Wrangling Guidelines > Characters

Who are considered Canon Characters?

  1. Anyone from on-screen canon and their AU or MU counterparts. The AU versions don't have anything appended behind their names, but the MU versions should have (Mirror) behind their names. The exception to this is the Kelvin timeline: If you're transferring a canon character (say Saavik) to the AOS timeline, you would add (AOS) behind her name to differentiate her from the original.
  2. Anyone from officially published books or comics and their AU or MU counterparts. Same rules as above.
  3. Anyone from a fan-created fandom that has more than ten stories.
  4. Original characters with more than fifteen stories to their names within an official canon, and all their AU or MU counterparts.
  5. Canon characters from other franchises for crossovers.

What about TOS and SNW? Why aren't they being differentiated (yet)?

Until such time as Strange New Worlds is established as an alternate timeline to The Original Series or until Ad Astra consensus is overwhelmingly in favor of that concept, we're going to treat it like it's the same timeline for both.

What about AOS?

It's very firmly a different timeline, so all characters from there need (AOS) behind their names to differentiate. If they're from a mirror universe that is based on that timeline, then they would have (AOS Mirror) behind their names.

What about original characters who don't have 15 stories yet?

We wrangle them to the fandom, but just don't canonize them until they meet the required number of stories.

How about characters in freeform tags? Like-- Ace Spock, or Bisexual Jim Kirk?

We don't do that here. Character tags stay in character tags and need to be the archive's canonical version. Freeform tags stay in the freeform tags and should be universal. So, instead of the above examples, you would tag Spock for character and Asexuality in freeform. Or James T. Kirk in character and Bisexuality in freeform.