jeff Maxwell responded.


“Ready when you are, Sir.” Stavik, the Tellarite chief engineer, declared from his station.

“Ready, Ash?”  Soren whispered to the raven-haired woman standing beside him wearing a Starfleet gold miniskirt with Lieutenant Commander’s braid on her sleeve and her hair done up in a beehive.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” The former Alliance marine responded as she forced down the butterflies in her stomach.

Taking a deep breath, the Commodore issued his orders. “Activate the portal generators.  It’s time for us to see what’s on the other side.”


IKS Klothos

“Portal has opened, Captain, and the order has been given to enter.”

“Ambassador?”  Captain Korath turned his head to the distinguished Klingon diplomat standing next to his chair.

“It is your ship, Captain.” Ambassador Worf responded in a deep, baritone voice, “The glory is yours.”

“Engage.” The human-augment Klingon captain ordered, “Warp Two.”


USS Belladonna

“We’re on the move, Captain.”  Eliza Flores announced to her commanding officer.

“Very good, dragam.”  Zsa-Zsa responded with a smirk, “A new universe awaits us.  Let’s see what sort of trouble we can get into, dahlings.  Warp Factor Two…Now.”


USS Bellerophon

“Put us in formation with the rest of the fleet and engage warp on my order Ms. Harmon.” Captain Rodenko ordered, his baritone Russian accented voice resounding throughout the bridge.

“Aye, Sir.” The platinum-blonde lieutenant acknowledged, her fingers nimbly executing the captain’s command.

“Guess we’re on our way to another universe, Ang.” Lieutenant Conti, sitting in the chair next to Angie quipped.

“Guess so.” Angie replied with a smirk. Lowering her voice, she muttered to herself, “Here we go again. Time for another great adventure, Dad. I wish you could be here with me.”


  RRW D’ressa

“The portal is open, Commander, and the order given to proceed.”

“Very well.” Commander Kaval inclined his head as he spoke to his executive officer, “Signal that we are underway.  Warp factor two.  It is time to bring our long lost sister home.”


USS Aeolia

“Take us in Mr. Shalev.” Captain Hobson ordered on receipt of the command to proceed.  “Warp Two.”


USS Spoiled Princess

“I wish Ash were here.” Shelana grumbled from her position at the helm of the ship.

“I do too.” Nelia, sitting at the command chair, responded with a sigh, “Even though she’s assigned to the Valley Forge now, she’s still part of our family.”

“I have a feeling we’ll still be seeing a lot of her.” Twesata quipped, “After all, she’s still got most of her stuff in her room.”

“We just got the order to go in.” Joachim announced from the tactical station.


“We’re ready, Nel.” The Betazoid science officer replied.  “Rana’s in sickbay and Candy’s at her station.”

“All-righty then.” Nelia grinned, “Atris…bring us in…Warp Two.  Let’s have some fun.”

Series this work belongs to: